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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

it's been a week, but i did 2 miles again today. wooo. im making it my goal to do two miles a day.


I had an awesome running week. I ran 5 days, biked 2, and ran for at least 36 minutes every morning. This morning I had a nice 50 minute jog. P has been running with me, and it's been so great! I'm keeping it slow and comfy, and just working on increasing my distance.

that's awesome!  I'm looking forward to building up distance but I'm so slow!!  When we get longer days and I can run more than twice a week I think that will help.

I pretty much had to flag last week because of being run down and feeling like shite with my latest dose of laryngitis, but I plan to get back into things this week.

I feel like I want to take one week a month and just kick cardio arse, so I'm going to start trying that this week, ~30-45 minutes a day with a mixture of elliptical, row and bike.  : /  We'll see how I cope with that...


good day at the gym for me.  about 25mins cardio and 2 sets of all of my routine that was set for me....the total took about one and a quarter hours, which I can deal with.


Grats on the running!  Good for you, AC!
VH, awesome job! You can do it. :)
OWW, I hope your feeling better this week!
Fabulous job Shell!

Friday I did 10 minutes of Abs class (it was canceled so we did the class ourselves!), 30 minutes of upper body weight routine and 15 minutes of recumbent bike on hills 1, level 7 for 3.5 miles!
The entire weekend I did a TON of standing and walking.  So I count a lot of that as working out.  And I think my stamina for said standing around and / or walking constantly has greatly improved! Yay for leg muscles.
Monday I only got in 45 minutes of Lower body weight routine.  But I did move cubicles at work so there was a good amount of walking and moving things around for over an hour.  Not that it really counts but I did get sweaty moving. hahah


thanks Cali, I am feeling a lot better, not 100% but much better than last week!
my cardio week is going pretty well, did just over 5km on the row this morning.  Looking forward to getting back into weights next week though!


I'm going to catch up on all of the awesomeness contained in this thread thread in a bit.  I just wanted to add that I've had a rough couple of weeks due to off schedules that curtailed my gym-going.  Despite that, I lifted a way-heavy load of files today and they weren't heavy at all.  I win.


Despite that, I lifted a way-heavy load of files today and they weren't heavy at all.  I win.

you totally do win.  : )
We moved offices at work a week and a half ago and somehow miraculously on the day all the guys got 'busy'/ vanished for the day, leaving 95% of the box carrying to me .  I totally kicked arse with heavy box carrying and it was really satisfying : )


I'm finally getting back into the gym scene!
Thank god because I've put on 4lbs since July 4th.....

I did 30 minutes on the eliptical last night and 15 minutes of weights - back and abs only.

I plan on going to the gym 3 times a week, barring any unforeseen after work commitments....and there are classes I can attend, when I get brave enough - Step Interval, Dance Fusion and Zumba....


Yay, good on you erin for getting back into it.  Since I have been in NZ I have put on about 3kg (~7 pounds), so don't worry about your could be water weight!?  But yeah, getting back into the gym is a good move.

I haven't been to the gym since Monday :-[ my bad.....I was gonna go last night, but we got furniture delivered and I just couldn't wait until after the gym to look at it ::)
I will go tonight, tomorrow, Saturday (I hope) and Sunday to make up for my slackness.
I have found out that a few girls at work are members of the same gym (but not been in months), so 2 of us have booked to go to the spin class together on Sunday, and i'm trying to persuade them to make the Tuesday or Wednesday spin class a 'thing' for us as well.

N got a random letter from the gym in the post yesterday....just crap really, BUT there were 2 free day passes in with the letter.  He was just about to put them in the recycling when he told me about them, and I managed to stop him and remind him that Mr& Mrs Oww were maybe coming to visit soon and might like to use them!  So if you fancy a go at our gym if you're here in Sep, oww, you're more than welcome to our free passes.


oh wow Shell, yeah, we will totally check it out : )  hehe, awesomeness.

