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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

a slacker?!?!?  are you kidding me, Cali? 
I didn't work out at all this week!!
I'm the slacker....

But it's ON for next week!


You're nicer than I am, shell, I wouldn't have gotten off.

Cali - In my The Book of Muscles, there are three six-month programs (beginner, intermediate, and advanced).  Each circuit is three weeks long and the fourth week is a rest week.  I think that having easier weeks allows your muscles a little extra recuperating time so you can go harder.  I missed a couple of weeks recently (due to time off and working at home - not being a total slacker) and since I've gone back I've had my personal best cardio workouts.  You might find that to be the case for you.


ha, if I'd actually BEEN ON the f-ing shuttle I definitely wouldn't have gotten off.  It was already full when I got there.  I asked if anyon hadn't booked and no-one owned up to not having booked.  Which is just a lie because I had booked and it was even a weird 11 seater, not the usual 9 seater shuttle bus.  So at least 3 people hadn't booked.  Grrr!

I am going to go on a nice long walk today instead of the gym, just because it isn't pissing down with rain (yet)


Hey, for all you ladies Ive been using the womens health "your body type workout" for three weeks now, so far so good :).

Its pretty basic, you dont need a lot of equipment.  There are only 4 body types, so i guess just associate yourself with the one thats closest to you.  Check it out, here's the site:


my gym membership is now officially on hold till December!
Went in this morning and did my 'push' workout, and will hopefully get to visit Shell's gym once in the next few days, then it'll be a break on Thursday and Friday before kicking off with day one of P90X on Saturday morning!


Thanks, Kennedy.  (Whenever I see a list of body types I feel gypped that I'm a pear.)

P90X hheeerrrrrreee you coooommmee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love working out.  I think I'm past the beginner phase of being sore all the time or breathing heavy at around 30 minutes on the elliptical.  Now I can push hard and not sound like I'm about to stroke out and my legs are okay afterward.  I think I'm getting a Cali high, but mine took longer because I'm not following her badass schedule.


Six weeks ago I couldn't run a mile.  I ran most of 5.6 miles yesterday.  Isn't it amazing how your body just adapts so quickly?  I'm still not a good runner.  But it's getting better.

PS does anyone know cute and slightly inexpensive workout clothes? I need clothes that breathe!I always just end up wearing men's shorts and a tshirt.


Well dont be looking for inspiration this week.  I took yesterday off as a birthday treat, which I guess I shouldnt have.  Because today I did Abs class which was only 10 minutes as the instructor was late! grrrr!!!

Then I tried to do my combined weight routine and only lasted 30 minutes. And that is with cutting my sets down to 2 instead of 3.  My knees protested and I was exhausted.  Grah!  I told myself in the shower (that almost didnt drain at all, blech!) that "I love working out. I love feeling strong and fit. And that tomorrow would be better!"

At least I hope so.  :/


i'm getting in on this again!

bike to and from school and to my sister's house: a total of 6 miles
2-mile run over a bridge
1 hour of yoga
2 hpurs of dance.

planned for today:

Bike to and from school- 5 miles
2 mile run over a bridge
maybe some abs


poopinshmicken - The lazy in me wants to shorten your name, but I'm not sure where the break is.  I have no idea about workout clothes.  I wear men's black cotton sleep pants (with the fly sewn up) because they have pockets for my mp3 and a men's dark grey t-shirt (because it doesn't show sweat as much as other colors) pretty much every workout.

We've got vh back!  We've got vh back!  *happy dance*  That's a grip o' activity.

I give you any and all of my earned good karma to apply to your knees, Cali.


yeah, vh, that is kickarse, you are seriously rocking the exercise this week!

I'm pretty much with hh, I don't have 'workout' clothes, just wear comfy knee length shorts and a loose t shirt or singlet.

We went to Shell's gym yesterday and I was mighty impressed, they've got the best equipment and heaps of it.

I just went for a big walk today, up and down some pretty serious hills, but that was more for entertainment than exercise : )

Cali, I really hope tomorrow is/was better! : )


thanks oww! i love going on walks but florida is flat, we have no hills. :[ so i stick to bridges. lol

today: running, biking, yoga (maybe) and dance. woop!


poopinshmicken - The lazy in me wants to shorten your name, but I'm not sure where the break is.

P-shmick? lol.  I've had this username since freshman year in high school and now I'm out of college.  Creature of habit? Sorry!  I think I might just stick with men's shorts and a tshirt.  Honestly I'm always drenched in sweat afterwards so whats the point of trying to look cute? I tried some danskin stuff from Wally World and it was just a tank made solely of THICK POLYESTER. Stupid. Then I look online and it's like $80 for a pair of running tights! I'll stick to my $5 shorts and free tshirts I guess.

Today: Ran 5.5 miles in my local state park (Thank you Pennsylvania for your hills!) and had a rough 1 mile walk up a steep hill in the middle of that. So I traveled 6.5miles in 1 hr 23 min. :) Thank you Lord for the good weather


Biked and ran. i was gonna do zumba but i totally forgot. :/ but later on i'm gonna take a short walk to my friend's condo. but what sucks is that for the past 2 times that i've run my ankle starts hurting. :(


Veganhippie:  My friend did her zumba routine for me because I only vaguely knew what it was and honestly it didn't look like it was that challenging... liiiiiiike you're moving but there's not really any sort of resistance... it's just like a simple dance routine.  Thoughts?


It really depends on the teacher's choreography. some dances you think youre gonna die but others make you feel like youre doing nothing. but overall, they're supposed to be somewhat simple because most of the people in the class have never danced before so the choreography has to be simple tofollow.


Veganhippie:  Ehh.. I'll wait for the next fitness trend. I'm still trying to get into yoga and that puts me back like 15... 20 years? lol

Today:  Boxing!  Jump roping!  And pushing/pulling/dragging the car in neutral as fast as I could get it going.... over and over and over (probably 100 foot intervals?).... lol.


Lol yeah i just started yoga a few years ago too. lol. today i did a 2 mile run over the bridge in the morning. later...who knows?


Today: 2.7 mile (fast) walk uphill (47 min - not great) and then 2.7 mile back down that hill running (37 min - not bad) with a 15-20 lb sack strapped to my back.  Then a 2 mile walk to the grocery store. :)


And pushing/pulling/dragging the car in neutral as fast as I could get it going.... over and over and over (probably 100 foot intervals?).... lol.

I'll have to ask you for your technique in a couple of years. 



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