Quitting Smoking Group
Posted by majicka414 on Feb 09, 2007 · Member since Oct 2006 · 427 posts
How's it going? I'm officially 24 hours smoke free. I'm dyin..but Im getting through it. Major babbling via AIM and the phone to my friends has helped me tremendously today.
I read an article in a magazine the other day and one of the things they said was kinda cool..it was about "riding the crave wave" instead of ignoring it..it's based on a Buddhist theory..basically if there is something you want now, in a few moments you will no longer want it. Better to "look into why you want it" and ride out the feeling than to attempt to ignore it.
How are all of you doing?
Good luck majicka414, Your lungs are already cleaning themselves out and starting to heal. Keep up the good work!!
How's it going? I'm officially 24 hours smoke free. I'm dyin..but Im getting through it. Major babbling via AIM and the phone to my friends has helped me tremendously today.
Hooray! Congratulations. I am sending you happy non-nicotine stained thoughts :)
Will and I were talking about the number of friends that we have that have successfully quit in the last year or so. I wish smoking wasn't bad for you...
My goal for the last two weeks was to maintain under 5/day. I made an appointment with my accupuncturist (also does Chinese Medicine) and she recommended that I see her next week; she has some herbs to help with the bitchiness and then set a date to quit around a week later. So that's where we are.
I really am pulling for you majicka414!!
Hey Majicka, well done i hope you are sticking with it. i quit on new years eve and im going well.
it will get easier trust me. the first week is the hardest.
hang in there mate. :D
Starting Day 3 of no-smoking and so far so good...
I bought a new playstation game called Dance Dance Revolution (it has the dance mat and you follow the arrows). Everytime the cravings gets to be too much..I DANCE..hahaha..it's a good way to battle the "extra" weight I might gain as well.
I am failing miserably. I am going to try to wake up tomorrow morning and be smoke free. I am coughing and feeling cruddy. I wanted to get to the point that I was coughing so I could remember one of the reasons I quit in the first place. Constantly coughing and chronic bronchitis. Whatever possessed me to have that first cigarette 2 months ago after 14 years is beyond me. Hopefully next week, I will be able to report success.
Good luck everyone!
I wish you all the best of luck. I know you can do it! I started smoking at 13, and smoked on and off until I was 25. I finally quit for good. It's been five years now. I quit cold turkey, and convinced myself that it was disgusting. Having that mindset keeps me from smoking. After I quit, if I would have an urge to smoke (drinking and big meals were my weakest moments) I would tell myself, "If I have even one cigarette, I will undo ALL of my hard work, plus I will reverse ALL of the healing my lungs have done." That really kept me on track.
I found some links for animal-related reasons to quit smoking. They are very sad, so please don't look at them if you don't want to. And please know, I am not including these links to make anyone feel guilty, but I know sometimes it's good to hear additional reasons to quit. GOOD LUCK!!!
Di--if you need support let me know!! I'm on Day 3 and have had MANY ups and downs...ill tell ya what, I've done some tough things in life and this is one of the toughest...
You can do it !!! wake up tomorrow and just say "I'm a non-smoker" "I dont smoke". !!!
All of you can do it! I did it! I've been smoke-free for 9 months now and I feel great. The initial cravings were tough but majicka414 has the right idea. That's what I did anyway. Ohh and I kept baby carrots with me at all times - sometimes I'd just sit with one hanging out of my mouth. Hey, whatever works, right? ;) I'll be here if anyone needs to chat through a craving or just needs support.
Hey, I am just introducing you to the weakest willed person in the world.....that's me!! I have been quit now for 3 years 8 months 4 days and 21 hours, and if I can do it anyone can. I still cannot believe I have come this far and the pride in what I have done makes me stay away from smoking....although it still crosses my mind now and again. I DO know that one puff will get me started again, so I try to keep out of tempting situations.
