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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

sweet!  I'd just never heard of a mini-marathon before!  A lot of people I know have run the half marathon here, and I want to do it one day... I just don't know when!
The half/full marathon is the only opportunity to step on the harbour bridge here, so it's pretty appealing just for that haha


do it do it do it!!!


Okay, so I went on a week long rock climbing trip to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky, and I was so nervous because it was going to be a week without running, and I just don't do that! I took running shoes and clothes, but I need not have worried, because we hiked about 4 miles a day, in addition to all the rock climbing. I really made progress with my climbing, including "flashing"  5.10a and 5.10b routes on lead (meaning I didn't have to sit on the rope or have the belayer take). That means I should be projecting much higher grade of routes (into 5.11s), but it's all in my head and I get scared. I think the physicality of it is there, but I still get so scared if I'm not 100% sure about clipping in the rope on lead. This is why I weiner out and top rope.

Oh well, I'm really pleased about the progress, and I can't wait to climb outside again!


VR - I didn't understand a word you just said (far to many technical terms for me!!), but it sounds like you're doing amazingly well with your rock climbing - well done.

MDV - yeah so you were a bit out of shape, but hell girl well done you for even giving it a go with such a young baby in the house....I know so many people that just wouldn't bother yet.

So, I've still been slack at the gym...I really need to get a f***ing grip if I want to do the 10k run in a month's time.  I only went to the gym twice last week and walked to or from work 5 times.  This week I have been to the gym twice so far, and walked to or from work 3 times.  I'm not happy as my aim is at least 5 walks per week, but I had to drive in today as I have my sewing class tonight and I'll have to drive tomorrow as I'm on call (there's logic there, honest!).
However, at the gym yesterday I really pushed myself and did a full 20mins running non-stop, which is great for me.  In total with my warm up / cool down I did about ?three and a half km.
Doesn't sound like much but it's good for a nonrunner like me.


ran 3 miles today. woooo


that totally mocks my 3.5km!!  Wow, well done VH.


thank you, thank you. and it definitely doesn't mock anything you;ve done! you're lapping everyone sitting on the couch. that's what keeps me motivated to do it. i may not be the fastest or run the longest, but i'm a hell of a lot better off than the ones sitting on the couch eating potato chips.


So, I've still been slack at the gym...I really need to get a f***ing grip if I want to do the 10k run in a month's time. 

When is the run? We can go for some little runs when you're up here!  You can meet my friendly local sheeeeepies! : )

i may not be the fastest or run the longest, but i'm a hell of a lot better off than the ones sitting on the couch eating potato chips.

vh, you're amazing.

That is all.


After a week off from running because of climbing, I was so happy to be back running on Monday. I was jazzed to go, and I ran a pretty good pace and ended up running 10 miles. I thought I had plenty of energy, so I went and rock climbed for a couple of hours Monday night. I am still so sore, on Thursday! I ran 8 miles on Tuesday and 7.5 yesterday, and I'm taking today off because I'm exhausted! Blahhhh!


i may not be the fastest or run the longest, but i'm a hell of a lot better off than the ones sitting on the couch eating potato chips.

vh, you're amazing.

That is all.

<3 thanks!

today i ran 3 miles again. woohooooo tomorrow i might do like a dance workout instead of running, just to change it up a bit.


I am in awe of both of your running distances.

10 miles is nuts!

how long does it take you to run 3miles, vh?

I woke up super early today for no apparent reason, so decided to head to the gym before work.  I was so proud of myself, and kept showing off about it all day!


im not really sure. probably like 30-35 minutes in total because it takes me like 6 or 7 minutes to walk to the trail and then i run and then i walk back, so, yeah like 30-35 minutes.

and damn girl! you go!!! i've never had that kind of motivation.


that's impressive, VH.  You officially have my admiration (not that you didn't before, but y'know)


aww :D

except i didn;t work out at all yesterday...i used my birthday as an excuse. and today i feel like a lard. and i won't have time to work out today either because i'm going to my cousin's baseball game and then to a bbq after. :/ maybe tomorrow.


birthday is definitely a good excuse! : ) 

I went for a pretty good run yesterday, but the best thing about it was seeing an emu!

: )


that's pretty cool, oww....but would be even cooler if that first pic is a photo you actually took on your run!!


cool, oww!!!


this morning i ran my usual 3 miles, then went to the gym with my sister where i walked for 10 minutes, did some abs, legs and arms. and then just now i did jillian michael's 30 day shred


that's pretty cool, oww....but would be even cooler if that first pic is a photo you actually took on your run!!

: /  But I don't take a camera with me, so I couldn't!!
If it ever stops raining today, I'm hoping to go for a little run when I get home from work, but it'll be dark so I won't see any fun animals : ( 

vh, that's totally badarse!! 


haha thanks! i like running in the rain, too. when we had to run for my dance team, we'd be running in the middle of miami summer at 12 noon and we'd pray for rain. ugh the rain felt sooooo good!



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