Anybody done it?
I started P90X Lean last Thursday and am totally loving it. Today will be day 4 and I am so sore, but am seeing a radical change in my strength and body shape. I am determined to make it the full 90 days because the transformation pictures are so incredible and the DVDs are only an hour long (the progress bar at the bottom helps/pushes me so much).
The lean version doesn't include Plyometrics, so I've been replacing Cardio X with it. My goal is to lose weight and tone up. Toning up has already begun, and with that comes weight loss, but I want to lose quite a bit, so I've been running on easier days (read: non-ab ripper days).
The only part that has me concerned is the recommended diet. It's high protein, low carb (including complex carbs) diet, essentially the opposite of how I eat. I've been aiming to get more protein, but I am not willing to stop eating grains, nor do I think it is healthy.
Ramble, ramble, ramble. I'm very excited about it and would love to hear what your experience has been with it, especially as a vegan. There's tons of info on it, tons of before and after pictures, but next to zero info on how to get P90sexxxxxy as a veg.
Week 11 already?! :) Yay and good for you!
haha, time flies right? we got out of whack this week because of various things so have to finish off week 10 with kenpo tonight then into chest and back tomorrow morning : )
Lauren, I was thinking about you and Evan the other day when we were talking about p90x at home, I love all the weights workouts but still think plyometrics is my favourite, and mr oww said his favourite workout out of all of them is yoga x! Awesome, and I wouldn't have seen that coming three months ago!
I need to rope someone in to start on the same schedule as me, you guys are already way bad-ass and hardcore! I need someone to whine to :P
isn't M going to do it with you? Or is he content with just *talking* about being exxxxxtreeeeeemeeee? ; )
Plyo and the legs part of Legs & Back are my favorites. :)
yessss, I love the legs workout too but I think if I had to pick a favourite from the weights workouts it would be chest and back... I think.... haha, it's all good! : )
isn't M going to do it with you? Or is he content with just *talking* about being exxxxxtreeeeeemeeee? ; )
He is but I think he's already too EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME for me. He's all muscly and strong and fit and good at working out already and I'm not.
haha, you think I'm as muscly and strong as mr oww?
we do the workouts at the same time, he just uses heavier weights than I do. But it works absolutely fine : )
Yes, you are :P
Haha ok, I grudgingly see your point...
Yes, you are :P
haha, sweet, I'm a lot more badass than I thought ; )
is any1 about 2 start the p90x program or is every1 already done? im about 2 get this next week and already have all kinds of dumbbells, pullup bar, resistance bands, etc... i want someone, who is also not a meat eater, 2 talk 2 while i get this going, esp since what i hear is the diet is consisting mainly of meat? ewww. i kno 2 get as much protein as u wud in a serving of meat ud hav 2 eat a salad about the size of ur head with greens like spinach, kale, collards, etc. i also kno that quinoa is a grain thats super high in protein and gluten free... i dont consume gluten, dairy, or meat (except fish lyk once a month, if that).
im assuming that i get enough protein eating these foods on a regular basis and i dont paln on supplementing with anything but glutamine powder when the workouts start getting intense...
im 28, 5'5", 130, used 2 b super athletic until i had a baby. shes 2 now and its time 4 me 2 get back in shape! im looking 2 build muscle, lose probly 5 lbs of fat, but more importantly i want my body fat % 2 b around 15% and i want noticeable muscles! he he he! hit me back i want support :)
Hey shaston, I am just starting, feel free to dive in with me :)
So today was my first day of p90x which meant Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X.
I was really impressed with myself on Chest and Back! I don't think I have done more than 20 pushups (on my knees) in the last 5 years, but today I stuck at it anyway and got through the entire workout, managing 148 all up, most of them on my toes. They were hard, some of them were not very low or great technique, my arms are like jelly now and they did eventually stop holding me up! But I was really proud of my effort. So far I hate the diamond ones and the dive bombers the most, but it was still really fun. I am pleased to find I am fit enough for this, and looking forward to building up the strength I've never really had.
I was using 1kg weights which really aren't heavy enough, so I will have to go and buy some bigger ones. Also I still don't have a pullup bar so have been planning to use a nearby playground but it was pouring today so I didn't get to do any of the pullups :( Which sucks because I don't want to only do half of the workout...I will try to make them up tomorrow. And get a bar for the future.
Ab ripper X was a different story - oh man is it hard! I did not even come close to keeping up with them. I have some serious work to do...
Overall though - fun! I enjoyed it, I felt a sense of achievement, and I'm looking forward to plyometrics tomorrow.
awesome awesome! I'm super impressed you did that many 'real' pushups on day one, I was definitely more of a knee dweller when I started though I've moved on to mostly full ones and just moving to my knees when I can't do any more.
Diamond and military are tough, as are the decline and the dive bombers. Though, just wait till you get to week five and have to do slo-mo and one armed
I think I said it before, but I definitely recommend looking into spinlock weights, we find them to be by far the most useful for changing so you've got exactly the right weight for each exercise so you're getting maximum benefit, but they don't take up too much room and are pretty economical. Even have a look at the ware whare, or check out for deals on that number 1 fitness site I posted a while ago.
And I'm extra impressed with your push up work if you weren't doing the back exercises, because that's the way this workout is structured, pullups to failure, pushups to failure, pullups to failure.... so without the break for your chest/arms in between, we'd be dying!!
