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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

That always happened to me on elliptical. I loved ellip., but hated that!!


hh, was it some sort of fitness thing or was he just OCD?!

There's a bit of a wall between where he was doing his pullups and where I was on the elliptical.  I first thought he was OCD and wandering around the gym, unable to leave until he touched the door frame so many times - we have same mind.  I think it was his break.  He was doing pullups for at least an hour, so I think he'd do a set, take the walk recovery break, do another set, take another walk recovery break.  It's a small room, so it equates to probably 30 to 45 seconds between each set.  I hope he didn't have to drive the next day.  I don't see how he could use his arms after a workout like that.


What an intense workout that guy must have had. I cant even imagine doing one pull up, let alone 10, walk 30 sec, 10, rinse & repeat.  Wow.

Monday - 20 minutes Lower Body weight routine that got rudely interupted when the auto glass repair guy showed up early.
Tuesday - Nothing since I have to talke the car in for a new windsheild, Boo!


yeah, that sounds crazy intense!

I am so enjoying being back into weights work at the gym but man am I sore!!  In a good way, of course : )


oww - Did you make it to the gym on the day your alarm didn't go off?

shell - "Only" a 50 minute workout?  How long are you usually there?

Cali - Before you didn't sense that you could see a difference.  Are you beginning to see a change in your body?

llg - I thought you were badass the first time you did P90X.  Doing it again makes you extra hardcore.

erin - That happens to me, too.  Especially when I'm on the steep inclines, which is (unfortunately for my feet) my favorite setting.  I haven't discovered any solutions.


HH, I can see more muscle definition now.  Plus I could finally clench my lower abs.  Like the really really lower ones.  And I put on a pair of shorts that Angel gave me (since she couldn't fit into them) and now they fit comfortably rather than wicked tight.  So I know things are changing and I am hopeful to reach my goal in a year. 

By July 2011 I hope to have a flat belly if not some definition.  I cant stop.  I have more muscle now than I have ever had before.  I like it, its almost, dare I say, addictive! haha


last night I did the bike instead of the eliptical to change it up a little (and I want to try a spin class someday) and this time my butt went numb!  no way could I do an hour spin class if my butt hurt after 30 minutes!  WTF!?!?!

but I did fit in the weights last night and found my new favorite machine - the row! 


oww - Did you make it to the gym on the day your alarm didn't go off?

nup I didn't, but didn't really expect to once I had missed the morning window of opportunity.  That was the day I had to go help the man with the flat tyre, so by the time I was back in our part of the city it was too late for me to fit in a workout and get dinner ready etc.

All good though because I've been rocking it every other morning this week, gonna have soooore legs tomorrow, I can already tell.. : )

Erin, sometimes I get a sore/numb arse from doing too long on the bike as well... I just kinda think it's part of the territory : /

Seated row like this?



shell - "Only" a 50 minute workout?  How long are you usually there?

about an hour and a quarter....and i still can never fit in all of the stupidly long weights/strentgh routine that the trainer gave me.  Stupid man who didn't listen to me.

(and I want to try a spin class someday)

do it!!!!!!!!!!!  I love spin!

I always like the look of that machine oww.  But I don't know how to use it.

Yesterday I went to the gym and did 5mins cross trainer to warm up, then upper body stuff, abs and a spin class.
Then I ruined it all by going out to drink margaritas and eat far too much vegan fajitas (but it was theo's birthday so it was totally worth it!).


it's like this...

and shell, does your butt not go numb during the spin class??  I'd hate to have to stop in the middle - it would be embarrassing....


So it's like an iso-lateral row?

I love all row machines.  It's my favorite exercise.


So it's like an iso-lateral row?

yeah, it works my whole upper body - it makes everything sore - it's awesome!


I always like the look of that machine oww.  But I don't know how to use it.

pick weight.  hold handles. pull.

whereas that one Erin put up makes me think you need a degree to use it! Complicated!!  I'm pleased most/all our machines are very simple haha

I can barely walk today, it's awesome.  After doing legs yesterday, I did 30 minutes of stationary bike this morning and my legs are pretty much dead.


I'm pretty sure I over trained. : \ I was feeling so great running (in vibrams, slow and easy) that I was doing 3-5 miles most days. I started having small twinges in my ankles, then knee (which I thought was from biking/having to wear shoes for work), and now my ankle is sore. I'm going to take a couple days rest, then work back up slowly.


oh no!!  : (
3-5 miles a day is heaps!  What a machine!
Twingey injuries can end up causing big drama though, so I hope you can find a good balance... : /


Rows are cool, I dont think I do enough of them tho.  :/
Feel better AC!  I know its so hard to wait on twingy feelings. :(

So this week I got in:
Mon - 20 min Lower Body weights
Wed - Pilaties
Thurs - 35 min Upper Body weights, 30 minutes Recumbent bike
Fri - 15 min Abs class, 40 min Lower Body weights and 30 min recumbent bike

I still feel like a slacker for Monday and Tuesday, but overall not horrible!


Cali, you're anything but a slacker!!

I decided to try a new run on Saturday morning, normally I just go ~2.5km from home, turn around and run back.  There's a few gentle hills, but it's reasonably flat.
I'd had a look at google maps and figured out I could do a loop and it's only about 1.5km longer so I thought I'd do that.
ha, yeah, only 1.5km longer but most of that extra was up a massive hill!  I live in a valley, so why I didn't think about the fact that it was likely to be hilly, I don't know...  Anyway, I was going a lil' slow anyway because my legs were still aching from the gym on Thursday, then add in the hill madness and the 6.5km took me ~45 minutes, but I was just pleased to make it home without dying haha.

This week:
Monday: morning gym push workout
Tuesday: morning gym pull workout
Wednesday: morning gym legs workout
Thursday: morning gym ~30 minutes cardio
Friday: morning gym push workout
Saturday: 5-6km run
Sunday: 5-6km run  


Cali... i def know what you mean about feeling like a slacker..missing just a workout or two makes me feel TERRIBLE. i guess those feelings of guilt are what push us back to the gym.  :)


I did a 'beginner' spin class at the gym today....and worked much harder than I did at the 'advanced' class yesterday!!  i was super sweaty!

Oh and I accidentally had an extra 7kg added to my assisted chin ups - silly me for putting the lever in the wrong place!


Yoga and a 5-1/2 mile trail run with Bella yesterday .  What an asshole.

Today: 3 mile run and yoga.



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