One of the things I used to bear in mind is that I did not want any animals to be tested on for my sake....and this was one of the areas over which I had no control.
Good luck to you all, you CAN do it, but you have to be very, very focused and very strong.
Di--if you need support let me know!! I'm on Day 3 and have had MANY ups and downs...ill tell ya what, I've done some tough things in life and this is one of the toughest...
You can do it !!! wake up tomorrow and just say "I'm a non-smoker" "I dont smoke". !!!
Well, I blew it today but that is OK. I have quit smoking probably about 4 times before. I just went 14 years without a smoke. I feel overwhelmingly stressed right now. But that is actually a good thing because I quit best when I am angry at myself for starting. I am now angry. I have to plan to make it work. I was going to do it last night but actually fell asleep. I have only been sleeping about three hours a night since Cali got sick a few months ago. So, I did not plan my last cigarette. I need to always plan it, enjoy it and then say...that is it! I haven't been smoking during the day because I don't want anyone at work to know. If they know, then it is like I have accepted the fact that I am smoking. I don't accept it.
I actually have only been smoking less than two months so I KNOW I can do it. Hopefully I won't even be a b*tch to people because I do not crave a cigarette from 7:00am until I get home at 5:00pm.
The hardest is someone special in my life right now smokes but he respects that I don't want smoking in the house because of my furred and feathered. So, it doesn't happen inside.
Anyway, I bought a pack of cigarettes after work and will smoke my brains out tonight. Then I will stand out on the balcony and freeze my a** off, enjoy the last one and wake up smoke free tomorrow.
I have cleared some of the boxes that are in my livingroom off the floor and I am finally going to set up some of my exercise equipment after the condo puts the new heaters in this week.
This is going to be far more for me than quiting smoking. My place is slowly but surely getting done. The condo corp., is sending in a mould expert because I have mould in many places. My bedroom being one of them so I sleep in the livingroom and have for 3 or 4 years. As I threw out my couch, my bed is blankets on an area rug on the cement floor.
I guess, I am just sick and tired of being sick and tired. So.....I want to get healthy and I plan on starting NOW. I only had about 2 feet of working counter space in my kitchen but it is just about finished and I now have about 12 feet. So, I can finally start to cook and hopefully, I will enjoy it.
I started getting really run down when Isabela was diagnosed with aggressive cancer last spring. I took many days off work and nursed her around the clock until her passing June 1st. De-cluttering started in August and renovations in September. Harold my old cat looked like she was going to leave me last summer but happily to report, she is turning 19 in less than a month. Many from this board and many friends have told me I have to take care of me so that I can take care of them. I finally see the light!
I finally have a kitchen except for the mould. The windows are all getting replaced. Thank goodness that is not my responsibility. They are going to get done as soon as the weather gets to -5. Of course we are having a huge cold front but in the next three weeks or so, windows and mould should be addressed. The critters and I will have to get out of here when they rip down the walls with mould and kill it.
Yeah, I guess I am a little stressed! ::)
None the less, I love coming to this board because I know the support is here. Thank you for your offer. Just your offer was good enough for me and the support of everyone else.
I know all of us in this quit smoking club will do it and can do it!
Thanks again everyone.
Hang in there, Diver-Di. Sounds like your life is getting on track now with renovations moving along and Cali getting better. Maybe your stress will lessen every day and you'll be able to focus on quitting smoking. From all you've said about taking care of your critters, it's obvious you are an amazing person. I'm confident you can quit!
Wow Di..you have a ton on your plate..Funny thing, my first day not smoking we faced a small crisis, we ran out of propane (no hot water and no stove). My gas company kept giving me lame excuses.. (our tanks are hooked up to a computer so they KNEW we were getting low)...well 9 phone calls, a few threats to go to the local news station and 30 hours later..they came out.
I was absolutely amazed that dealing with something stressful, I didn't NEED that ciggy. I figured stress was a trigger..funny enough it wasnt.
