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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

oww - Are you going to show us a before and after picture?


nope!  I'll let you know how much better I did in the fitness test though! : )


Sundays and Tuesdays- Derby Practice

Speed Skating class on Mondays

Cardio (usually Zumba) on Wednesday and Friday

Yoga or Pilates Thursdays (and Saturdays if I can be arsed to do it.... so not usually)

I also use my mom's elliptical while watching TV shows on my laptop. It tricks me into working out more often.


sheeellllll how is your fooot doing? : )

first day of week eleven this morning, back where it all began to Chest and Back.  I am so stoked with how many more push ups I can do now, and am looking forward to keeping getting better/stronger as I move on and start again : )


Welcome, MeritaViola!  How do you like speed skating?  I've never tried it, but the person I sometimes go to the gym (like today) with was nationally ranked (third or fourth or something) and talks about it like it was crack.


it has been nearly a week and a half since I did any proper exercise.  My foot is still sore!  I thought it was getting better and nearly there so I could go back to the gym (ie only aching a bit at the end of the day), but I played a few games of lawn bowls yesterday at our work Christmas do and today my foot/ankle is aching so much!

It's not actively sore as such, just feels more like old woman joint ache!  Well, that makes sense to me anyway.  Crap.  I think I may have to take another week of the gym.  Poop.


aww boo that's no good!  Did you ever get it looked at or get it strapped up or something?  Hope it starts to feel heaps better soon!!

I pretty much exhausted myself out over the weekend, our p90x days got all out of whack last week so I had to make up for kenpo that should have been on thursday after work on Friday , went for a 5km run first thing on Saturday morning followed by plyometrics and a busy day, then gave myself big angry blisters walking around in shoes I don't normally wear for our work Christmas function on Saturday night so when I got up to go for my run at 6 on Sunday after only 5 and a big hours sleep I just really didn't feel like it, so I didn't go.  Pleased I didn't, because even without the extra exercise shoulders and arms nearly killed me, soooo exhausted! 
Still, not a bad weekend.  And I'm very happy it's yoga day today : )


Boo @ your foot, shell.

You're so freaking active, oww.  You're amazing.

I think I'll be going to work tomorrow (I'm getting the family shut-out regarding my gma, so I don't know what's happening).  If so, I'm leaving early and am going to go to the gym and cardio away my frustration.  I'll be there for a while.  I'll need to as I stress ate today:  four sourdough muffins.  One with nooch, one with daiya, one with EB & blueberry jam, and one with EB & agave.  It's all I had, but still -> dang!


sourdough muffins sound really good!

Cardio-ing out your frustration can feel fantastic, hope it goes/went well for you but I'm so sorry your family aren't involving you in what's going on with your grandma : (

We did legs and back this morning, even in the second to last resistance week of this programme that's still a killer of a workout, just makes you soooo tired and pleasantly sore.

Looking forward to kenpo for a bit of light relief in the morning  : )


so how's every/anybody going?

I am somewhat sad to say we have only one resistance workout left to go!!  Legs and back tonight then we're into the home stretch of kenpo/yoga/core! 
I can't believe I thought it was going to be tough to get through the 90 days, it's gone so fast!!


Sundays and Tuesdays- Derby Practice

Speed Skating class on Mondays

Cardio (usually Zumba) on Wednesday and Friday

Yoga or Pilates Thursdays (and Saturdays if I can be arsed to do it.... so not usually)

I also use my mom's elliptical while watching TV shows on my laptop. It tricks me into working out more often.

Hello and welcome! You do derby?! It's so cool to see someone else on here into it. Where do you skate?

Oww - GO YOU! It really does seem to have gone fast, you are my idol :D


new to the forums...definitely getting inspired by all the hard work everyone does.  I'm looking to get back into shape, I'm getting married in late May and want to lose a few. 

my workout preferences:

friday: 20 minutes of yoga
saturday: worked, gym closed early so no workout
sunday/today: to the gym for eliptical
monday/tomorrow: planning for a 45 minute spin class. 


just bumping this thread back up : )

We did core synergistics on Monday, and yoga yesterday.  Was probably one of our better yoga workouts but urgh, oh so sweaty!  It was 30+ degrees in our house yesterday afternoon, and pretty unpleasant.

Stretch after work tonight and core again early tomorrow morning, and that's p90x outta the way!

I'm hoping to be able to go for a short run on Christmas Eve/Day/Boxing day and then hopefully our gym will be open again on Monday!


