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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

yeah, to be fair we're using the money from cancelling my gym membership to pay off our weights etc.  But we also look at it as a future investment because I'm going to be doing solely p90x/home based fitness for at least the next year, and mr oww wants to do at least one p90x cycle a year but will go back to the gym once we're done with this one.  And we have ZERO hobbies/activities/anything else requiring leaving the house aside from grocery shopping and visiting family, so yeah, this is our one 'luxury' expense  : /


I got to elliptical today!!!  Oh, how I miss thee, elliptical machine.  I missed the last four minutes.  I can't eat after about 1p on elliptical days because I get too motion sick.  Today I ate lunch, a salad, at 3p.  I thought I could make it, but the bell peppers 'n celery 'n stuff jostled around in my stomach to the point that the last four minutes weren't advisable.  I guess 41 minutes is okay.

People make fun of girls chatting and stuff at the gym instead of working out.  For the guys, I think it's checking the sports scores on the TV.  We only have one and it's facing the elliptical / treadmill wall, so the weightlifters have to come over to our side for updates.


Theo,  where did you go sea swimming the other day? 

I went to the gym yesterday and did 18 mins on the cross trainer, abs and legs.
Didn't manage to go today as I had a lecture/education session thing to do.

So I'll go tomorrow night and hopefully on Saturday.

3 gym sessions in 1 week is ok I guess, but I need more!!!


Lyall Bay :)


ooooh, that's obv just round the corner from me.  I'm still too scared to swim in the sea - in the UK most of the beaceches/areas that were near me were way too dirty and not recommended to swim in.  Must get my head round the fact I can swim in the sea here.


I got to elliptical today!!!  Oh, how I miss thee, elliptical machine. 

yeah, kick arse hh!  You show that elliptical!!

I went to the gym yesterday and did 18 mins on the cross trainer, abs and legs.
Didn't manage to go today as I had a lecture/education session thing to do.

So I'll go tomorrow night and hopefully on Saturday.

3 gym sessions in 1 week is ok I guess, but I need more!!!

Three in a week is good!  Are you going to re-start couch to 5km?

And kiwi beaches are definitely good for swimming!


We started phase three/week nine of p90x this morning.  Back to the chest/back workout we haven't done since the first three weeks.  It felt really good, and I was doing way more/better push ups than I was at the beginning, but I found the pull ups all really tough today for some reason.
My husband was really struggling through this morning, kept having to have little breaks, but I think that's the after-effect of getting horrifically drunk on Saturday night and horrifically drunk again on Wednesday night ...  silly boy...

anyway, stoked for plyometrics tomorrow, I'm still pretty sure that's my favourite workout.  Unsure but leaning towards going for a run first, just hope it doesn't tire my legs out too much before the jumping!! : )


Even the names of things sound hardcore, oww.

I have to double up workouts tomorrow.  I lost my mp3 player today.  I got a replacement and they changed the design.  It's more substantial feeling now (metal instead of super cheap plastic), but it's also heavier and slightly larger.  Hmpf.  (I get a Phillips because they're around $50 for 4GB, so when I lose or wash it once a year it's not as traumatic to replace).  eta:  The sound is so very much richer on the updated model.  Awesome!


so I went to the gym on Thursday and did legs and cardio and abs - it was a short workout but really good.

I don't think I'll be going to the gym today after all, as i have a driving lesson in the middle of the day and our neighbours are coming round for dinner so I want to prep that.


Even the names of things sound hardcore, oww.

haha, some of the names are a bit silly!

Pleased the sound is good on your new music player  : )

so I went to the gym on Thursday and did legs and cardio and abs - it was a short workout but really good.

two muscle groups plus cardio doesn't sound like a short workout!!
What awesomeness did you make for the neighbours for dinner?

I ended up going for a run/jog on both Saturday and Sunday mornings, and plyo Saturday morning and shoulders/arms yesterday.  In all kinds of lovely pain now  : )


Even the names of things sound hardcore, oww.

haha, some of the names are a bit silly!

Pleased the sound is good on your new music player  : )

so I went to the gym on Thursday and did legs and cardio and abs - it was a short workout but really good.

two muscle groups plus cardio doesn't sound like a short workout!!
What awesomeness did you make for the neighbours for dinner?

