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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.


shea you are a complete and utter machine!  And that is an awesome picture!!

I wanted to say that!  So I will.  That picture is great!  And you are all sorts of machine.

oww - I'm sorry things are hard for you.  Exercise won't make them better, but maybe you'll have to work so hard at the exercises that you'll get a break from feeling sad.

vh - You're becoming a machine, too!  I think I don't think I ever work hard enough to sweat that much.  You rock!  (And you have fabulous breasts.)

I took a 10.3 mile hilke today.  I thought there was a great meadow to look at, but there wasn't.  It was just trees.  I'm a bit sad, but I went with someone who used to work at my office and I don't see much anymore, so that was nice.  (And her 14-year-old son, who is a cross-country runner and a mountain biker.  He had a race yesterday, his legs were a bit sore, and he still out-hiked us.)


bahaha thanks! but don't underestimate yourself, i don't think i could ever hike 10 miles!


yeah, i wear a regular bra and a sports bra. even then, my boobs bounce much too much. haha


oww it's great to see you back! I wanted to message you, but I knew you'd come back when you could. Don't feel bad about where you're at. Fitness takes time. And, there are all different kinds of "in shape". Good luck with this round! I wish I could do P90X as much as you do!

haha, as in 'round is a shape'?  ; )
I'm going ok so far, feeling good and sore all over, legs and back tomorrow so Thursday/Friday I will be trying to climb the stairs at work as infrequently as possible!

oww - I'm sorry things are hard for you.  Exercise won't make them better, but maybe you'll have to work so hard at the exercises that you'll get a break from feeling sad.

vh - You're becoming a machine, too!  I think I don't think I ever work hard enough to sweat that much.  You rock!  (And you have fabulous breasts.)

I took a 10.3 mile hilke today.  I thought there was a great meadow to look at, but there wasn't.  It was just trees.  I'm a bit sad, but I went with someone who used to work at my office and I don't see much anymore, so that was nice.  (And her 14-year-old son, who is a cross-country runner and a mountain biker.  He had a race yesterday, his legs were a bit sore, and he still out-hiked us.)

thanks, hh.  I am trying not to be all mopey and banging on about being sad!  I am definitely enjoying being focussed on a workout routine again.

Gutted your hike wasn't as pretty as you hoped, still sounds like fun though!

And yes, vh is super gorgeous with amazing boobs. 
And a running champion! : )

vh, you run in underwire? That’s kind of nuts. But I guess I don’t have any boobs, so I don’t have to worry about my girls moving when I’m running. Nice work though. Sweat=success.

I only own like, three bras and I'm pleased to not have enough boobage to worry about needing special gear for exercising!


you girls that don't have to wear 4 million bras are sooo lucky


vh, I can't even imagine running with that pair....and what a nice pair it is!

I slacked off last week  :-[  but I'm hitting it hard again. 


hahah thanks! and don't worry, i slack off like every other week. i'm still kicking. haha


only kenpo to go and my first week back into the swing of things is done.  Feeling good .
I'm hoping to get out for a quick jog on Saturday and Sunday as well as chest and back/ab ripper and plyometrics...


Feeling good .

I take it back!  Had to run up and down the stairs a few times this afternoon and my legs are definitely objecting! 

A good kind of sore though, for sure.


Hello you amazing worky-outy people! You are all machines. And vh, you have perfect boobs.

I am really bad at posting but I have upped my exercising so figure I'll poke my head in.

I've joined a gym and got some sessions with a personal trainer in order to get my base level of fitness and strength up really high to support my dancing at the level I want to be at. So far it is freaking awesome. This is vaguely what my week looked like:

Friday: Swam 1km (30 lengths)

Saturday: Danced 3 hours. Was also doing tech for a show so spent an hour or so rigging lights which counts as upper body!

Sunday: Was supposed to dance but canceled coz partner went to rugby game and I had to study

Monday: Taught 2 hours dance classes

Tuesday: PT session - Interval training on treadmill (2.5km), Interval training on rowing machine (1km), 30 V sit ups with medicine ball, a zillion reps on some machine that works obliques, squats with medicine ball. Then 3 hours dancing at night.

Wednesday: 2 hours dancing (1 class then own practice)

Thursday: 2.5km on treadmill (intervals), 1km on rower (at freakin' speed), more V sit ups, silly obliques machine, then 8 lengths of the pool. Then I sat in the spa pool and died for a while.

Probably won't get much in tomorrow/weekend because I am on a course weds-sun and it is exhausting and time consuming. But I am in love with my gym, especially the pool! I am really looking forward to going heaps. And heaps.


I have been hard at it, even though I haven't been posting. I have been rotating between Chest + abs | bis + back + abs | lower body + abs, with 1 day off for a few weeks. My shoulder is still weak, but doesn't hurt at all.

