omega-3 issues
I've been trying to get more omega-3 through flax and walnuts, which I heard also have them. I'm having what is to me a surprisingly difficult time find out all I want to know, although I've tried to research these issues online. Can anyone help me out?
I've been putting tons of flax seeds into muffins. I love the texture, but I hope I'm also getting omega-3's that way. But all the sites I find that talk about how great flax is for omega-3's tell you to grind it. Is that necessary? Do you not absorb as much omega-3 that way or something?
Also, I've read that heat messes things up somehow -- that is, that you're not supposed to cook with flax oil because that destroys the omega-3's, or something. So what about baking with them, like in my muffins? Is that doing me no good, omega-3-wise, on account of the heat?
Thanks y'all. :)
Eat flax oil raw and seeds freshly ground, also unheated, to get all the nutritional benefits. Store in the freezer as they tend to go rancid fairly quick once ground. Hemp seeds are also a very good source of omega 3 & 6 as well as a really nice source of protein. I also put ground flax in smoothies, you can't even taste it.
One of the more popular ways to eat ground flax seeds is in hot cereal. I have mine that way every morning in oatmeal--2 tablespoons along with sliced almonds, raisins, and a splash of maple syrup. I grind about 4 servings worth, put it in a small container, and keep it and the flax seeds in my very cold fridge. That way I don't have to grind it every day and I've not had a problem with either going rancid.
Thanks for the help, y'all. Pooh, that my favorite way of getting flax is nutritionally inferior! :'(