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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

I haven't progressed with running at all.  I aim to start training in proper for the June run either next week or the week after.

when is the run?  10km right?  Good luck to you and N with your training! : )
And walking home from work sounds so nice, I just don't think I could do a half marathon to and from work every day!!

oww is right again - I may not be able to see the results when I do exercise, but I can definitely see them when I don't.

haha, I sound like a fortune cookie.

You had some pretty serious stuff to recover from, so don't feel bad about putting on weight/losing fitness!  It's awesome that you're getting into being active again, your lake walks sound really nice! 
Is your foot fully recovered from it's car-door-slamming incident?

I really want to be able to get out for some more runs, but it's already not light till nearly 7am and dark by 6:30pm and it's not even Winter yet...  I might just have to suck it up and head out in the dark and hope for the best!


Last Saturday I had my longest run since last fall, 9 miles. It felt pretty good, although it's frustrating to me to have lost so much over the winter. Baby steps to getting back into shape!


Been riding our bikes quite a bit since I got my new one, Feltie.  :)>>>


yay for riding bikes!!!

i ran today but my effing foot is hurting now! wtf!!!!


Well, I just started Bikram yoga. Holy shit I thought I would die the first day. I don't think I'm going to keep doing it considering I already work out 6 days a week but it was fun to try.
But I'm proud of myself. I can usually only do 20 lb weights for my arms but I was able to move up to 30 lb weights and did 5 sets of 10 on my upper arms.
And of course 1 hour of cardio. 30 minutes stair stepper with a resistance of 5 and 30 minutes running. I really need to get back to running my one mile a day. I use to be able to do 6 minutes and now it's 9 minutes and 16 seconds! That's what I get for slacking off.
I'm terrified of doing other weight training because I don't want to end up being muscley=/ Any advice?


Happy to hear running is getting better, vr.  Yeah, it sucks to lose momentum, but it's awesome to move.

I used to love riding bikes.  We used to ride them around in Yosemite Valley each summer.  Twas fun.  If I lived somewhere flat I'd rock a bike.  How was your hot, long bike ride, ac?

vh - Is your foot feeling better?

bb - 30 minutes on the stair stepper?!?  holy.crap.

oww - Have you been doing any low-light runs?  Have you thought about re-activating your gym membership?

I went for another walk around the lake, without the dog this time.  My shin splint feels better because I wore ugly gym shoes all week to help advance its healing.  Walking is so freaking enjoyable that I'll be a teensy bit sad to start back at the gym next week.  But the gym rocks, too.


My motivation is not good at the moment.

I'm kind of wanting to stay in the house to spend time with Gary, and also just generally feeling lazy.

But walking to work is great.  I only leave the house 20mins earlier than if I get the bis or drive.

I am also going to have to give up my pump class for the next 8 weeks because I've signed up for a sewing class that is at the same time as pump.


If you weren't at home, Gary wouldn't have the satisfaction of pointedly ignoring you - she appreciates that you're there with her.  Walking to work up and down your hills totally counts!  Plus, fitting it in and only using 20 extra minutes rocks hard.


Laugh with me (it's better than crying) - I just strained my ankle.  It feels mild, luckily.  But, REALLY?!?

I read that workout shoes should only be worn for about 500 miles and if someone is prone to shin splints and is having repeated problems, it could be an indication that new shoes are needed.  I'm well over 500 miles for mine and over-pronate, so I got these Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11 shoes.  Since they're all black, my plan is to wear them to work and other places I wouldn't ordinarily wear sneakers in order to keep my shin un-splinted and ready for summer adventures.


oww - Have you been doing any low-light runs?  Have you thought about re-activating your gym membership?

It's just frustrating to have to wait till nearly 7 before starting on the weekend, and not possible during the week because I leave for work at 7 and get home around 6/6:30.  I've got a few days left in my last p90x week, then I'm just going to go out and see how scary it is in the dark! : )
Not keen on re-activating the gym membership while there are ways I can work out well for free.

Nice new shoes!!  Hope they help your poor shins, I've never had shin splints but they sound unpleasant!

And I'm not laughing but nearly crying - OH NO YOUR ANKLE!!  Look after yourself, hope it doesn't get any worse!!!


i've been running for the past few days. i wanna 5 times a week every week this summer.


oww - Is there another cardio-type DVD with which you could exercise?

vh - Have you thought about signing up for an end of summer 5K or 10K run?  That would be a fun way to goal train.

Those shoes are great for preventing shin splints. I love Brooks.  One of my friends on the track team has these, and I really like them, because they never look dirty. I hope they work for you!

You make me happy.  That someone who knows their stuff likes them gives me a lot of confidence.  (I ordered them from Zappos on Monday and they arrived today!)


i actually wanna do a mini marathon, but that's not til february. but that's one of my major goals


Even 5K runs sound like fun.  Plus you get a t-shirt 'n stuff.

I took a short three mile walk in my new shoes today.  I didn't want to go too far in case I had to break them in, but they were great.  I picked a route with more elevation change to make up for the brevity.


wow, three miles is great, hh.

I have had to switch up my gym routine to fit in my sewing class.

So this week I have walked either to / from work 4 times (only about 2.5miles) and will walk to and frmo work tomorrow (if it's not too stormy), plus 2 gym workouts....which have included running - 15 to 20 mins each run - yay!

Pump class on Saturday too, plus another 4 or 5km walk, hopefully.


yes my foot is feeling much better, thanks hh!

and yeah 3 miles is effing awesome.

damn shell. you're a beast


vh - Good news!

Shell - Your 2.5 mile walk on those hills is equivalent to at least 2.5-squared in real-people miles.


ha, not when it's downhill though!


oww - Is there another cardio-type DVD with which you could exercise?

There are a couple of cardio-based workouts in p90x, but the point is more that I miss running/want to be able to run more.  So I think I'm just going to stop being a baby and go out in the dark! : )

i actually wanna do a mini marathon, but that's not til february. but that's one of my major goals

what's a mini marathon, vh?  Like a half, or something different?

Awesome work on the walking, hh - are your shoes feeling good?

Shell, how long to go till your run?  Has N been running at the gym with you?

my week's been kind of a fail, as I came down with a bad cold on Monday and have been either coughing my lungs up, blowing my nose constantly, or generally struggling to breathe since then!  I'm starting to feel better for the first time today, and my plan at the moment is to do either stretch or yoga from p90x in the morning, because I think it'd make me feel much better, and then go out for a run.   : )


yeah i guess like half, idk i might have made up that term. hahaha!

my workout- 15 minute run followed by an hour walk with my friend



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