Nutritional yeast and distress?
Ok, so I've found that anytime I use a substantial amount of nut. yeast (at least since eating probably too many nut. yeast cheeze sandwiches), I have GI tract distress. I don't know if it was occurring before I ate the sandwiches, but that's when I first noticed it. Now, even if I just use 1/4 cup in a dish-for 2 people-I get excessively gassy/messed up. My stomach will hurt...and there are issues. Has anyone else had this happen?
I can understand why I had the adverse reaction after eating like two nut. yeast cheeze sandwiches..but why is it happening now..with any amount?
Oh..I just found something: "# Some people have trouble absorbing and using vitamin B12 because they don't make enough of a substance called intrinsic factor or hydrochloric acid in their stomachs. B12 may be absorbed best by taking sublingual supplements that dissolve under the tongue.
A lack of intrinsic factor may lead to Pernicious Anemia."
But, the only symptom of P.A. that I have is the upset stomach (after nut. yeast..), so I dunno... ?????????????????????
Oh, when I read it wasn't what I was thinking. When I first read the sentence about P.A. I thought it was saying the lack of intrinsic factor/distress might be a sign of P.A...but it's that it might lead to it. So, I don't think I have P.A..BUT why am I having this distress?
Sorry for the confusion. :o
haha. yeah, not PA... that generally happens as you age, which is why many old people have to supplement b12.
i don't know why you have GI distress. i'll keep thinking about it.
I'm the same way. I was thinking about posting a thread on here, but you beat me to it! Granted I'm sort of GI challenged, but gas that I get from NY is worse than what I used to get when I consumed dairy products. And I noticed that is was way worse when I used the cheap non-redstar NY. Plus my pee was even more yellow w/ the cheapy stuff too. I hope you feel better AC!
haha, mixed reviews! It's not a long term thing with seems like I eat some, I feel gassy and pain-ish that night..and then the next day..I have discomfort, etc. It doesn't seem to be anything to think twice about though..except maybe cutting out NY (or use it very rarely..)
I'm the same way. I was thinking about posting a thread on here, but you beat me to it! Granted I'm sort of GI challenged, but gas that I get from NY is worse than what I used to get when I consumed dairy products. And I noticed that is was way worse when I used the cheap non-redstar NY. Plus my pee was even more yellow w/ the cheapy stuff too. I hope you feel better AC!
your pee is yellow due to the riboflavin. nothing to worry about.
Oh, I'm not worried, I know why it's happening. But I just think it's funny that my pee is a bit more yellow w/ the awesome Redstar NY, and it's super mega yellow w/ the cheapy stuff. Makes me think they add stuff that literally goes right through me. No more of the cheap stuff anyway, it's nasty!! Can't wait to get some redstar!! ;)b
Funny thing....we don't seem to become distressed anymore! I dunno...I've used NY here and there since making all those grilled cheeze sandwiches, but tried to stay away from eating a lot of it. I've made two NY sauces lately...and we haven't really had any problems. But, we are experiencing the yellow pee (which never seemed to happen before..). I think I'm buying the same flakes.......Weird, but good news!
Maybe it was the mixture with the flour...haha :o
I know I posted about this once, but I'll say it again..... I think for me my stomach gets messed up with NY because I've had intestinal yeast issues....intestinal yeast infection actually. Ever since that happened to me I have to be really careful with how much yeast of any kind I eat. Maybe over the years you've just accumulated some yeast in your intestines???? I know that totally sounds wierd and I'm definatley not a doctor but it might be worth checking into. You have to give your doctor a stool sample (which is so gross I know) but.... To much yeast in your gut causes the symptoms you describe...bloating, crampy, gassy mess and probably having diarehhea (that is a very odd color....) Anyway, just a thought. Hope you feel better soon. Feeling like that is never fun.
I actually started this thread back in April when I first noticed the issues, but I re-posted to say that I haven't noticed any distress lately. Thanks for the help, though.
I know I posted about this once, but I'll say it again..... I think for me my stomach gets messed up with NY because I've had intestinal yeast issues....intestinal yeast infection actually. Ever since that happened to me I have to be really careful with how much yeast of any kind I eat. Maybe over the years you've just accumulated some yeast in your intestines???? I know that totally sounds wierd and I'm definatley not a doctor but it might be worth checking into. You have to give your doctor a stool sample (which is so gross I know) but.... To much yeast in your gut causes the symptoms you describe...bloating, crampy, gassy mess and probably having diarehhea (that is a very odd color....) Anyway, just a thought. Hope you feel better soon. Feeling like that is never fun.
NY isnt the same kinda yeast as the Candidia Albicans kind that is in your gut/ digestive tract. CA feeds off of sugar and grows in an environment that is without enough good bacteria.
AC...maybe staying away from it for awhile has allowed your body to be more resilent to it,since it had a break.
i think there is a difference too, in how it is used and how much it affects my belly. Perhaps the cheeze sauces are cooked enough and mixed w/other things, making it easier on your belly? versus a raw NY recipe.
btw...what are these grilled cheezes that you speak of?? ???
AC...maybe staying away from it for awhile has allowed your body to be more resilent to it,since it had a break.
i think there is a difference too, in how it is used and how much it affects my belly. Perhaps the cheeze sauces are cooked enough and mixed w/other things, making it easier on your belly? versus a raw NY recipe.
btw...what are these grilled cheezes that you speak of?? ???
That could very well be the case....
Ummm, let me find the recipe. Here:
eta: They are good (especially with mustard and pickle), but don't eat too many! ;)
If it started from eating large amounts and now recurs from smaller amounts (where it hadn't previously) you have probably developed a sensitivity. This is not uncommon. Have you tried switching brands?
nevermind, I just read the above posts. :rabbit2: