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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

I didn't go to the gym this weekend......BECAUSE WE WENT CAMPING!!!!
So we walked 15-20mins to the campsite with big rucksacks/tent/camping stuff on our backs.
The we did a walk in the forest for a few hours.

that was my weekend exercise.  Much more fun than the gym!!


I skipped the gym all last week to get home early to finish working on my deck because we were supposed to get drizzle and I wasn't sure if I was out of summer.  We got no drizzle, it's been sunny and 95 F / 35 C for the last couple of days, and now I'm exhausted because I didn't get any cardio in last week.  Cardio is fuel.

shell:  Camping is the bestest thing ever.  Will we be seeing pictures?

oww:  Yay for a sleep-in day!  Yay for P90X!


awesome, glad you made it out of town! Where did you go?
Camping is fun : )  

hh, that sucks, did you at least get the deck done?  Hopefully you can hit the gym running this week and your body will appreciate getting it's fuel topped back up! : )


I should pop my head back in here and start posting my ridiculous dancing schedules :D


yesss, your dancing schedule is totally badass!  Still wish I had time/money for dancing : /


so I did my first-ever yoga last night and it totally kicked my arse.  Fun, but holy crap that was hard work.
And legs and back this morning was a killer too.  Both of us still had sore calf muscles from plyometrics on Saturday, which hurt a bit more after yoga last night, and then doing legs on top of that.... well, I've had to walk upstairs at work ~12 times already this morning and it's only 9:30 and I am D R E A D I N G  the rest of the day!
Feels good to feel so sore though! : )


I did 2 hours of dance class last night, 1 hour beginner and1 hour intermediate.
I go to both as a "taxi" dancer - there are usually not enough leads so some of the other more advanced dancers and I go to make up numbers and give beginner dancers a chance to dance with people who know what they are doing. Last night was a bit of a change of plan though, for the first time ever there were more leads than follows in beginner so I taxied as a follow which was very interesting, and then in intermediate the teacher hauled me up to be the demo follow so I danced with her for the class as a sort of assistant teacher which was a nice mental and physical challenge!

2 hours of class is a very low key dance workout for me, but a nice way to ease back in after a week's break following comps.


yup, badass : )

2 hours of class is a very low key dance workout for me, but a nice way to ease back in after a week's break following comps.

how many classes would you normally do in a night then?  You're a machine!!  : )


Depends on the day, Mondays normally three hour-long classes then an hour or 2 of practise with my partner. Weds 2 hours of class then an hour or 2 of practise. Other nights no classes just a couple of hours of practise.  The practises are far more of a workout than classes are, because we work pretty hard/dance fast/drill moves or routines/learn aerials whereas in class there is a lot of downtime as you listen to instruction or work through steps slowly. Back into practises tonight hopefulllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Whats the P90X thing you are doing?


yup, makes sense that you push harder in practice than in a class where there are set moves to be taught/shown and people are at different levels.  That's still a lot of hours to fit in though!
I'm in bed no more than four hours after finishing work, without exception, so getting four hours of dancing/exercise in in one day is blowing my mind right now! : )

p90x is an in-home dvd-based workout programme.  LLG has done it and she's totally badass so we figured we could be badass too!  We've got our gym memberships on hold, which has allowed us to spend on the dvds and a few weights for home.


Looks pretty intense!

Haha yea I tend to favour dancing/exercise over sleep :) No practise tonight, M is ultra sick with manflu :(


I'm at a marine base visiting my hubby whose state-side for training! Since I'm a military spouse, I can use the gym on base for FREEE!  ;D I did an hour and a half of cardio yesterday after not working out for a year! Me Happeh!


go yeatsa, that's awesome!

We've kicked off the second week of p90x this morning and it's feeling great.  Well, my husband did nearly pass out/throw up mid-workout... but other than that it's going well! : /   

After the combination of plyometrics + yoga + legs workout both of us had sorer legs than we've ever had before, but I think they're feeling pretty ready now to launch back into plyo tomorrow morning.  I normally punish my legs pretty bad at the gym, so for this to hurt so much more is great : )


Told ya so!! ;) So pleased!


Feels good to feel so sore though! : )

I'm not at the gym this week because my parents are visiting to help me trim trees.  It's interesting how being badass in the gym doesn't translate to real life.  I'm soooore.  My dad is 75 and he's done the burliest work.  I guess that's the goal of my gym time - to be able to cut trees, pull them down a hill, cut everything up, and haul the branches to green recycling when I'm that age.  It's hard enough when I'm this age.


wow, HH you dad sounds hardcore!!

I have decided I need to log all my workouts here, so I can see what I'm doing and why I'm not losing weight and in fact why I have gained 2 kilos in a month and a half!!

So yesterday I didn't go to the gym as I went for high tea at a posh hotel (look how fancy I am!), but I did walk most of the way into town, so about 5 or 6 km.

Today I went to the gym and did 10mins cross trainer at level 12 (I think it was 2.7ish km) then 3 sets of 15 assisted chins ups, 3 sets of 15 pec press, 3 sets 30 crunches on the bosu ball thingy and then an hour long spin class.  I am also just about to go for a walk to the beach which will be ~2 or so km.


I guess that's the goal of my gym time - to be able to cut trees, pull them down a hill, cut everything up, and haul the branches to green recycling when I'm that age.  It's hard enough when I'm this age.

I like this  : )

So yesterday I didn't go to the gym as I went for high tea at a posh hotel (look how fancy I am!), but I did walk most of the way into town, so about 5 or 6 km.

aha!  You are a fancy posh person after all! ; )

what the hell is a bosu ball?
how was the beach?  So happy for you if it's getting to be beach-weather in Wellington already!

It was abso-freaking-lutely brilliant weather here over the weekend, our back yard is now almost ready for concreting in the posts of our soon-to-be-built retaining wall which makes us one big step closer to having a proper vegetable garden

Anyway, back on point: week two plyometrics and shoulders/biceps/triceps over the weekend, both felt way better than last week.  So much so, that in comparison to the agony I felt in my calf muscles most of last week, I'm not even sore at all now!  Madness!  And I was able to increase the weight I used for probably ~1/3 of the shoulders/arms exercises yesterday which felt pretty good too.


one of these things:

except I do crunches on one and not silly poses!


except I do crunches on one and not silly poses!

suuuuuure.  that's what they all say!  ; )


I got two weeks worth of workouts in and last week nothing as I've been sick as a dog.  Crazy cold.  Grr!

I hope to get back to the gym tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest!



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