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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

Squee!  Emus are cute.

vh - You're kicking some major arse! 
oww - I didn't know you had a bad cold, but I'm happy you're feeling better.

I've been doing more 15% incline treadmill walking at the gym and like it a lot.  I don't think I'm getting the same intensity of workout, but I don't get motion sick like I did on the elliptical, so I'm fine with it.


cycling twice a day + walks!


I don't get motion sick like I did on the elliptical, so I'm fine with it.

this is always I good thing, for a workout to not make you feel sick!!  Happy you've found something that you enjoy : )

cycling twice a day + walks!

nice!!  When is your big scary bike ride? 

It's a really nice day here today, and I think the forecast for the weekend is more of the same = makes me happy for going for runs.  I might even take my camera and see if I spot the emu again! : )  haha


shea- thats awesome!!! i wish i could go that long!

this is what i get from working out. yes, it is my vagina. i didn't pee myself, it's sweat!!


also, i'm weighing myself tomorrow. im scared


I like the idea of this thread! (Now I'll feel more guilty if I skip something :)). 

I'm going absolutely crazy from not being able to run - peroneal & posterior tibial tendonitis + shin splints that I'm scared to death might be turning into a stress fracture because the pain has started to localize o.O AND THAT IS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.
I've been off running for 3 weeks, I've broken down several times and went for short runs, but everything flared up afterwards... I don't know what to do, ugh.

An hour of swimming laps, an hour of random strength stuff, and walking for an hour and a half (on the Elliptical studying). 

I weighed myself today, and almost wet my pants.  I thought your metabolism didn't slow down until your late 20s  >:(


vh - That's awesome.  If I wore tight enough clothes to see, I wonder what my vagina would look like?

RDYTO - Welcome!  I'm a shin-splinter myself, so I don't run.  I got new shoes that helped and I walk a 15% incline on the treadmill instead of running.  I'd like to try the stairmaster, but I'd probably only last 30 seconds.


lmfao! ive been running forever but yesterday was the first time that happened to me.


This week I went harder and longer than my more fit friend who's starting to date a new guy (in my mind, that's inspiration to work hard at the gym) - so I'm getting my pre-accident mojo back.  Hu'rah!


hh, you go! woo!

shea, wow! first off, im jealous of your stamina. second, running alongside cows would make my life 10 times better, i think. and third, did you step in any cow poop?!


shea - Cows = cute / Mean dogs = scary

Do you carry pepper spray?




I decided my end of summer goal was to hike Half Dome (it's a rock in Yosemite National Park in central California).  I just went online to look at the route and now you have to have a pass to hike it and they're all already reserved.  I guess my new goal will be San Jacinto Peak (it's in SoCal).  I'm in a major pout.

NO: Half Dome (elevation gain ~5,000 feet in 7 miles)

HOPEFULLY:  Mt. San Jacinto (but meh; elevation gain ~2,300 feet in 5.5 miles after the first 6,000 feet by tram)


hh, either one would be awesome, i bet. sometimes i wish florida had mountains to hike, it looks like fun!


I would have done Half Dome on my own.  I grew up just outside of Yosemite and have hiked it before.  Since Mt. SJ is closer, I would have recruited people to go with me, but I just learned it requires a permit, too.  I need a goal, dagnabbit!



haha.  not at all.

I really don't like kenpo either, but I do it with weights and speed through any down time so it ends up a half decent workout.

plyometrics, on the other hand, I love : )

Can you go out for a run early in the morning before it gets so hot?  In summer here I like to go out around 5:30/6am because I can't be bothered dealing with the heat and humidity in the evening.


oh, no way I could get up at 5 on a regular basis if I didn't get to bed till after 11! 
Was hard enough this morning to get up for legs and back after going to bed at 10 haha.  Then again, I am old and nana-like.

you're all finished with studying now?  What kind of work are you doing? 


I would like some of all ya alls fitness, please.

shea - I didn't realize the job was temp.  I hope you find a larger town nearby versus moving way far away.


Saturday was gorgeous.  Sunday was supposed to be even nicer, so I saved my hike until then.  It was a short six-miler (9.6 km), but the first was 3 miles (4.8 km) was about a 7.2% grade, so at least there was a decent, but not too steep, amount of uphill.  Instead, it turned stormy, cold, and windy, so I stayed home and listened to an audio book while I organized papers.


And…back to the fitness. It’s been a week since anyone has updated. What have you all been up to?
Monday I did the elliptical over my lunch break, ran four 200m sprints down on the high school track, and lifted upper. I did the sprints really fast, but they really killed me and it took me 3-5 minutes to recover in between each of them. Tuesday, I did the elliptical over lunch break, and went out for an easy 30 minute run.

You make me hurt and I haven't even worked out today.

I've been so freaking lazy lately with my new semester starting. I've only worked out once in the past week and yet, I've lost 6 pounds probably from walking around campus so much. I'm going to work out tomorrow! I swear it!
Also, anyone have any idea how to get rid of runner's knee?


And…back to the fitness. It’s been a week since anyone has updated. What have you all been up to?

I'm just rocking along with my usual p90x routine.  Though I have been struggling to get up at 5 this week.  Week 3 starts tomorrow morning and I really enjoy the chest and back workout, so hopefully that'll help motivate me out of bed.

Maybe I need to move to small town Wisconsin if that means there is an elliptical to use at lunchtime!!



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