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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

Sounds like a full on week, shell!  Did you end up with good weather on the weekend?  It was another beautiful scorching one up here, so I hope you got your walk into town : )

Nah the weather was shite on Saturday and I had a driving lesson in the rain instead.  It was nice weather on Sunday but I had lots on so just did the usual gym workout, but with a 30min cycle instead of the cross trainer for my cardio.

Sounds like the p90x is going really well for you.  I just know if I tried that I'd crap out of it because I wouldn't have enough willpower to exercise so much at home.  Like HH I need an audience even if no-one is actually taking any notice of me!

I haven't been to the gym once this week, but I have just come back from a ~41km hike (over 2 days).  It was gonna be more like 49km over 3 days, but N ended up with blisters and we had both had enough after 25km on Tues, so we had a lazy day on Weds instead of the extra 8km hike.


Nah the weather was shite on Saturday and I had a driving lesson in the rain instead.  It was nice weather on Sunday but I had lots on so just did the usual gym workout, but with a 30min cycle instead of the cross trainer for my cardio.

oh boo.  Hope it fines up sooon! 

Where did you go for your hike?  Sounds amazing!  Was the weather pretty nice there?

We did 'core synergistics' this morning, man that's a fun but tough workout!
We've had some lovely drizzly showers the last two days but I'm hoping tomorrow will be a clear day and if it is I'm going to go for an early morning run, then yoga once the husband gets up.


we went down to the Queen Charlotte Sounds in SI.  The weather was ok I guess, just clear blue skies temps of 25C, light to no breeze!!!  Maybe too hot for hiking hence having the lazy day on Weds instead of more hiking.


oh wow that place is unbelievably beautiful!  Hope you got some good pics!
Did you take N's car on the interislander?  Funnnnn! : )


we went as foot passengers on the Bluebridge and then had water taxis take us to the start of the track.  It was amaaaaaazing!!  It helped that the weather was fantastic too.
And because we camped for most of the time, it actually ended up being quite a cheap holiday!  Bonus.

The downside was at the hotel we stayed at when I tried to explain vegan and the chef suggested scallops without butter.  Idiot.


Lol. Awesome. As M would call them, vegan scallops!!!! (He made "vegan scrambled eggs" once by making them with olivani and soymilk... smartass).


sweet, so I finally made it out for a run this morning and it felt really good.  Then home for yoga, and I've washed/scrubbed the outside of our house today so I'm feeling pleasantly tired.  Good stuff.

Def. try for another run tomorrow morning, yah : )


Check out ac getting her run on.

oww - I've never scrubbed the outside of my house.  Is it because you live in a humid environment or was it just aesthetic?

theo - Any more enviable fun things?


shea - Thanks so much for that.  I knew there had to be something to do, but I couldn't find really solid advice.  I'm going to copy that over to a word document and save it on my computer.

I haven't been to the gym once this week

High five, fellow gym slacker.  I have had major hayfever and am fully congested and coughing a lot - oh, and I haven't slept much in days.  I'm caving; this weekend I'm loading myself up on meds so I can get moving again.


oww, you are hardcore!!!

HH - hey I may not have gone to the gym, but did you see my hiking ;)  However, I have now been back off holiday for 2 days and haven't been to the gym.  There's kind of an excuse - since my monthly bus pass has ceased to exist, I have to pay per journey and I am such a tightwad I don't want to spend the $7+ for the return trip to the gym on the bus.

Having said that I haven't done any walking or anything in the past 2 days.  I'm a lazy arse :)


oww - I've never scrubbed the outside of my house.  Is it because you live in a humid environment or was it just aesthetic?

our cladding is palliside weatherboards
so they don't need to be re-painted every few years but they do collect dust/grime/spiderwebs/whatever so the exterior just needs a good scrub a few times a year.

High five, fellow gym slacker.  I have had major hayfever and am fully congested and coughing a lot - oh, and I haven't slept much in days.  I'm caving; this weekend I'm loading myself up on meds so I can get moving again.

hope you're feeling much less hayfevery now, that blocked up feeling is pretty horrible! : /

There's kind of an excuse - since my monthly bus pass has ceased to exist, I have to pay per journey and I am such a tightwad I don't want to spend the $7+ for the return trip to the gym on the bus.

fair enough, I don't think I'd ever go to the gym if I had to make a special trip and pay that much and wait around for buses.  hrmm, well I guess I made special trips when I was going in the morning before work, but it's only a 5minute drive so  no biggie.  I do appreciate saving that 10 minutes now though, all I have to do is walk out of our bedroom into the lounge : )


made it out for another run/jog yesterday morning, but I'd had to go out on Saturday night and didn't get to sleep till around midnight so when I tried to get up and go at 6 my head felt awake enough, but my body said 'no!' so I didn't make it out till closer to 7:30.  Bleurgh, I will definitely be trying not to do that again, it was too hot!
I was amused though to pass a guy weaving his way up the footpath just after 7:30am, hoodie on with the hood up, sunglasses on, sipping from a can of bourbon and coke.... classsssy!

