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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

Unlike every other little girl in NZ I never played netball growing up, so normal netball confuses the heck out of me and I have no skillz.

haha, me neither.  I played hockey and cricket, and I still don't like netball! 


theo....where were you thinking of swimming?  I could be persuaded to go swimming!

HH - with my music it depends on my mood.  Sometimes it'l be quiet other times I'll have it loud - also depends on the type of music I'm listening to.

Today at the gym: I RAN A WHOLE KILOMETRE IN ONE GO!!!!

this is a big thing for me as I have always been crap at running as I normally just get super out of breath (even when I was much fitter).  I did 1km in about 6 mins 20.  Yay for me!!
I then did assisted chin ups 3 reps of 15 - I love these!!  Then 3 sets of 15 pec press.
Also, 3x10 full sit ups, 3x30 crunches on the bosu ball thingy, and some other ab stuff
Then a final 12 mins on the cross trainer - my legs were sore after running so I didn't want to do anymore than this on the cross trainer.


Congrats on the km Shell! Sounds like a good workout!

I am considering joining the gym near my house for the pool and squash court, but swimming together could definitely be fun! Where is there to go? I don't really know Wellington pools...


See, my asthma is pretty severe and the climate up here is extremely cold. It's very dry right now but a lot of the time it's raining. Most environments irritate my asthma and there's not much I can do about it. The thing that I really like to do is cardio because that's my favorite. Oh well. There's no room in my dorm for it anyway. I'm not really sure what else to do.


Thanks for the welcome Humbolt, I am on a serious kick here, making seitan, backing bread and home-made cheez. I wonder if it is a lifestyle or a fad sometimes.

No denying the increased metabolism, my body just feels like a 6 foot piston. I have run for 40 minutes and NO huffing or puffing. Anyone explain stamina and vegetarianism (Vegan- it seems I am leaning that way) for me?


Today at the gym: I RAN A WHOLE KILOMETRE IN ONE GO!!!!

this is a big thing for me as I have always been crap at running as I normally just get super out of breath (even when I was much fitter).  I did 1km in about 6 mins 20.  Yay for me!!

awesome effort  : )
It took me ages to get into running and now I love it .
Sounds like a pretty solid workout all round!

I am on a serious kick here, making seitan, backing bread and home-made cheez. I wonder if it is a lifestyle or a fad sometimes.

good on you!  It's definitely a lifestyle for most of us here, a plant-based diet has been proven many times over to give you more energy and make you feel more alive so that could well be where your increased stamina is coming from : )

I knocked off week three of p90x this morning
The naughty husband stayed in bed though, lazy bum!  I think he'll have time to do kenpo x after work tomorrow night though, so it won't be missed, just a bit delayed.
Looking forward to seeing how different the 'recovery week' is.


P90X is forgiving, perhaps not the diet but the exercise is. I would definitely say change it up. Not so much for the body but for the mind!

I feel wonderful, a little concerned that I am not losing weight- must I watch the calories too!


thanks for the encouragement guys!! people at work laughed when I told them about runnig 1km - they thought I was taking the piss coz it's such a short distance!!
My legs are sooooooore today!! Who would've thought that running would be good for me!?!

Vlado, are you trying to lose weight specifically?  because it might just be that with all your new found energy you're building more muscle, so not actually losing weight?  maybe?  I dunno, I'm just guessing.
I am also jealous of all your energy and improved fitness.....give some to me!

The only exercise I did today was walk into town from work - not much only about 3km.  Blech!  More gym tomorrow, and I'm meeting with one of the trainers to get my new routine....I'm excited :D

eta: theo I don't know where any pools are - I was hoping you'd know, you've been here longer than me!!!


Shelloid, no it is bad, real bad. I would call myself more LUCID. Just more snappy and awake and an incredible amount of endurance. Yesterday I carnal sinned and ate quesadillas at a restaurant and OH BOY I was slow and bloated for the whole rest of the day (hmm maybe it was the guacamole and beer) , given I also ran for 30 minutes a while after though.


Did some light cardio and stuff in my room until my asthma bothered me too much.
But I'm happy I did something! Maybe it'll build up after a while.


Shell, you can do the components (leg strength, lung strength, stamina), it's just that those combined in running is wonky for you.  Your work people can bite it.

I got out of work three hours late last night and went straight home instead of doing arms.  I came in early this morning and did them, but didn't do full cardio because I thought my co-worker wanted to do cardio this afternoon.  She didn't afterall.  Now I'm stuck going twice.  Boo!  I need to convince people that the gym is fun and they want to go.  It's like convincing non-believers about the greatness of kale.


P90X is forgiving, perhaps not the diet but the exercise is. I would definitely say change it up. Not so much for the body but for the mind!

wow you would be the only person I have ever heard say that.  P90X is a pretty intensive exercise programme on it's own, I wouldn't really call it forgiving if you're giving it your all...
We're going to stick with the 90 days.