What furniture did you get? ; )

Sounds like it would be great if you could get a couple of workmates to set up a schedule or a 'class date' with, not that I've ever done one, but those exercise classes always seem to me like something more enjoyable when done with a friend : )

I just did a stationary bike ride this morning, probably elliptical/cross trainer tomorrow, then runs on the weekend and back into weights on Monday, can't wait! : )


I want ladies to spin with!  And awesome VWer's to hit the gym with!!  I'm mad jealous over here.

Week 2 of P90X is in full swing (already soooo much easier than week 1 was).  I've been making it out running for 30mins / 3 times a week.  Plus, I take Bella on a couple of long walks a week.  I feel I should be doing more since I was slack for so long.


Lauren, from what little I've seen/heard of P90X, you are doing plenty and not at all slack!!  I am in awe of that programme and anyone who can do it! : /


yeah, LLG from what I've heard of P90X you are badass for doing it!

I went to the gym after work today meaning to do the usual 20-30mins cardio and then weights/abs/stuff.  Instead I did 15mins on the cross trainer and then went to the exercise bike and got caught up watching Australian Masterchef and ended up doing 40 mins on the bike and running out of time for my weights/abs/other stuff!

So I guess tomorrow I focus on weights.


I started the week off badly again, my cellphone hasn't been working so I had to rely on my husband's alarm to get up in time for the gym, he turned it off in his sleep so we didn't wake up till 5:50  :- /
I might go tonight but will depend on how late I get away from work, and I pretty much hate going in the evening now after getting so used to the quiet early morning atmosphere.
So, most likely the plan for the week will be:

Tuesday: push workout
Wednesday: pull workout
Thursday: legs workout
Friday: either ~30 minutes cardio or push workout, will decide later in the week
Saturday: ~5km run
Sunday: ~5km run  skipped it, still sore, and pissing down with rain = not great running conditions : /

: )

Bring it!


I went to spin with my new gym buddy yesterday.....only for her to tell me that she has cancelled her gym membership : ( boo!

No gym today as I had a late meeting at work.  I am going to try to go before work tomorrow, but I don't think I'll make it.


Last week was:

Monday - Lower Body Weight Routine for 45 minutes
Tuesday - Abs Class, Upper Body Weight Routine for 30 minutes, 15 minutes Recumbent Bike for 3.5 miles on hills 1 level 7
Wednesday - Pilaties 1 hour
Thursday - Lower Body Weight Routine for 45 minutes, 15 minutes Recumbent Bike for 3.5 miles on hills 1 level 7
Friday - Abs Class, Upper Body Weight Routine for 30 minutes, 15 minutes Recumbent Bike for 3.5 miles on hills 1 level 7

I feel like I slacked on the cardio.  I need to keep getting to it after my weight routines.  Hopefully this week will be doable.  Most of the people at work will be elsewhere so I hope I have time.

P90x is badass! Keep doing it Lauren. :)
OWW, you can do it, even with a broken phone and hubby turning off the alarm! hahah
Shell, I am so sorry your gym buddy wussed out.  That sucks.  But you so can go solo!  You show em how awesome you are!
HH, you are amazing!  Pft to heavy files, they are nothing compared to your buff self!
Grats Erin on getting back into working out!  YAY!


You are all machines, I say!  Fit, buff, gym-going machines!

Unrelated-to-anything story:  When I got to the gym last week, there was a guy who was doing pull ups.  He did a set of 10, walked to the far end of the one-room gym, touched a door frame, walked back and did another set of 10.  I was there about an hour.  He had already started when I arrived and he was still going when I left.  Dang!


Week 3 of P90X ladies!! :) I'm sore in places I forgot existed.  Now, if I can just get my diet consistent. :-\


hh, was it some sort of fitness thing or was he just OCD?!

Yeah good work out for me today, even though it was only 50mins.  15mins hard cardio (cross trainer intervals) and then upper body weights, crunches, lunges with weights.  I feel good.


I've been doing 30 minutes on the eliptical pretty consistently, and I'd like to go longer, but my feet start getting numb around the 20 minute marker and it's fairly uncomfortable....I wish I could make them stop!  That never used to happen.....
and I've been slacking on the weights - no real reason, just excited to get home I guess - maybe I should do weights first, then eliptical?



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