If you didn't quit today, there's always tomorrow. :)
Good luck today!
Will has successfully kicked any cravings before 5 pm, as well, and I am quite envious. 10AM-2PM gets to me. I never smoked at work (because then they would know :o.) but now that I work from home IT"S A FREE-FOR-ALL!! I can smoke whenever I want to, hell for that matter I could crack open a beer at 9AM, but I'm not likely to. We have another self-employed friend who is more-or-less in the same boat and she pointed out that there are some days that go so badly from the onset that you really do want a beer at 9AM, but you don't. We are perfectly capable of saying no to that little voice in our heads.
On a side note, it sounds like you have the mold issue under control, but is it black mold? Girlie, that stuff is DANGEROUS. Please be careful living amongst the foulness. It sounds like you're pad isn't fit for human or animal habitation right now. Could you negotiate another unit from your landlord? I don't want to alarm you or press this, but have you seen a lawyer? and been to a doctor to look at your lungs?
Question!...you said:
Well, since it is around 9am where I live (Georgia), but 2pm here (London)...what are the rules on me having a beer (or ummm.... multiple beers) now? Keep in mind that I have not slept, and I forgot to bring a winter coat with me...and it IS winter still in Europe... Just curious as to what the playbook says on this one... ::)
well since it's technically evening in your brain..go ahead and have a few beers.
Day 5..and MAN could I go for a smoke right now...I thought this got EASIER?!?
Yeah Majicka!....but having beer makes me want to smoke :(! The only thing that really helped me "kick the habbit" was when I started to run. Going running early in the morning....is what made me not want to smoke at all for the rest of the day.....BUT....if I decided to have a beer sometime later in the day.....then at that point....I was doomed!....I still have that chemical reaction of beer=smoking. I wish I did not....Good luck to you...seems like you have the right attitude and the will to really want to quit! I'm proud of you...keep it up!
Oh I forgot......since you want to smoke right now....don't! You'll regret it...! I know you can do this! 5 days....just tell yourself to keep going...it's like hiking... sometimes you want to turn back....but after coming this far.....just look foward and keep going up...the view is much better at the top ;)!
...somehow I've been managing to talk myself out of it everytime..
Now my only problem is I have a candy addiction and a Dance Dance Revolution addiction ;D
Hey Davedrum,
I don't care what time it is....have yourself a nice pint of stout in honor of a beautiful Tuesday! and think of me...I'd choose a nice pub over my office any day! ;D
As the picture on my wall says: "My mother said never to miss my Guinness, as if I would..."
and majicka414, you kick ass! I don't think it gets easier for a while, but day 5! Wow! The really crappy part is over for you.
In my morning meditation I spent a considerable period of time focusing in the oxygen entering my lungs, breaking through the goo that I have sucked into them. They ached this morning (we went out last night).
I have to quit thinking about it now, or I'll have to go smoke :P
It's always five o'clock somewhere ;D......and it is my day off ;)
I did manage to quit on the 1st. I fell off the wagon and had a cig last Friday, but not since. I bought some Crest White Strips to use when I finally quit. I found them a few days ago and started in. No way am I going to stain these pretty teeth again, not after the many bucks they have had put into them over the last year!
The only thing I worry about is that if I don't smoke, I won't eat and I have too many issues with not eating before this. I know...I know! Others gain, but I am sure to lose weight I don't want to now because I have quit. I mean, it had gotten to where I would eat a little before I smoked because I could not puff on an empty stomach. With no reason to do this...well hopefully it won't be too bad.
It is not so much that I wanted to quit as it was that I just lost my taste for it and my need for it. I only smoked to any degree for about a year and a half, and only a little bit about 6 months or so before that. It has not been too long and I was never a pack a day smoker anyway. The bad smell just suddenly got to me. I never allowed anyone to smoke in my house and it is too cold to go out, time to give up!
Oh and my teeth are starting to look better.