So you're DONE?! How does that feel? And you're going back to the gym from now?


so my foot is still sore.  I may get one of the physios at work to have a look at it.

vedgeRD - I love spin class too!

oww - well done you!! What an achievement.  I know the programme has been a success for you because you've enjoyed it all, but would you say it's been great for your fitness/shape/any thing else?


So you're DONE?! How does that feel? And you're going back to the gym from now?

mr oww was a lazy bum and skipped both stretch last night and core this morning, but yup, I'm pretty much done.  I think we technically need one more yoga to fill out this week, and will see whether I have time for one tomorrow, but I wouldn't be surprised if I don't, and I'm ok with that.

Our gym stuffed up big time when we tried to put our memberships on hold, to the extent that I ended up cancelling mine altogether, but as a good will gesture for the fact that they kept taking my payments for weeks after they said it would be cancelled, they're giving me a month for free, so I'm going to go back for four weeks and see how much strength I've lost/gained from p90x, and then crank into round two in late January/early February.
Mr oww is going back to the gym properly, but he is keen to do another round of p90x some time next year.

oww - well done you!! What an achievement.  I know the programme has been a success for you because you've enjoyed it all, but would you say it's been great for your fitness/shape/any thing else?

your pooor foot!  Yes, definitely get someone to look at it, that's been going on way too long!  ouch! : /

We haven't done the post p90x fitness test yet, will do it either Christmas eve or boxing day, so I'm keen to see what gains I've made there.  Also to see how my 'usual' gym exercises feel, that'll help me know how much it's helped me I think.
And yeah, it's been super fun and a hell of a lot of hard work and a whole lot of awesome!


How's your foot, shell?

oww - Weren't you going to post pre and post stats?  They'd be interesting.

I was at the gym for the first time in about a month.  I can't lift because of my car accident pain and I'm waiting to bounce around on the elliptical, so today I walked slowly (~ a 20 minute mile / 1.6 km) for 30 minutes and had to hold onto the equipment to keep from being jarred too much, but it felt good to move.  I only had moderately shooting pain afterward, which is better than I expected.


oww - Weren't you going to post pre and post stats?  They'd be interesting.

yup, I will get round to that! : )

Good on you for getting moving again, sounds like you're having a pretty rough time after that crash!  Are you getting physio or something to help get mobility back etc?  : /

I've been pretty much absent from vegweb since we broke up from work before Christmas, but have been keeping active.
Every day since Christmas eve I've been for a 5km run in the morning.
Our gym is crap and has only been open three days a week for three hours in the morning and four in the afternoon for last week and this week.  So I went on Thursday last week and did my old 'push' workout, and on Friday and did my 'pull' and legs workouts back to back, and yesterday I did 'push' again, then ran home from the gym , then did ab ripper from p90x when I got home.

I've definitely been feeling sore from the gym workouts, but at the same time they feel easy, if that makes any sense.  It's just that these particular exercises and weights are 'new' to my body again after three months off, so I'm getting good muscle fatigue, but I'm really pleased I'm not going back to the gym for good, or we'd need to seriously change the workouts I do to stop me getting bored reaaally quickly.

Anyway, ramble over!


I have unbelievable respect for you getting up extra early to run.  Especially since you commute.

Yeah, my neck/back is still wonky.  On inspection days, if I drive, I'll only drive half way and then a co-worker will drive back to the office.  Just that amount of turning my head to change lanes still leaves me so that I'm dizzy and my speech is slow and slurred and I have a massive headache.  I've been told I act like I'm high.

Yesterday I lifted light weights (more for the routine than for the resistance) and today was really bad, dizzy/slurred speech-wise.  I walked slow again on the treadmill this afternoon, but at more of a slope.  It hurt, but I did it for a half hour.  Tomorrow I have physical therapy.  I should get better pain pills.


oh, you're totally giving me respect I don't deserve.
I haven't been to work since 23 December so have not had to worry about fitting in a run before the commute.  : )  Back to the horrible place on Monday though :' (

I ran from the gym again on Thursday and it was definitely better/easier than Wednesday.  I couldn't do it yesterday as I had to go out with my mum straight after the gym and didn't have the time for it, so I ran in the morning instead, but I think it's something I'll do on weekends while I'm still going to the gym because I think the hills are good for me! 

Your neck issues sound really frightening.  I hope the physio is able to help start fixing the problem, though pain meds do help make life more bearable!  Is it some kind of concussion that gives you speech issues?  I really hope it all starts to improve soon, thinking of you!!  : /



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