I ended up going for a run/job on both Saturday and Sunday mornings, and plyo Saturday morning and shoulders/arms yesterday.  In all kinds of lovely pain now  : )


it was a short workout - just 45 mins.  That's short for me.

Neighbours didn't end up coming round - there was crossed wires somewhere (I blame N!).  So we had pizza night on Sat - first time for homemade pizzas in weeeeeeeks.  Then we had our planned Sat night dinner last night - pie!

I was gonna go to the gym tonight, but I ended up having to stay late at work - there's a huge hospital wide project I'm leading at the moment plus having all my usual day to day responsibilities and more ward cover than usual.  Crap.   But at least i got home earlier than I would have done and managed to get an hours worth of gardening in.....and we have tons of stuff finally looking nearly edible!!!!!!! Eeeeeee.

And I have been asked to join a touch rugby team - first game on Weds!  Excited.


45 minutes is pretty concise, especially including cardio.

boo for working late but yah for the garden, sounds like you've been making some real progress on it : )

is it a social touch competition?  have you played before?  It's pretty fun, hope you enjoy it! : )


Dang, you're busy, shell!  I did 45 minutes yesterday, too.  I was supposed to do an extra long workout, but I stopped by work first (I'm off this week) and The Talker caught me.  I'm super curious about how you like rugby.


oh no, not the talker!! : )

Legs yesterday went better than it has in ages, I even felt like I could have gone another10 or 20 seconds on the single leg wall squats, which I've never felt before.

Kenpo this morning was good too, though the husband was too asleep and didn't want to get up so I had to do it by myself. 

He's also moving to a new site for work next week and will probably go back to starting work at 7 rather than 7:30, which would mean we'd have to start our workouts closer to 4:45.... so I might have to do them in the morning by myself and he'll do them when he gets home from work which is a bit poo but we'll figure something out...


You guys are doing awesome workout-y stuff! I can't remember what I did last week, mainly study rather than exercise, so I'll start from the weekend.

Friday night: Social dancing from 8ish to 11.30ish
Sat: 4 lindy hop workshops, beginner through advanced. Social dancing 8.30 til 12.30
Sun: 4 Balboa workshops, beginner through advanced.
Mon: Helped my friend move, that's exercise right?
Tue: Nothing
Wed: 1 hour private lesson, 2.5 hours classes and social dancing.


Woo hoo Theo, that's tons of exercie - and moving stuff definitely counts.  It's hard work!

so Tuesday I went to the gym and did arms and abs and spin class.  Then walked halfway home.

Yesterday I didn't end up going to touch rugby as I had a last minute message off one of my old work colleagues from the UK to say she was in Wellington for 2 days and could we meet! More important than rugby.  but I did manage a short gym workout before meeting her - 10mins cardio, abs and legs.

But then whilst out I stepped off the pavement and managed to not realise there was a drain and twisted my foot.  It hurrrrrttttts!  And I have a massive bruise : (
So no exercise for me today ro tomorrow and I doubt there'll be any over the weekend.


How's your foot doing, shell?

I'm off this week and my gym is by work, so I haven't done much.  I took a two mile walk a few days ago. 

Today I walked 5 miles (8 km) in... wait for it... two hours.  No, I did not take a break.  What I failed to take into consideration when I started is that it sleet-snowed last night and the hilly route was covered in very slick ice.  I, of course, was wearing Converse (i.e., no traction).  I was going too slow for it to count as exercise, I'm afraid.


How's your foot doing, shell?

yes, this!  Sounds p a i n f u l  !!

hh, walking on icy slopes sounds frightening, I'd be going as slow as possible too!

We're just rocking along, did chest/shoulders/triceps on Friday after work , and a 5km run and plyometrics Saturday morning.  We had people coming over for lunch yesterday so I was up cooking/tidying/whatever from 6:30 rather than exercising, and then the afternoon was super busy too, so we've bumped back and biceps till tonight   Hoping it cools down a bit by the time I get home from work but not optimistic....


hh- 5 miles is 5 miles. you go girl!!


hh- 5 miles is 5 miles. you go girl!!

yup, that's true too! : )

We got through back and biceps pretty well, but man is that a tiring workout!  I have total jelly arms after we're finished, love it!
Yoga today and legs and back in the morning : )



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