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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

What's the tough part of yoga, oww?  I know there are a bunch of different kinds, some more six-pack inducing than others.

the p90x yoga workout is 90 minutes long, and the first 45 are I think called 'moving' poses or something?  I don't know, but it gets very hot and sweaty and is still tough after doing it at least once a week for four months.  The second half is some balance poses, a heap of stretching ones, and then the badarse 'yoga belly' segment which is an ab-achingly good time : )

I have been off for a few days, did legs/back on Tuesday, then Wednesday was the wedding, Thursday I was shattered after only getting 4.5 hours sleep after a really intense day, and today I don't feel that much better, so I'll kick in with core synergystics and yoga over the weekend : )

Welcome back, SaraMonster!!

Wow Shell, I'm super extra impressed with you running home!!  Your place is surrounded by nothing but hills, you must be getting super badarse!!!  How many kms is that?  : )


Hey, SaraMonster - good to see you again!

l&d - My concern with zumba is I don't think I'm coordinated enough.  Is it something really clumsy people can do?

jess - Did you exercise?

shell - You're getting all sorts of hardcore.  Last year you would have never run home from work and this year you take the ostrich route.

oww - I think I've done some of the yoga you're doing (balancing and stretching), but not the ab-alicious type.  I'm intrigued.


thanks for the props guys, but I'm nowhere near as hardcore as I sound.

So I ran home on Mon & Tues (most of the way) last week had a rest day on Weds, pump class on Thurs (which is like lifting weights to music - light weights with lots of reps, I love it), and nothing yesterday.  Today I walked all round town and through the botanic gardens and through town again.  I was gonna go to the gym, but I think I've done enough.
I was really pleased with the walk because it was with Niall's patents and this time even a year ago his mum wouldn't have been able to manage anywhere near that much, and today she was fine and didn't even limp much at all.  Her knee & hip replacements have made so so much difference to her.

It's the run tomorrow.....and my knees have started hurting again like they did last time I tried running.  I really though my new trainers were better, but apparently not.  Stupid knees, so sore.


Happy running tomorrow, shell!

thanks double H.  That must have been a special kind of torture, typing in purple!


yes, it was

But, if you can go from being sore after running a km to running home and running in an event, I can type in purple.


How'd the run go, shell?


shell was a RUNNING MACHINE but I will leave it to her to update with her official result!
: )

I am having a total meltdown with my workouts at the moment.  Between the wedding last week and the massive traumatic family dramas that have followed, and being severely emotionally wiped out and physically wrecked from not sleeping... I've only gotten a couple of workouts in and don't imagine this week's going to be any easier esp. as we are away in Australia for four days at the end of the week...  BLAH anyway I really hope to settle back into a proper/normal routine by next week and start kicking some butt again!


Boo about family drama.  Muscles sometimes like a bit of a rest, so maybe consider this time they can do some major repair from all your ass-kicking.  Go to Oz, enjoy being with mr. oww away from drama, and kick some major butt when you return. 


hh just saw your.. inquiry.. um... no... WILL start though... just had to many majors happening.. but it is no excuse.

shell needs to share i want to hear how she did!!


shell was a RUNNING MACHINE but I will leave it to her to update with her official result!
: )

I am having a total meltdown with my workouts at the moment.  Between the wedding last week and the massive traumatic family dramas that have followed, and being severely emotionally wiped out and physically wrecked from not sleeping... I've only gotten a couple of workouts in and don't imagine this week's going to be any easier esp. as we are away in Australia for four days at the end of the week...  BLAH anyway I really hope to settle back into a proper/normal routine by next week and start kicking some butt again!

i hope you feel better! sometimes when i push myself to work out, it picks me up emotionally. but, there are those days that chocolate is what picks up my emotions. lol


so my official time was 47mins 7secs, which I was so so so so so pleased with.  I was really wanting less than 50mins, but realistically aiming for less than 1 hour.
It was a boiling hot day and there was little shade throughout the run, so it was tough.  I ended up taking water halfway round at the water station but because of the bottle neck of people wanting water it slowed to a walk, and then it took me a while to get back to running.  In total I maybe walked 5-7 mins.  In retrospect I probably could have managed without the water and then I may have been able to run the whole way.
Whatever, I'm really pleased with myself.


I saw your result on the round the bays website but I didn't want to link it because that would put your whole real name up.
That's a good time!! yaaaaaah Shell!

Boo about family drama.  Muscles sometimes like a bit of a rest, so maybe consider this time they can do some major repair from all your ass-kicking.  Go to Oz, enjoy being with mr. oww away from drama, and kick some major butt when you return. 

yeah, this is meant to be my 'recovery' week anyway, so it's all yoga and core work and stretching and stuff.  Whatever, it's not going well and I still feel like crap but I know I'll be ready to launch back into the full on workouts next week : )


I saw your result on the round the bays website but I didn't want to link it because that would put your whole real name up.

so not stalking me too much then, oww ; )


haha you already know I'm a bit of a stalker! 
Inquiring minds were wanting to know, that's all! : )


but but I told you were the second person I texted to say how well I had done!

Nah I love that you were that interested in me, it makes me feel special.


Sweet!  That's well under your goal time, too.

It looks like the person is being licked with a really huge long tongue.


yo, exercise thread, how you doing?  : )

hh, how are you going with your re-introduction to the gym?  Is your neck pain still hanging around or do you feel pretty well healed now?

shell, I'm guessing you've probably been too busy with N's whanau to do much gymming, but I'll ask how it's going anyway!  How's it going? ; )

Jess, how's that elliptical treating you? 

I am finally back into my 'regular' routine, which is 6-7 days of p90x a week.  I have crazy sore arms at the mo from a particularly brutal back and bicep workout yesterday, and my legs are sure going to be sore tomorrow, all of which is awesome.
I really really want to go for a run, but life has been so busy and I have felt so stressed/worn out that I haven't had an extra half hour to put into it for weeks now.  It also doesn't help that it is getting light so much later in the mornings these days, so 5:30am runs before p90x on the weekend are out of the question.  Urgh, I think I will make a solid aim to go for at least one run each weekend and just find a way to fit it in!! : )


Good to hear you got back into your routine.

I haven't been back to the gym.  It's been snowing and foggy/raining (rain washes cobble and boulders into the road so it's better to drive when it's still light outside to better see through the fog).  It's supposed to clear up tomorrow.  I have my gym gear in my car waiting for an opportunity.


wow that's some crazy weather!  Winter should be nearly over now, right?
Good thinking on the 'ready for action' car packing! : )



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