I took yesterday off, but the day before I did awesome cadio routine called M-100s. I had been slacking on cardio so I wanted to do something tough. I dare you to try it!! I did it 1.6 times, so "M160s"; I was shooting for 2 full times thru but surpised I got as far as I did. BUT, I thought you were supposed to do each set of 3 x 10 x 10 (not 3 x 10 x 3.5), so I actually did it more than doubled, 1.6 times through. The last couple sets each squat thrust was taking 20 seconds. Damn.

M=manditory, so don't stop and make sure you finish! It doesn't look that tough in the vid but wow, this kicked my butt, let me know about you if you try!


theo, you are a machine! keep it up!


Shea ~

It only takes a few minutes. It is not a whole "program," just one quick routine that maxes your cardio out in a few minutes, instead of 40 minutes on the tread mill. The title of the vid is sort of stupid and misleading. No pushups, just squat thrusts, squatted jumps and mountain climbers. You are supposed to do these 3 exercises 10 reps each, cylcing of 3.31 times, thus making 100 reps *total*. BUT I heard them wrong and I did 3 x 10 x 10 cycles, for 100 reps of each. So more like "M300s" I guess. But, not only this, I went back through it and tried to do it 2 x, but only made is 2/3 the way through the second one. Today i am SORE!

"Chaffed my thighs really bad" Careful, don't give ideas! ;) You don't even know how freudian slipped up I read that the first time....

~ Chaff


Sorry for my questions, but one M-100 would look like:

Squat thrust-10
Squat jump- 10
Mountain climber-10

Squat thrust-10
Squat jump- 10
Mountain climber-10

Squat thrust-10
Squat jump- 10
Mountain climber-10

Squat thrust-10

I love questions!

And yep, you got it.

You did 160 reps of each exercise? Crazy man!

Yes, I am an idiot. I did it several days in a row a few months ago the "right" way and it was still killer. This time I misunderstood them in the video and I was thinking the whole time through the routine, "There is NO WAY these guys did this many in that 7 minute youtube vid!!!" But I kept doing them and finished + .6 of another. I SOOOO hope you can't do that many, Miss I. M. Young.

On the last sets I seriously did them SLOW, one squat thrust would take 20 seconds, I could barely stand up and jump 1 inch. I did them outside in the sun and was drenched in sweat. The whole thing took 35 mins, but I inserted 2 10-minute sets of urban rebounder routine, also outside, to "recover," which added another 20 minuts. But if you did it their way (just the way you have above) it should take 5-10 minutes, and REALLY still get you breathing hard.

Sorry about that. I didn’t know how to say it nicely. I think squatting with weight all the time is increasing the size of my thighs, which makes them rub. But man am I tender. Last night with the boy didn’t help either. ;)

Ah, now I see, you really only wanted to rub in the fact that you have a squat rack and I don't!   >:(


theo...which gym did you join?

I have been slack at posting, even though I promised I would....but I've just been plodding along with pump classes, fight do classes and the odd general work out thrown in somewhere.

N has just signed up for a biggest loser-type thing at work and so he is very keen to start working out I'm sure that'll encourage me too.


Habit in the Majestic centre on Willis St. It's awesome. Where do you go?


I go to Exodus on Tory.  I'm tied in until July next year, and may review it then as I may find it not as convenient when we move. (did you  know we'd bought a house in Miramar?)

Yesterday I had planned on having a lie in as I had slept really badly all last week with the worry of new job.....but N forgot to unset the alarm, so I was up and about early and decided to go to fight do class - so yay for weekend exercise for me (I tend not to do much exercise if any at the weekend)

Oh and Friday after work it was so nice and sunny I went for a lovely walk along the kinda counts as exercise even though it was only a gentle half hour walk.....mostly done to clear my head.


That's so exciting! Eeeeeeehhhhhhh! Go you and house buying!!!!!

I didn't get exercise except for walking/running places on Fri and Sat.

But today I swam 700m and did a wee bit of dancing and had some decent walks in the rain. Ultra tired after the block course, looking forward to real exercise again.


As a non-swimmer, I'm not sure how far 700 m is.  Is that standard?  (because it seems like a lot)


Yosemite National Park started a permit system for hiking Half Dome.  I understand why they did it, but for the whole summer I could only get a permit for October 6 and it's supposed to be raining / snowing that day.  If it's raining, you can't go up the cables.  (Well, technically you can, but you have to be epically dense to do so because you'll likely slip to your death).  What makes it worse is that only half the people with permits showed up each day, so there were hundreds of open spots during the non-rainy days.  That also means that starting Tuesday I'm back in the gym without any great "end of season" hike.  I'm frustrated and sad and I can't find my mp3 for the boring gym.  What a complete let-down.  hmpf.



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