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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

yeaaah that sounds really badass!  Or, you have a tiny car.  Nope, that would still be badass! : )

I'm pretty gutted, because we ordered doorway mounted pull up bars and some dumbells online and they didn't arrive in time for the weekend so we haven't been able to start p90x yet.  But I put my gym membership on hold already so I haven't been able to go in there either.  And we've just been hit by the biggest storm in years and years so I haven't even felt like going for a run.  ITCHING TO GET EXERCISING AGAIN!!  Gonna be pissed if our stuff doesn't arrive today!!


not fitness related....but oww, you know how you were saying Welly is weird for weather, well, we had a glorious spring sunshiney weekend.  I was shocked when I finally turned on the news to find out about the massive storm hitting the rest of NZ!

Well, to make this post about exercise, because of the sunny weather, we did quite a bit of gardening and walking this weekend.


are you serious?  Driving home from work at ~6pm on Friday was the second worst driving experience I've ever had , by the time I got home our power was out and it didn't come back on till about 9pm, one of the neighbours' 4-ish metre tall trees fell over our fence and into our back yard, and in a break between torrential rain on Saturday I managed to get some washing dried in about 20 minutes because it was gusting ~60km/h winds in our back yard!!

And we got off lightly!!


well, Friday was bad during the day - apparently hail and stuff, and the evening was windy - but I was in bed by 10pm so didn't see it.  Satuday morning was windy but later on was lovely - we were out in the garden until 6.30pm or so.
Yesterday was lovely - again out and about in the garden until 6pm!  Weird!


^ Holy crap on all that weather!!  Now I feel bad for bemoaning the gloom and chilly weather here. But it still is depressing. I've been out walking a lot and have been putting in some time on the elliptical machine.  And as soon as I'm cleared (I've got a follow up appt on Tuesday), I'll start my new hike every weekend routine. I'd rather not be in the middle of nowhere and have an emergency.


DANG!  That's a lot of rain and gusts. 

I'm skipping the gym today to go home and caulk a few more places on my deck because... wait for it... we're expecting rain on Wednesday.  I need the caulk to set before it gets wet and it's dark nowadays when I get home from the gym.  I'll increase my cardio time tomorrow because I love starting my week with a good cardio workout.

llg - I still smile when I think back to you carrying Bella after she had enough.

shell - A vegetable/herb garden or a flower garden?

oww - Crazy weather traffic is the WORST.


Good luck for your appointment Lauren! : )

I'm skipping the gym today to go home and caulk a few more places on my deck because... wait for it... we're expecting rain on Wednesday.  I need the caulk to set before it gets wet and it's dark nowadays when I get home from the gym.  I'll increase my cardio time tomorrow because I love starting my week with a good cardio workout.

good thinking, batman!  Hope your cardio is kickarse, it's great to start the workout week with a good feeling exercise session!
Good luck with the caulking too. 

So, our pull up bars arrived yesterday but our weights weren't delivered because they required a signature and, obviously, we were at work not sitting round home waiting to sign!  So I've got them to re-deliver to my mum's place today, and once we've got everything, my husband will bung his membership on hold and we'll be off and running!

But seeing I can't go to the gym anymore anyway, I worked through the first p90x workout this morning by myself when he took off to the gym.
yeaaaah I'm gonna get my arse whooped by this programme, and I can't waittttt!!! : )


ha, HH I wish it was either of was just trying to tidy up our jungle of a lawn and the hedges and stuff.  I am still scared by our garden, not having had one in over 10 years!

oww, I'm excited to hear your reviews on the badassness that is p90x


oww, I'm excited to hear your reviews on the badassness that is p90x

you mean if I get arms like that girl at your gym?  ; )


I think my husband reckons he won't be ready to start till Friday morning but I'm going to keep 'practicing' the workouts till then .
Will definitely report back as to how we're finding it : )


if you did end up with arms like her, I think I'd fall in love with you.  Seriously.


To humboldt and onceww: A saab 93? Is that tiny? It's in neutral. lol. I can start off at a pretty good speed but I slow downpretty quickly. Really really good leg workout.  Why ask me my technique in a few years?  I just started exercising like 5 weeks ago.  Losing weight for the air force. My dad is really into alternative exercise. I could tell you soooo many weird things he has me do. Well one is where I take a 15-20lb sledgehammer and hit a tire thats on the ground...over and over and over.... very good for the arms/chest/back.

Today! Car pushing again. 4 or 5 intervals today.  And doing the uphill program on the treadmill for 70 min at speed 3.9, level 12 of 15. And maybe an ab workout w medicine ball later with a 2 mile grocery sstore walk.  Maybe.


That still sounds like a workout (tiny car or not)! 


That still sounds like a workout (tiny car or not)! 

Sounds like you do some interesting exercises though, are you joining the air force soon? : )

We did the p90x shoulders and arms workout this morning. Went well, except we'll need to start earlier because our dumbbells are spinlock adjustable ones, so when we want to increase/decrease weight for various exercises, it takes a minute to change the plates over, which probably added ~10/15 minutes to the whole workout this morning.
Good to find that out before we start 'for real' though.  Helloooo 4:45 wake ups! : /




That still sounds like a workout (tiny car or not)! 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Hmmm lets see... just stay low and keep your upper body from bouncing around too much.  That way all th force is going in the forward direction and not up and down.
Today! 30 min of running at 5.5-5.7 then 30-60 sec intervals of jumping rope, wall balls, pushup, and planks!  Repeated the sets 5 times.


so, we 'officially' started p90x this morning.  A week later than planned, but we'll still be done by Christmas .
The first day is chest and back and I was super pleased to see that my husband found it really freakin' difficult too.  I was so scared I was going to be busting a gut and he would come along and be all cruisy. 

Plyometrics tomorrow : )


Plyometrics tomorrow : )



Plyometrics tomorrow : )


wiki wrote:
Plyometrics (also known as "plyos") is a type of exercise training designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system, generally for the purpose of improving performance in sports. Plyometric movements, in which a muscle is loaded and then contracted in rapid sequence, use the strength, elasticity and innervation of muscle and surrounding tissues to jump higher, run faster, throw farther, or hit harder, depending on the desired training goal.

or, lots of jumping and stuff.

mr oww reckons it was the hardest workout he's ever done.

: )

see also:



I'm really glad Mr. Oww is struggling with it too, so you don't feel bad! :)  I've done P90X twice (classic and lean) and if I can do it you guys will make it for sure.  Things get easier the 3rd week. 

Week 1 = everything hurting. 
Week 2 = body is super tired, but you get better at the exercises.
Week 3 = feeling stronger and being able to do more within the workouts.

And trust me; if there is anything you don't like about your legs, plyo and the legs part (of legs & back) will fix it!  Good job and stick with it!! :)


hehe thanks heaps Lauren, totally helps to hear from someone who's been there
My calves are so freakin' sore still from plyometrics on Saturday morning .  Hope we feel recovered enough to not die doing the leg workout tomorrow!
We're doing the workouts in the morning before work, but today we gave ourselves a sleep in because today's is yoga and that's ~90 minutes rather than ~60, and we just don't have that much time in the morning so we're going to do it after work instead.  Looking forward to it!

And trust me; if there is anything you don't like about your legs, plyo and the legs part (of legs & back) will fix it!  Good job and stick with it!! :)

haha, legs are about the only part I do like already! : /



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