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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

thanks! but i dont think we were going her fastest pace. but definitely faster than i normally go. it's amazing what you can do when you're determined


Was it sunny enough for a run, oww?

haha, I only wanted it to be not stormy!  I have been running at 5:30/6am so it is pitch black, but I didn't get rained on till this weekend, when I got pretty much soaked on Saturday and just a bit wet on Sunday.
This week I've been feeling pretty shit/tired so I haven't made it out yet, I'm thinking I might do p90x legs tomorrow though...

Your hike sounds awesome, and so pretty!

vh, you are speeeeeeeeeedy!  I am definitely much much slower than that!  What a machine! : )


Storm - five days to recover from your video workout?

Yes, because I had a spinal fusion a year and a half ago and I didn't want to take any chances by starting back too soon.  I am completely paranoid about my spine so whenever I strain it at all, I take an easy week to make sure it has healed.  I'm sure it's overkill, but I only have one spine and it already has metal implants in it.  I really don't want anymore.


lol.  You don't like walking, shea, because you're a running machine.  You're wired for speed.  I'm with you about road walking not being fun, if you were on roads.  I do it because there are decent grades by where I live that I can get ready for a real hike, but they're boring and I listen to audiobooks.  (I'm still not brave enough to try the stairmaster.  Maybe if no one was in the gym to witness my lasting for only a matter of seconds I'd try it.)

oww -  If it's more than a sprinkle, I'm covered head to toe in gortex.  That you run in the rain is so hardcore.

Storm - I just wasn't sure if I read it right.  I remember your posts about your back pain, so I don't think it's paranoid at all.  I hurt tendons in my feet playing soccer in '99.  I couldn't walk much for a year, could hobble for a couple after that, and now that I can walk at my slow speed I am sooo protective of my feet.  It's about recognizing special considerations and being smart about it. 


When I put an audio disc in my computer, it automatically prompts me to download it as an mp3 file.  I have Roxio, but it's wonky and won't convert discs.

Maybe this fall/winter, when I'm back in the gym for more cardio, I'll try the stairgutbuster.  It's intimidating.

My shins are good.  I had been wearing fashionable thin-soled shoes, but I changed to athletic shoes for the extra cushion in the sole and my shins have been fine.  I clearly wasn't meant to be cool.


oww -  If it's more than a sprinkle, I'm covered head to toe in gortex.  That you run in the rain is so hardcore.

I don't even really know what gortex is....

but my running 'equipment' consists of an old pair of shorts that are too big for me and bug the hell out of me when I run, a singlet and the same pair of sneakers I've been wearing for everything requiring 'sturdy footwear' for the last 13 ish years...

looks like the forecast is good for at least tomorrow, so I'm aiming to do a run and a p90x workout but will probably just do the p90x if it's raining, as I've got heaps to get done this weekend so I'm going to be pushed for time anyway...


yeah, but you run actual races and long distances and all kinds of flash stuff.

I just run around sheep and horses! 
That's also my p90x/gym gear, except without the shoes for p90x : )

Good plyo workout this morning : )


I love burnt orange, but apparently no one else does, because I usually find that gortex color on deep discount.  I more have it for work / backpacking, but it gets called into service when the need arises.


Ha, I found my old Buns of Steel buried in a DVD stack.  I think I might just pop that in for some extra fun after Tae Bo.  :)


Buns of Steel  =  blast from the past


I went hiking today and it was so. hard.  It was only 6.5 miles (10.5 km) roundtrip with a 2000 foot (610 m) elevation gain, but at the beginning of mile 3, I told my hiking partner I'd meet her at the top.  It took me 2-1/2 hours to hike up the 3.25 mile (5.25 km) trail.  It took me slightly more time to hike 6.5 miles (10.5 km) up 2,400 feet (730 m) last weekend -- and that was double the distance.  I was even at a higher elevation last week.  Oy.  Next weekend I shouldn't be hiking too much (fingers crossed); hopefully it's just that my legs need a rest.

vh - I thought of you.  I sweated between my legs so it looked like I pee'd my pants.

eta:  I didn't bring any gortex, it rained, and I got soaked.


I feel like such a fatty lard arse at the moment.  Work has been stupid busy and I have been taking a lot of work home with me (and on holiday), so I haven't been to the gym properly in ages - maybe once or twice a week if I'm lucky

My bum is feeling all big and my tummy is all floppy and gross.  I really want to get back into the gym/any exercise properly, so this is me promising myself that I will do more, even if it means not doing work at home.  I will post in here to keep track of all the exercise I do, even if it's small scale.


You brought work home with you in England, too.  Is it that hospitals around the world chronically understaff themselves?  Boo.  If you start by going to the gym once a week / not doing work at home and work your way up to a balance, it may be less stressful.


blech, no exercise for me today :(  I had planned on walking to work, but had the horrible dreads last nights (y'know that feeling at the end of time off where you can't sleep because your dreading work?) and slept so so badly and ended up oversleeping.  Poop.  And I have a big work day tomorrow to prep for so working tonight too.

HH - generally if you wok for government funded hospitals, in my experience, there will always be underfunded / understaffed.  I have managed for over a year to only bring minimal amount of work's just this huge project I am leading at the moment that means I'm taking a lot of work home a lot of the time.  The implementation date for this project is September, and after this week most of the prep will be done, so hopefully more free time.

AND I stupidly forgot about the gym class I want to go to on Thursday and booked a vets appointment instead, which I don't really want to change.  Not a good start to the week.


Oh, I see.  I thought it was a permanent workload -- which seemed like a quick route to burnout.  I hope you manage to avoid heading projects for a long time after this so you can rock yourself and not work.

I guess I should take this to the pets thread, but whyareyougoingtothevet howisgarydoing?


hrumph.  The problem is, I already have about 3 other (much smaller) projects that I am behind on, because of this one massive one.  Growl.

Gary update here:


Even though I slacked on the trail, my hiking partner wants to go out with me again.  I've worked with her for a decade, but I didn't really know her.  It turns out we both like Thich Nhat Hahn (a Buddhist monk) and both want a Suburu Forester as our next car (different colors).  She wants to do Mt. San Jacinto (10,834 ft) and I'm worried I'll suck at it.  Ironically, I might do Mt. San Gorgonio (11,503 feet) by myself first to make sure I can make it up a smaller peak, but I can't this weekend because I have other plans.


I feel like such a fatty lard arse at the moment. 
My bum is feeling all big and my tummy is all floppy and gross.

this is so not true!!

You are so busy at the moment, cut yourself some slack! 
I hope your workload eases up a bit when your big project is done, even if you do have other ones to look after... : /

hh, you're a hiking MACHINE!

I ended up not getting home from the in-laws till 2am on Saturday night/Sunday morning, so I didn't make it out of bed till nearly 7 and went for a run, but no time for a weights workout as well.
this week hasn't been very good for me either, it's been really cold and I've been feeling super exhausted for no real particular reason.  meh.
I think tomorrow I am going to do a chest and back workout, or I feel too tired, just a kenpo...


More Tae Bo and Perfect Abs. 


I got it from Amazon, here's the link if you want to read the description.  I'm just starting so I cannot report on it's effectiveness...yet!


It kind of looks excessive huh...  Honestly, does it?

I don't know.  You're pretty active in general.  I'd say it's excessive if it's in response to gaining half a pound, but not excessive if it's to relieve boredom.

eta:  Either way it's pretty impressive.  I want to be you when I grow up.



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