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Vegan Professional Athletes

There was a thread a while back about veganism, and someone (I think it was Davedrum?) posted a link to a website on vegan athletes. I can't find that thread now ... maybe, I'm just bad at the search feature.  :-[

I was wondering if anyone had any links to interviews with vegan athletes or websites - cyclists are especially welcome!

My S/O is a cyclist, and is a member of a bike club and they all do races, etc. So, all of them, are biking anywhere between 50 and 70 miles per day, and hitting the gym. I was speaking with a few of them on diet, and they were all SO stuck on the whole "I need meat" mentality. I told them there were high ranking vegan athletes out there ... and they asked for proof!

So, I wanted to send them some websites on it ... does anyone know of any good ones?

Thanks in advance. I appreciate it.  :)


LOL... I hit respond to post the same site.


LOL... I hit respond to post the same site.

It's quite a list :)


more info...?

Adam Myerson is a pro cyclist.  Vegan.

Dave Scott was a vegetarian.  6x Ironman World Champion.


Thank you! That's exactly what I needed.  :)


I was thinking that, instead of emailing them these links, I'd print them out and hand them out to the group WITH high protein, vegan muffins. A little bribe ... er treat never hurts. ;)

Normally, I'm not so pushy with veganism as a diet. But, since they asked ... I'll give it 110%. Maybe I'll convince a few of them.


Brendan Braizer is an accomplished triathlete and Scott Jurek is THE best ultramarathoner right now. Another good website fo rthis topic is It's not just for bodybuilders, but all fitness minded people.


There was a thread a while back about veganism, and someone (I think it was Davedrum?) posted a link to a website on vegan athletes. I can't find that thread now ... maybe, I'm just bad at the search feature.  :-[

I was wondering if anyone had any links to interviews with vegan athletes or websites - cyclists are especially welcome!

My S/O is a cyclist, and is a member of a bike club and they all do races, etc. So, all of them, are biking anywhere between 50 and 70 miles per day, and hitting the gym. I was speaking with a few of them on diet, and they were all SO stuck on the whole "I need meat" mentality. I told them there were high ranking vegan athletes out there ... and they asked for proof!

So, I wanted to send them some websites on it ... does anyone know of any good ones?

Thanks in advance. I appreciate it.  :)

Here's a copy and paste from an old post of mine (the one I believe you were referring to):

I don't think one needs protein from meat to be a successful athlete. I'm only bringing it up because there may be some new veggie/vegans reading this might think they need meat to train hard. I'd find it hard to argue with Carl Lewis when it comes to the nutrition it takes to be a world class athlete.

Here are a few athletes that might argue with the need to get protein from anything other then a vegan diet:

Carl Lewis: 9 time Olympic gold medal winner.
Quote from Carl: "Ive found that a person does not need protein from meat to be a successful athlete. In fact, my best year of track competition was the first year I ate a vegan diet."

Bill Pearl: Body Builder, 4 time Mr. Universe, Winner of Mr. America, Mr. USA.
Quote from Bill: "It should be noted that in the beef we eat today there are over 258 different types of chemicals that are fed to the animals before it hits the market. Of those chemicals, 48 are known to be carcinogenic."

Ruth E. Heidrich PH.D. Winner of 900 trophies, 6 Ironman triathlons, 67 marathons, named "One of the Ten Fittest Women in America"
Quote from Ruth: "Vegetables and grains are complete proteins, which means they contain all the amino acids necessary to build muscle from scratch or to add on bigger stronger muscles."


Yes, that's the thread - thank you.

I'm going to print all this information out, and give it to them with some muffins this weekend. Oh, the fun.


Let us know how they react!

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