New Have Question About Vertigo
I have a question and I wasn't sure where to post it, I don't see a thread for just newbies so here goes.
About a month ago I cut all meat besides seafood which we gather or fish for ourselves ( so i'm not a vegetarian or vegan so the label goes i'm a fishaterian if you need to label me), I had already been going the organic whole foods way and no processed foods and no milk at all for 4 years or so, so it was not that hard to just remove the meat also was raised until the age of 12 as a Seventh Day Adventist - so here we are again back were I started from and needing a lot of information my first question is about Vertigo:
So anyway my question is about 1 week ago I started getting vertigo, this is not new to me- but it has never lasted this long.. I'm wondering if it has happened to anyone else who has changed their diet? I don't feel like I've even changed it so drastically so i'm not sure what to think. If so what can I do different to make this go away?
Second I have been dealing/living with anxiety/depression/panic disorder since 99' depression a lot longer. I don't take meds except for panic disorder which I would like to stop taking... what can I eat for this, this vertigo is not helping me at all. I have been taking 1 tsp of organic molasses because also I have been dealing with anemia on and off since a child which would be another question
what can I eat with a lot of iron besides lentils? I love lentil soup so much, with habaneros, shiitakes and shallots sauteed up in olive oil and placed right on top of my soup. But really I need to change things up. I'm not really into fake foods, I would like more information on real foods that have a lot of what I would need to feel better. Other than the Vertigo I feel a lot better just from removing meat..
I would like to write more but the page is not not scrolling, and I cannot see what I'm typing......
Thanks for reading :)
Hi, I have vertigo too, it comes and goes, I guess we have to learn to live with it. I take some herbal suppliments, I'm a big believer in being healed by herbs and diet....I'm goin to give you the name of a website, I am not affilated with them, but I do buy from them, they have alot of information on natural healing, for all sorts of problems...check them out,
I think by diet alone, you will feel alot better. Good luck to you
Hi there and welcome!
Role Call!is our 'newbie intro thread'.
For the vertigo, I recommend you watch your blood sugar levels, and keep some nuts and/or dried berries near by to eat when you start to feel that way.
Iron rich foods besides lentils are pretty much all the leafy green stuff (spinach, broccoli, kale, etc). I believe other legumes, like black beans, are pretty good when it comes to iron as well (but don't hold me to it!)
Here is a good recipe to use as a starting off point. I normally add some citrus and jalapenos to it and then serve it with quinoa over a bed of spinach. G calls it the vegan version of steak and potatoes.
This thread has lots of info for For mood enhancing foods.
This one is good too
Hope these help!
If you're interested, here's a vegan cookbook that's all about no imitation products:
I don't own it myself, but it seems to have stellar reviews.
vertigo can be symptomatic of a lot of different things - it's probably not the worst idea for you to go to your doctor and have them run some tests just to make sure there isn't anything else going on under the surface.
I have to second what SirDidy says. Vertigo could be related to spinal problems, blood pressure, circulatory problems, heart disease, thyroid disorders, inner ear problems, you name it. Get a full physical if you can to rule out some of these factors. You could even have an ear infection or a sinus problem. If you can't manage a full physical, do see a doctor and talk to them about it.
Thanks so much for all the information I have been going through a lot of the links here...
If you're interested, here's a vegan cookbook that's all about no imitation products:
I don't own it myself, but it seems to have stellar reviews.
Great book, exactly what I'm looking for thanks so much
Here is his blog with some delicious photos.