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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

so my first day back at the gym yesterday in over a month  :-[

My foot held up and isn't sore today, so I guess that it's pretty much healed.
I did 16 mins on the cross trainer, my usual legs at the usual weights and my usual ab stuff.  I was pretty sore today, but nice sore.
We are trying a different gym in the time we go.  Niall really didn't ever get into going straight from work, because it was always super busy and there was never any parking.  So now we have planned Mondays and Wednesdays to be our gym nights (to go together).  We will come home from work, eat pretty much as soon as we get in, and then head to the gym around 7pm.  I think it should be good.  Yesterday we did this and there was plenty of parking and the gym was quieter.
So the aim is gym together on Monday and Wednesday nights plus on one of Niall's days off.  And I'll probably try to go once more on top of that.

No gym today, but I did do about 2 hours hard gardening.


yah for getting back to the gym and your foot surviving, Shell! : )

And yah for working out a time that fits better for you both to get there on a regular basis.  I couldn't do that, going home and eating and then going back out to exercise! 

Our stupid gym still doesn't have proper opening hours so they're not open early enough for me to go in the morning now that I'm back at work and I am hating having to after work.  Such a pain in the arse. 
I guess as a bonus, I've been able to go for a run in the morning when I would be going to the gym/p90x-ing, so I am getting in an extra workout each day... but still, evening gym bites.  I can't wait to get back into p90x again : )


no it's not ideal for me either.  I would much rather go straight from work, but need to get N into going to the gym.

I think that now I have my own car I'm gonna try to get to the gym for spin class one morning before work too...just need to decide on the day I want to do it.


Good news about your foot, shell.  I'm with you about going with fewer people.

oww - Did you take time off from work or did your work close for a couple of weeks.  PM for you sucks.  I know how  much you like morning.

I tried the elliptical for the first time yesterday since the accident.  It hurt my neck like a mutha.  The good news is I've been putting the treadmill on high incline and walking slow on it - and using new muscles.  I like it.


hope it works out well for both of you then! 
Are you driving to work now that you have a car?  What time do they have classes in the morning?

oww - Did you take time off from work or did your work close for a couple of weeks.  PM for you sucks.  I know how  much you like morning.

yeah, everything shuts down over Christmas/new year and you pretty much have to take your leave days then.  It wasn't too bad because we were off for 17 days but that only used up 7 days of annual leave because of weekends and the stat days, but still, I'd rather take my holidays when I want them!
Lots of people don't go back to work till next week.

Not good that the elliptical was hurting your neck, I'm worried about you!!
Hill walking/running/whatever is definitely good for you and uses completely different muscles to going on the flat, so that's good, but be careful with your neck!! : /


I am keeping my resolution to myself and have gone for my  2 1/2 hour hike two sundays in a row now :) Gearing up for the backpacking trips in the mountains this summer. i am nice and sore from the steep hill we did last sunday, but it feels so good. (definantly not ready for p90x yet.... but i am getting there slowly)


oww - Places generally only close in the US for federal holidays or only Christmas and Easter.  It'd kind of be cool to get a compulsory two weeks off, unless I had to use most of my vacation time for it.

Jess - Goals are awesome and a backpacking trip is quadruple awesome.  It'll be a great payoff for the time you're putting in now.  I love me some backpacking.  Where are you thinking of going?

@ Me - I'm good, oww.  :)  I'm not even wearing a neck brace, but I'm trying to keep myself from prolonging the healing.


I really want to do the pacific crest trail... (not the whole thing... well someday of course  ::) ) but my friend knows all kinds of great trails in wa state. i am super excited. she has so much planned for us. I am getting myself into some sorta shape i feel.


that's awesome Jess!  Exercising and actually getting to see some gorgeous scenery and experience things outdoors!

oww - Places generally only close in the US for federal holidays or only Christmas and Easter.  It'd kind of be cool to get a compulsory two weeks off, unless I had to use most of my vacation time for it.

it's still odd for me too, this is only my second year of having a Christmas break, before that I always worked up till Christmas Eve and back again on Boxing day and would often work on new years eve/day etc.  It was good to get the time to get a bit of stuff done at home but yeah, I think I'd still rather use my leave at a time of my choosing...  then again... I do hate my job so not being here for seventeen glorious days was pretty... glorious! haha

Pleased you're starting to heal, keep taking it easy!  Maybe some more lemonvodkamedicine will help?  ; )


hope it works out well for both of you then! 
Are you driving to work now that you have a car?  What time do they have classes in the morning?

no still going with Niall in the morning and getting the bus home......but my point was that if I wanted to go to the gym before work i'd have to drive, because the bus wouldn't get me there in time for spin classes, which is why I've never been to a morning spin before.


It is very gorgeous scenery I have been taking pictures :) I am buying an eliptical from my friend this week for $75!! :D it is going to make my excercising life so much easier, i won't have to worry about what to do with my short one.


Sweet!  I keep eying equipment, but I won't use it without an audience, so I have to go to the gym.  What kind of elliptical?  The kind with the part that exercises your arms, too?


Sweet!  I keep eying equipment, but I won't use it without an audience, so I have to go to the gym. 

haha.  I far far far prefer the no-audience version of exercise for sure.

I am buying an eliptical from my friend this week for $75!!

holy hell that sounds cheap, I'm sure I've seen those things advertised for hundreds and hundreds of dollars!  Good score!!