Ab ripper is mad. But you'll find you pick up ab strength from holding good form in push ups, from yoga, and definitely from core synergistics, so don't feel like ab ripper is the be all and and all of ab workouts/core strength.
Plyometrics is my favourite of all the workouts but hell is it hard work! You've got mega dancing stamina/fitness so I'm sure you'll be fine from that perspective, but it's still a super intense workout. I hope you love it too! : )
sorry this was so long!
Thanks oww! You are encouraging and lovely :) My arms and chest and abs are a bit sore today but nothing too horrible. I'm still managing to carry my big-lump-of-a-baby dog around when he sulks and plants himself in places I need to move him from.
I like this workout so far! Lets see what plyometrics does to me...
What did you think of plyometrics?
Shoulders and arms is fun too, a bit easier than chest and back, but if you only did the chest part of chest and back then it's harder to compare....
also, you made me curious because I've never added up the push up numbers before, and I found that I did 144 in chest and back week one, and 263 in week eleven . So yeah, that's some improvement!
Thats an awesome improvement! Go you! You must be about done now right? What are your plans from here?
Plyometrics was fun. I had a few issues because I have a very old knee injury - no problem with jumping and landing but it doesn't bend well (painful and has a tendency to give out) so for the squat and bendy ones I really focused on technique rather than doing heaps or going fast. I'm hoping that all that work on it will strengthen it up a bit! But the jumpy and balancy stuff came really naturally (though of course still hard work) so I enjoyed it :)
Today I got a bit disheartened because I looked at arms and shoulders and realised it would be totally pointless without weights :( So I shuffled things a bit and did yoga today instead, and have ordered resistance bands online - hopefully they will arrive in a day or two so I can get right into it! I think they are a better choice for me because they are portable and small.
Yoga was pretty fun too! A good mixture of really hard (the first part, wow it's tiring!) and stuff I really enjoy (the balance poses and stretches). My only gripe was how long it is... it's a really long workout. I think it'll be a really worthwhile one though. The ab stuff at the end is killer!
So yea, Day 3 down and still going strong! My body feels pretty awesome. Every part of it has been working and I can feel that in all my muscles but it feels great and relaxed and it's not really sore or horrible, I'm just aware of it.
It's day 4 and I am SORE! My wrists are actually really stiff from yoga, and the mus cles around the outside edge of my armpit/shoulder blade are killing me. It's taking some self-convincing to get up and do legs and back this morning! But I will, soon.
hey thanks! i think i even started the same day as you! :) man my back is pretty sore and ive never had my armpits b sore b4, no doubt thanks 2 the pullup bar! id say get one. ur totally missing out! i just finished the legs/back workout but opted out of abripper x bcuz my abs r just 2 sore! ill get back on it the day after 2moro.
im sore pretty much everywhere right now. but havent seen much change in my appearance. i took b4 pics 2day. planning 2 take after pics when 90 days comes around.
thanks again :)
Congrats on getting started and going hard! I have really sore armpits as well haha.
I got up and did legs and back and ab ripper x today, and I'm really glad I did. I felt really sore and crap and didn't want to but felt HEAPS better afterward, it really improved the soreness and therefore my day!
Legs and back - I only did legs, still no pullup bar (resistance bands are ordered and being delivered!) and it was pouring so I couldn't go to the playground again. I'm a dancer and apparently that means I have legs of steel, because I reallly enjoyed the legs workout and it was probably the one I have struggled with least so far!
Ab ripper - I was dreading this! But surprisingly, even though my body was already sore, it was EASIER than the first time! Already! I think I was less shellshocked and just got on with it or something, but I did a lot better this time around. It's still freaking INSANE but now that I feel I will get better at it as I go I feel a lot more positive about it.
So I felt way better after doing my workout today. Happy :) Kenpo tomorrow!
Another thing I have noticed is that for the rest of the day whichever area I worked out just radiates heat haha I have a really warm tummy and thighs right now.
Plyometrics was fun. I had a few issues because I have a very old knee injury - no problem with jumping and landing but it doesn't bend well (painful and has a tendency to give out) so for the squat and bendy ones I really focused on technique rather than doing heaps or going fast. I'm hoping that all that work on it will strengthen it up a bit! But the jumpy and balancy stuff came really naturally (though of course still hard work) so I enjoyed it :)
there are a lot of squat based exercises so that sounds really tough that you can't do them all, but pleased you liked the bits you could do : )
I super enjoy the plyo workout, but when you're going all out it's awesomely super tiring too : )
Good call on the resistance bands, you'll find you're missing out on a lot not being able to do some kind of pull ups, and yeah, shoulders and arms is very weight-dependent too.
Legs and back - I only did legs, still no pullup bar (resistance bands are ordered and being delivered!) and it was pouring so I couldn't go to the playground again. I'm a dancer and apparently that means I have legs of steel, because I reallly enjoyed the legs workout and it was probably the one I have struggled with least so far!
so even the single leg wall squats didn't raise a sweat? please tell me you at least felt a bit of pain in your calves after doing the calf raise sets?
I've always had pretty tough legs, 15+ years of dancing, at the gym I was leg pressing 135kg, and doing weighted calf raises with 85kg but I am burning doing the fast calf raises in p90x with only 5kg! If you didn't feel that you really are made of titanium or something ridiculous.
have fun with kenpo, it's definitely the easiest of all the workouts, so you'll waltz through it without a blink.