Also, I didn't really realise it at the time, but by yesterday afternoon my legs are definitely feeling the effect of being used for running for the first time in nearly two months! haha. 

I had to do kenpo by myself yesterday as my husband didn't make it home from the night before till after 4pm.  X Stretch this morning was good too, I love how relaxed and happy my muscles feel after a good stretching!  : )

haha, novel over!


theo - Any more enviable fun things?


2 hours roller derby drills
2 hours dance practise

1 hour squash
My first ocean swim of the summer!
1 hour skating practise
2 hours dance classes as demo monkey

and my legs hurts haha


I didn't do a third run last week, but that's ok. I need to get more consistent with stretching (and maybe icing) my ankles.
: ( I guess I just messed 'em up.
P, seal and I went on a long walk to the park yesterday. We ran up and down the slide stairs...


and my legs hurts haha

haha, love this feeling!! : )  Sounds like a super fun weekend!

P, seal and I went on a long walk to the park yesterday. We ran up and down the slide stairs...

I love playing on playgrounds, sounds like a fun family outing!  Your poor ankles though, that must suck...  : /

Core synergistics for us this morning, good stuff.  Next is yoga but my husband has building school tonight, and a bbq with his friends tomorrow night so we're going to have to do it on Thursday night and move our rest/stretch day to tomorrow.  I might see if I can go for a run before work tomorrow though, depends how I feel because I've been really sleepy so far this week due to getting rubbish sleep over the weekend/end of last week : /


and my legs hurts haha

haha, love this feeling!! : )  Sounds like a super fun weekend!

Yea it was awesome! Forgot to mention 2 hours of skating on Sat as well.

My legs were soooo sore yesterday. So instead of any mad exercise I went for a 20 minute walk and then did a stretching session, which helped.  A nice thai massage from a lovely man also helped :P


Yea it was awesome! Forgot to mention 2 hours of skating on Sat as well.

My legs were soooo sore yesterday. So instead of any mad exercise I went for a 20 minute walk and then did a stretching session, which helped.  A nice thai massage from a lovely man also helped :P

wait, so: he's veg-friendly/veg-curious, he speaks a foreign language, he can cook, he can dance, he's funny, and he gives massages?!  haha, you scored well!! : )


Yea it was awesome! Forgot to mention 2 hours of skating on Sat as well.

My legs were soooo sore yesterday. So instead of any mad exercise I went for a 20 minute walk and then did a stretching session, which helped.  A nice thai massage from a lovely man also helped :P

wait, so: he's veg-friendly/veg-curious, he speaks a foreign language, he can cook, he can dance, he's funny, and he gives massages?!  haha, you scored well!! : )

Did I mention he's also ultra smexy? And he's been singing sweet songs at me for the last 2 days?
I'm rather happy :)

*ahem* should stop derailing serious thread about serious FITNESS!!!!!!!


Did I mention he's also ultra smexy? And he's been singing sweet songs at me for the last 2 days?
I'm rather happy :)

*ahem* should stop derailing serious thread about serious FITNESS!!!!!!!

I think you probably have mentioned that..... haha, it's awesome that you're so happy!

Unfortunately I didn't get to do any SERIOUS EXERCISE this morning, had a bit of a late night and another busy day today so I didn't leap out of bed and go for a run at 5:30 : /
Still might try for one tomorrow morning though, mr oww will be staying out for the night so I don't have to worry about waking him up when I go.  And then yoga tomorrow night, and back into weights work on Friday, see you later, recover week! : )


Yes, very good!

M and I have um, "acquired" P90X. I was going to start today but I don't have any of the equipment :S
Also, becuase of P90X M is now flexing and yelling "EXTREME!!!!!!!!" at the end of very sentence. It went on for about 3 hours over dinner with friends last night.

It was EXTREME!!!!!!!!!


lalalala I don't want to know how you did that...

Definitely sort yourself out with everything you're going to need first, or you won't be able to give it a real shot.  If you're going for dumbells rather than resistance bands then I can recommend number one fitness, mr oww did a heap of looking around before we bought our weights and their prices were far and away the best.
I also recommend spinlock weights, unless you have a buttload of extra space in your place because then you can have a full range of weights while only taking up as much room as one set of dumbells.
This right here: is an amazing deal!

anyway, I'm excited you guys are going to give it a shot, any questions before/once you get started feel free to hit us up! : )


I wish I had money! Or that everything fun and fitness-y didn't cost money... :S Will see what I can do.



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