Did you pick a spin class yet, Shell?  How's the later evening workout going?

We had to take a break from they gym yesterday because we were taking  my nana to the tennis and had to get ready straight after work but I still went for a jog in the morning.
Tonight we're doing p90x yoga which will probably hurt like hell because we haven't done it in a few weeks.


I have no idea what kind it is yet, just excited to get one, been wanting one for a loooooong time. I will find out when it is delivered this weekend I hope. It is cheap b/c it was free i am sure... a little disturbed about having to pay for it since i GAVE my friend that i am getting it from p90x for free.... oh well. And i really prefer the no one there type of work outs.

That is awesome that you are taking your nana to the tennis match, she is going to have the time of her life. :)


so your mate got it for free and is now charging you for it?  That's a bit cheeky!  Hope it's just what you wanted though! : )

That is awesome that you are taking your nana to the tennis match, she is going to have the time of her life. :)

it was super awesome, we completely tired her out just having to cross the road from the 'VIP' parking to the stadium and making our way to our seats , so much so that she had to cancel going grocery shopping with my mum today to stay home and rest.... but she had a great time and will be talking about it for aaaagesss


rocking on along with nothing much interesting to report here.
Friday I did yoga after work .  Saturday I went for a 5km run and also did my 'push' workout at the gym, yesterday I only had time for a run as I spent most of the day at my parents' place for my mum's birthday.  This week they're finally back to regular hours so I went this morning and did my 'pull' workout before work.

: )


You're very consistent, oww.

My off-and-on gym partner is on and she's adding variety to my weights routine.  She was a nationally ranked speed skater, so she added a lot of leg exercises she used to do, which I wasn't doing.  I hope she stays into coming with me.  I like the peer pressure.


Hello! I have had a new year vw hiatus haha. Sounds like you all have been better at getting back into it than me :) But here is my report!

I started off the new year with a 3 day sea kayaking trip down the coast of one of NZ's national parks, the Abel Tasman.
The labeling isn't clear but over the three days we went from the bay opposite the tiny island that says Tonga (not actual Tonga, Tonga Island for anyone geographically confused by this) down to Marahau. But we explored every bay and inlet and island on the way, and on thelast day we even went half the way back again to catch a river we could only get to at high tide. It was totally totally amazing and wicked and great exercise and I loved it! Will post some pics in the Kitchen Sink soon :)

Since then I haven't been very good about getting back into exercise, with fluffy beginning of year stuff.
But I did start roller derby training and HOLY HECK it's hardcore. First training was 3 hours of endurance drills and learning to fall and get up again within 3 seconds to avoid penalties (and being run over by the other 50 people going top speed around you). I achieved 25 laps of the track in 5 mins, which is one of the final endurance tests so I'm happy starting there. Amusingly though, they did then get us to do crunches (about 30) then pushups (20) then *gasp shock horror* like 10 bicycle crunches. And I cackled gleefuly in my mind and thanked Tony Horton profusely, because seriously... after chest &back and ab ripper x, it was criminally easy. So that's 3 hours a week on Saturdays, and I may also do endurance training on Tuesdays, we shall see.

And I'm back into P90X! Have restarted since I had a break and to sync in with a few other dancers here who want to do it because it's nearly exactly 90 days til a big dance camp so it's like a goal :) Fun!


yay, theo...sounds like you had an amazing time over new year.....jealous!!

And also, sounds like you're getting back into excercise absolutely fine and hardcore!

I only went to the gym twice last week with a long walk on another day, due to appointments in the evenings and hangover at the weekend!  What a marvellous excuse!
But back at the gym last night, and later on today.

AND I entered a 7km round the bays run!! This is a big thing for me, as you all know that I'm crap at running.  That's on 20th Feb, so I have just over a month to get in shape for that!  Excited!


My off-and-on gym partner is on and she's adding variety to my weights routine.  She was a nationally ranked speed skater, so she added a lot of leg exercises she used to do, which I wasn't doing.  I hope she stays into coming with me.  I like the peer pressure.

Leg exercises are the best!  I love legs day
Pleased you've got your motivating partner back!

Since then I haven't been very good about getting back into exercise, with fluffy beginning of year stuff.

I was mostly absent from the internet in general over the break from work too : )   I was just thinking about you and your kayaking trip yesterday when I was sitting in traffic on the way home from work , sounds like it went really well and I can't wait to see some pics!
Also: super intense roller derby training and resuming p90x does NOT count as not being very good at getting back into exercise! You crazy person! : )

Have you got your bands for p90x now?  And somewhere to rig them up for a 'pullup' motion?  Hope it's all still going well!  I start round two on Friday morning and I can't wait.

AND I entered a 7km round the bays run!! This is a big thing for me, as you all know that I'm crap at running.  That's on 20th Feb, so I have just over a month to get in shape for that!  Excited!

awesome!  I didn't know they did round the bays in Wellington!  Did you end up carrying on with couch to 5km after your foot recovered?  I still think it's one of the best ways I've seen to get up to being comfortable running/jogging a reasonable distance. 

On a related note, with my running I'm really stuck on the 5km distance and think I need something to push me to try and go further/faster, so I'm contemplating looking out for a 10km race sometime this year.  Not that I'd be in any way competitive at that distance but training for something should encourage me to try and go further each time I run.  Also, I'd kind of like to do a half marathon sometime before I'm 30 so this would be a good step in the right direction...



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