I came in early this morning and did them, but didn't do full cardio because I thought my co-worker wanted to do cardio this afternoon.  She didn't afterall.  Now I'm stuck going twice.  Boo!  I need to convince people that the gym is fun and they want to go.  It's like convincing non-believers about the greatness of kale.

grr!  I mean, nice that you have gym buddies, but not so nice if they flake on you!
At least you got your arm workout in? : )


Yep.  And I kicked butt on cardio today, but if I did cardio in the morning I would have gotten in earlier (i.e., better) traffic on the way home.  I'm not giving up hope on my co-worker.  If she takes a break she's reluctant to start-up again, but once she starts she loves going.

What day are you on, oww?


Yep.  And I kicked butt on cardio today


What day are you on, oww?

Tomorrow is day one of week four, it's going fast!


Well, I got in 30 min of lower body weights and 15 min of cardio on Monday, 15 min Abs class and 30 minutes of upper body weights on Tuesday and Pilaties on Wednesday. 

But that will be on hold.  My sinus infection is not gone so the doc gave me a 10 day antibiotic that can cause tendon ruptures.  So no exercise for me.  UGH!


Cali - I was recently away from the gym for the better part of three weeks (home repairs, food poisoning, and parent's visiting).  When I went back, I didn't really feel a difference in muscle ability.  The first day was actually quite a nice workout at full strength because my muscles had been rested.

In other news  ->  boo for sinus infections


is it cipro that you're been given?  If so it's really really rare for it to cause tendon ruptures and if it does happen it's more likely in the very old / very young.
Having said that it's probably a good idea to lay off the exercise so much to give your body it's full attention to get better (does that even make sense!  oh well I'm sure you know what I mean)

Yesterdays exercise:  brisk 10min walk (does that even count), then at the gym I went through my new routine with one of the trainer dudes - I like it!!  It's shorter so I can do it with 30 mins cardio and it should be about an hour.  It's also focussing more on my problem areas (arse, legs and tummy).  I told them last time these were my main focus areas and they gave me mostly upper body stuff!!
My routine uses a couple of machines I've never used before and I like it!

It was quite funny though because my legs were still a bit sore from my huge 1 km run the other day, and when I was on the glute machine the trainer guy was asking if I could feel it in my glutes, and I replied that I could feel lit more in my quads, as they were still sore from my run the other day.  So he started asking me about my running and whether I did competitions or anything.  He was quite shocked when I said my legs were still sore from a 1km run 2 days previously!!!  He must have thought I was such a nut case!

I also downloaded a podcast for couch to 5km - so I'm gonna try that.  Just not sure how that will tie in with my spin classes, if I'm gonna try to do 3 C25K per week.  Hmmm, I'll try to figure it out.


In other news  ->  boo for sinus infections


I also downloaded a podcast for couch to 5km - so I'm gonna try that.  Just not sure how that will tie in with my spin classes, if I'm gonna try to do 3 C25K per week.  Hmmm, I'll try to figure it out.

good that your gym people have given you more of the exercises you want to do!!
Couch to 5km is fantastic.  I can't run with an ipod so I never used the podcast thing, just held my mobile with a stopwatch on it and kept an eye on the time, but yeah, I have never been any good at running and it worked really well for me. 
Also, I could only do twice a week because I did it over winter and it was too dark on weekdays so I just went Saturday and Sunday mornings, so don't stress if you don't think you can fit in 3x a week.

We did 'core synergistics' for the first time yesterday and today I'm sore all kinds of weird places.  It's a great low impact full body workout : )
Today is yoga but the husband has a bit of a cold and he is such a boy about being sick that he is yet to emerge from bed, so I don't know if/when we'll get to do it.  I'm a bit sad, because I don't want to miss a day, but hopefully he'll feel up to it later on.


Been doing gruelling brain exercise rather than body exercise recently :( huge research assignments and stuff have left me little time to exercise :( And its way more tiring! Grrr

Weds: 2 hours of dance class, 2nd was intense
1/2 hour of aerial practise.

Studying :(

Played squash for 2 hours and walked across town twice YAY

Sat (Tonight)
Will be social dancing from 8.30pm to about 1am :D


hope the study's not getting you down too much, theo! : )

How's the infection, Cali?

Has your co-worker sorted out her gym-time so you can get back into your routine, hh?

Shell, have you had a go at starting couch to 5km yet?  Still like your new workout routine?

My husband continued to declare himself too sick to do anything other than play on the computer and read a book all weekend, so I had to do yoga by myself.  Still finding parts of it challenging but definitely feel like I'm getting the hang of it a bit more now.
Kenpo X after work today and stretch tomorrow morning : )



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