The official menstruation thread
This is a place to talk about our periods! Not just diva cup related, but whatever we'd like to discuss/get help with.
My period recently switched from being towards the beginning of the month, to the end. I hope it stays semi-constant (schedule-wise). When I was younger, I had some cramps, then I was on b.c pills for about 4-5 years, and didn't really have cramps, I've been off the pill for about two years now, and I have pretty bad cramps the first couple of days/nights. They were HORRIBLE this morning.
I'm REALLY wondering what I'm going to do when we run out of our bottle of Tylenol. Tylenol stops my cramps pretty quickly. By "cramps," I mean the horrible stomach/back pain, the feeling like I always have to poop, the flushed feeling, etc. Before I've taken Tylenol it doesn't really seem to matter how I'm lying/sitting/standing...anything. I know yoga helps some people...I don't know if it helps me or not..b/c I don't think I've been able to force myself to do it when in pain. But, I can't always stop and do some yoga....I don't drink tea..I'm just not wanting to buy more drugs.
Anyway, let's discuss!
I've read before that if you're experiencing cramps that if you have the big O it will help to alleviate some of the pain. Has anyone tried this with any degree of success? I was just curious since I gave it a try and instead of helping it gave me the worst cramps for a minute or two afterwards. Thinking that it was a chance occurance I tried again later and again had terrible cramping.
I've read before that if you're experiencing cramps that if you have the big O it will help to alleviate some of the pain. Has anyone tried this with any degree of success? I was just curious since I gave it a try and instead of helping it gave me the worst cramps for a minute or two afterwards. Thinking that it was a chance occurance I tried again later and again had terrible cramping.
Yes. I've had success with it. But it might not work for everyone, I guess. Like, I imagine it has to be a pretty hard orgasm, so that your muscles really contract? I dunno.
I've read before that if you're experiencing cramps that if you have the big O it will help to alleviate some of the pain. Has anyone tried this with any degree of success? I was just curious since I gave it a try and instead of helping it gave me the worst cramps for a minute or two afterwards. Thinking that it was a chance occurance I tried again later and again had terrible cramping.
Yes. I've had success with it. But it might not work for everyone, I guess. Like, I imagine it has to be a pretty hard orgasm, so that your muscles really contract? I dunno.
It works for me during the orgasm..but doesn't last.
works for me! I also think doing situps helps. Although, I realize that is probably the last thing you would want to do if the cramps were really bad.
yup, sit ups/general stomach-muscle work helps me too. It's like the muscles around there are so tense, by exercising/stretching them, you help them relax.
Or endorphins.
I like both.
Bah! NMR (not menstruation-related), but I have a UTI again! Is anyone else UTI prone? I did the whole peeing after sex thing but it didn't work.
I hope I can knock it out with water/cranberries again........
eta: This is the second one in a month. I JUST had one. I've also been having lots of rough sex, and that is most certainly the cause.
Yep, once you have're prone. It's definitely the sex. Definitely and especially.
Yep, once you have're prone. It's definitely the sex. Definitely and especially.
Yeah, no doubt about that.
What can I do to prevent it from happening all the freakin time?
I hear that wine alleviates cramps. Any truth to this statement?
have you tried drinking lots of raw cranberry juice? just get some cranberries and put them in that blender i gave you. drink up! how is the blender? does it kick ass or did it just look impressive?
The blender's good! I will do just that. I loves me some cranberries.
Is anyone else UTI prone?
Never had one.
whoah!! last month i had the worst period ever, found out that i'm somewhat anemic. so i started taking floradix it's a herbs and iron supplement. this months period was sooo much better. so just sayin that. if anyone else has awful period pains (cramping, nausea, dizzyness, fever yadda yadda yadda)
Is anyone else UTI prone?
Never had one.
This month was the first time I had one ever. Booooo.
whoah!! last month i had the worst period ever, found out that i'm somewhat anemic. so i started taking floradix it's a herbs and iron supplement. this months period was sooo much better. so just sayin that. if anyone else has awful period pains (cramping, nausea, dizzyness, fever yadda yadda yadda)
Floradix is the best!
We had this party last night at my house where it continued until the last hours of the morning. I had to work today, so at some point, I had to kick people out because I was tired and wanted to rest off the alcohol buzz still left in me (which pissed off my roomate, btw... ::)). Anyways, they left finally and I was about to fall asleep when surprise! The biggest cramps I've experienced in years, nothing I could do to help it. So, therefore, last night and this morning, I slept a big half and hour I think. Plus I was sick twice. I am wearing makeup, but there is so much I can hide. :( I am not a pretty sight and I still have the unbearable cramps even if I'm poppin' acetaminophens like there's no tomorrow.
I stopped having cramps like these a few years ago, I don't know what brought it back... :-\ Being a girl sucks sometimes. :(
:-\ Being a girl sucks sometimes. :(
SO MUCH SYMPATHY! That scenario sounds hellish, and I'm no good at reasons but maybe your body was being pissed off at the alcohol combioned with tiredness when it was already feeling fragile and using its energy to menstruate? I seriously hope it gets better and never ever happens again.
:-\ Being a girl sucks sometimes. :(
SO MUCH SYMPATHY! That scenario sounds hellish, and I'm no good at reasons but maybe your body was being pissed off at the alcohol combioned with tiredness when it was already feeling fragile and using its energy to menstruate? I seriously hope it gets better and never ever happens again.
That's what I thought too. I had a drink and two shooters at the beginning of the night, not thinking it was that much. You're probably right, though.
For those of you who experience severe cramps, you may want to ask your gynecologist about endometriosis.
Within the past few years, my cramps have significantly worsened, but I just thought this was normal and didn't bother discussing the issue with my gyn. Then, this past summer, I wake up post-tubal ligation only to find out that my endometriosis is most likely to blame.
Ironically, the first line of defense is birth control, which, well, I no longer need thanks to that tubal ligation. Oh you cruel, cruel world.
So, I just wanted to share that about 2 months ago I started recording my periods on a calendar. I have always heard about doing this and my doctor has suggested it to me multiple times, but I was always like yeah, whatever! It is really great though. I don't take the pill or anything and sometimes I feel like I have no idea when I had my last period or when I should be having my next one. Now I know, I think.
Mine seems to come once every 5 weeks and then it lasts about 6 days. I always thought my body was weird and irregular, but I might be more regular than I had previously thought. I think what was confusing me was the fact that there is such a long gap between each period. How often do you guys get yours? I always thought 4 weeks was the norm. Also, when I was on the pill years ago, I feel like it was making me have one every 3 weeks or so. That is just crazy.
SF, I used to record my periods on the calendar and it was definitely useful. Mine were regular, every 28 days or so, but it was nice just to keep track of them and know what day to expect it. It'd be like, "oh, I am going to start cramping tomorrow... and then the blood will be a-flowin'! whoop."
Buuuut then I went on BCP and have been for about two years. It did wonders for alleviating cramps and shortening the length of the period. I have not enjoyed the "spotting" or whatever though. blah. Now my bf is no more and I really have no current need for bc and I have no more refills so I'm thinking about stopping and I'm scaaaared. I do not miss cramps and reading about them coming back makes me want to continue the pills so I won't have to get them. oh dear, what to do.