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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.


I always love Kenpo.  And Evan always skipped out on yoga (he HATED it).


oww, I haven't managed to get to the gym since getting my new routine and I haven't started couch to 5k either.

We went away for the weekend and cycled maybe 5-10km in total.  Not a huge amount but it was fuuuuunnnn!!

Yesterday I did bugger all exercise because I was super tired - it was really really windy on Saturday night and we were camping and it was so so so noisy, I couldn't sleep.

Today I had the day off work and I have done gardening and built a BBQ (which took 3hours!), but no real exercise.  I also have tomorrow off work but the plan is massive gardening, so probably no gym tomorrow either.  I am slack but the garden needs done and is more important at the moment.



I always love Kenpo.  And Evan always skipped out on yoga (he HATED it).

yeah, I don't like the 'pretend you're punching/kicking someone' part but like the workout.

I was worried before we started that he'd want to flake on the yoga but he actually really enjoys it.  He just had a cough/cold over the weekend so wasn't up to trying any exercise.
I loooove the stretch routine, feels sooooo good!
Core synergistics tomorrow morning, ready for some pain again! : )

Today I had the day off work and I have done gardening and built a BBQ (which took 3hours!), but no real exercise.  I also have tomorrow off work but the plan is massive gardening, so probably no gym tomorrow either.  I am slack but the garden needs done and is more important at the moment.

sounds like heaps of fun, I love getting stuff done around our section.
That's why I like to get up and get a workout in as early as possible, so we've still got the whole day to get stuff done, but now that we're working out together, I find I'm losing more of my weekend days because he stays in bed too long!


Sunday I wasn't well, but yesterday (Monday) I did 2 hours of dance class as assistant/demo partner :)

An hour of squash and hopefully some dancing tonight!


yep so no gm today but I did approx. 6 hours of gardening.  I think I'm gonna be sore tomorrow.


Gardening is good exercise!!!


Gardening is good exercise!!!

agreeeeed! : )

You feeling all better now? Being sick = no fun!


whew were my legs sore today!  And bizarrely the bottom outside bit of my left foot.  Wonder what happened there!!

So today I ended up leaving work late and got to the gym with only 35mins to workout before needing to get the bus - so I did the first day of C25K and then left the gym without showering and was paranoid about being stinky all the way home!


I helped move yesterday, so I'm sore and bruised.

I haven't really been doing that much-just walks and occasional jogs.


So today I ended up leaving work late and got to the gym with only 35mins to workout before needing to get the bus - so I did the first day of C25K and then left the gym without showering and was paranoid about being stinky all the way home!

oh, did you do it on a treadmill?  I hate hate hate treadmill running and could never figure out how to change the speed fast enough for doing couch to 5km intervals anyway.
Did you like it?

I helped move yesterday, so I'm sore and bruised.

: (

like this again?

; )

we're finishing off our 'recovery' week this week and keeeeen as to kick back into weights/hard workouts on Friday morning : )


More like that momma bruise had 78 billion bruise babies all over my body. : \


awwwww!  Were you moving bags full of angry squirrels?


awwwww!  Were you moving bags full of angry squirrels?

isn't it horrible? My MIL has problems. I just wanted to release them.


You have all had such fun exercises, except for the bag of squirrels bruising.  All I have to report is I increased my time on the elliptical because it got way to easy.  After reading what y'all have been doing, it seems a bit lackluster.


so I did the first proper run through of my new routine today:
starting off with 30 mins cardio - day 2 of C25K (yes, oww on the treadmill - it's rainy here, and I'm too scared by super hills near me to attempt running near my house!)
2 x 15 leg press (47.5kg)
2 x 15 on each leg glute machine thingy (25kg)
2 x 15 hip abducter (35kg)
3 x 30 crunches on gym ball
3 x 40 oblique crunch things
------ then in addition to my set routine
2 x 15 assisted chin up (lifting ~15kg)
2 x 15 pec press (21.5kg)


dance and zumba yesterday. yayayyyyy. hopefully running and dance today. i haven't ran in soooooooo long. ugh.

but my friends that go to zumba and dance with me started the "calorie club" bahaha. it's a fake club, but we just reference things to the calorie club. and make up rules. tis fun


All I have to report is I increased my time on the elliptical because it got way to easy.  After reading what y'all have been doing, it seems a bit lackluster.

nope, stepping up from what you used to find challenging because it's now too easy is AWESOME! : )

Sounds like a solid workout, Shell : )

veganhippie the dancing  machiiiiine!

We finished off our 'recovery' week with yoga last night and kicked off week five with a new workout this morning.  maaaan it was fun but TOUGH!
one armed press ups!
clap pressups!
s l o w  m o t i o n  pressups!

: )


Just saw your question at the top of the page - whoops! I'm not entirely sure if I'm feeling better, I'm not really sick but don't feel entirely well. Well enough to keep on trucking for now :)


so update on my recent exercise - friday I went to the gym and did 15 mins on the cross trainer followed by the same weight stuff as on Thursday - but added 2.5kg to all exercises (except leg press)
Saturday - we finally finished digging and prepping our veggie patch - so maybe 2 or 3 hours of gardening.  Oh and also carrying assorted gardening equipment and 40 litres of compost up our pathway/stairs - doesn't sound much, but when this is what the pathway kinda looks like, it is hard work!


Are you done with yoga now, oww?

Dang, shell!  That's a climb even without carrying anything.  I remember your moving in pictures, but I didn't realize it was so steep.



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