I need some advice
I could use some advice because I'm just about at the end of my rope. I'm extremely Overweight, I have zero energy and I can't seem to lose any weight :( I'm feeling really depressed about it :(
I'm 5'10 and over 200 pounds, I've been vegetarian 3 years, on again off again vegan the whole time, but I'm pretty much On again (3 months) and plan to stay.
I track my calories on Livestrong.com, I weigh all my food so I know how much I'm eating. I'm getting to the point where I obsess over every crumb that goes in my mouth.
My exercise of choice is walking.. I walk 2 miles in my neighborhood everyday, there are a few pretty big hills and it's tough for my very overweight out of shape self to do. I have alot of pain in hip, knee and heel while I walk and all other times for that matter... but I do the walk anyway, sometimes 2 times, once in the morning and again in the evening. The walk takes about 45 minutes to do, I can't seem to improve on this time at all. I also just feel so run down, no energy at all.
I do take a few vegan supplements, Glucosamine, Cal-Mag plus, B-12 and Thyadine.
I have read all over the place how people drop weight when the went vegetarian or vegan, I gained weight, and lots of it. I blame that on also quitting smoking, but I would rather be fat than smoke!
I feel like I eat low calorie, and try to make good decisions with what I eat, I also get my heart pumping everyday, I weigh myself one day and it says I lost 2 pounds 3 days later, I'm up 5?!?! What is it I am doing wrong here? Any advice on what to do about my no energy problem? should I be drinking a protein shake or something?
Have you ever had your thyroid tested? That's what my doctor did when I complained that it was extremely hard for me to lose weight.....I was borderline I guess so I don't take any medicine for it yet, but my mom does so I'm sure I will someday...
I also gained weight when I went vegan....
My doctor checked my thyroid many years ago, and told me it was fine. I had to fight with him to get him to do it, he told me he could tell by looking at me it was fine... My doctor now told me that everyone with a weight problem thinks they have a thyroid issue and 99% of the time its poor choices..when I had told her I was vegan she laughed a little and said really now? so as you can see I have boneheads for doctors. I asked them about checking it because every female on my mothers side has a serious issue with their thyroid, my mom only has half of hers. I can't get any help with that, they just keep telling me its not a thyroid problem.
I'm not an expert, but when I went vegetarian a long time ago I ate wayy too many carbs, cheese, etc. When I went totally vegan two and a half years ago I quickly shed 60 pounds of pregnancy weight, (I was nursing too, which I'm sure helped.) I think the reason was because as a vegan I ate tons of fruit and veggies, beans, quinoa, amarenth, etc. It was ironic because after a lifetime of trying to be calorie/low fat minded I was actally making sure to get ENOUGH calories and enough fat so it wouldn't affect my milk supply. I would suggest eating TONS of these kinds of food, cutting out all animal products, and not relying heavily on processed vegan type products, (like the fake meats, cheeses, pizzas, etc.) And eaing fresh produce/foods more so than thinking about low calorie or low fat foods. Bean and veggie soups are one of my favorite things to eat, and they are extremly healthy, loaded with protein, and naturally low fat. I don't even really follow recipes, thats the best thing about soups they come together quickly. Red lentils, quinoa, and lots of potato, carrots, brocolli, kale, the list goes on....seasoned with curry, paprika, chili powder, onion, garlic, etc... i let them cook until everything is so mushy it falls apart in my mouth, but you can also blend them for a smooth/creamy soup. Heres some yummy soup recipes I like, but feel free to get creative...
thanks, I'll look into those.
I didn't have the sudden, dramatic weight loss that other people seem to have had when they went vegan, but I think for me it may have been that as a vegetarian I didn't eat a lot of dairy or eggs to begin with. I'm sorry you're struggling, I'm struggling with my weight too. I'm trying to cut out processed food as much as possible and this week I'm starting to convert to 4 or 5 small meals a day instead of 3 large meals.
I'm terrified of going to the doctor and being scoffed at. I've only been vegan for 3 months now and haven't needed to go to the doctor yet, but I dread the thought of having to defend a lifestyle that I know is good for me to the doctor :( and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I've never done this before, but have you considered looking into alternative medicine? I know someone for whom acupuncture made a huge difference for insomnia (different, I know). Or maybe just switching doctors to try to find one who is willing to test your thyroid again given your family history, or one who is more understanding about veganism. I wonder if there's a vegan nutritionist in your area. (is there even such a thing? there must be...)
I know there must be someone out there to help you! Don't give up! When you are doing everything in your power to help your body, like you're doing right now, and you're still not feeling the results, it must be time to bring in someone who's more willing to help you than your current doctor.
Good luck and I hope things get better!
Thanks for the kind words. I will not give up! I get down and frustrated, but I'll find a way to reach my goal. I hadn't even thought of a vegan nutritionist,I will be looking into that! I am looking for a new doctor, hopefully I can find one that isn't a bonehead.
For the record I am a 7 year vegan that is 5'9" and weighs 200lb and also has extremely bad knees. I find that I have to monitor my portion sizes and exercise regularly. The more I move the more energy I have. The days I dont exercise are the days I want to nap.
Try adding light weights to your exercising. Spend 15 minutes a day lifting 2lb weights (or even cans of beans!) in bicep curls, tricep pushes and shoulder raises.
Since December I have been dedicated to working out (except for a 6 week knee issue that had me walking with a cane). I have not changed size or pounds but my shape is changing and there are muscles appearing. Women will NOT become bulky or musclebound without dedicating your life to it, so dont worry about looking like a bodybuilder. So dont be afraid to add weights.
Just be active! Make healthy choices about food and activity. If you see an option to take the stairs and can climb them, do so! Rather than pick soda drink water, veggies rather than chips. And make this a part of your lifestyle! Not something you are doing temporarily, but change your entire mindset.
I tell myself everyday "I love working out. I feel great!" and each time I believe it more and more. You can do it!
I could use some advice because I'm just about at the end of my rope. I'm extremely Overweight, I have zero energy and I can't seem to lose any weight :( I'm feeling really depressed about it :(
I'm 5'10 and over 200 pounds, I've been vegetarian 3 years, on again off again vegan the whole time, but I'm pretty much On again (3 months) and plan to stay.
I track my calories on Livestrong.com, I weigh all my food so I know how much I'm eating. I'm getting to the point where I obsess over every crumb that goes in my mouth.
My exercise of choice is walking.. I walk 2 miles in my neighborhood everyday, there are a few pretty big hills and it's tough for my very overweight out of shape self to do. I have alot of pain in hip, knee and heel while I walk and all other times for that matter... but I do the walk anyway, sometimes 2 times, once in the morning and again in the evening. The walk takes about 45 minutes to do, I can't seem to improve on this time at all. I also just feel so run down, no energy at all.
I do take a few vegan supplements, Glucosamine, Cal-Mag plus, B-12 and Thyadine.
I have read all over the place how people drop weight when the went vegetarian or vegan, I gained weight, and lots of it. I blame that on also quitting smoking, but I would rather be fat than smoke!
I feel like I eat low calorie, and try to make good decisions with what I eat, I also get my heart pumping everyday, I weigh myself one day and it says I lost 2 pounds 3 days later, I'm up 5?!?! What is it I am doing wrong here? Any advice on what to do about my no energy problem? should I be drinking a protein shake or something?
Well, first off it seems like you are on the right track to weight loss! Good for you! May I ask what you are eating daily? Definately make sure you eat mostly fruits and veggies (more veggies than fruits, actually...), whole grains, proteins (beans, avocados, tofu, tempeh, seitan, nuts...) and such. And DEFINATELY avoid pre-packaged foods. Too much sodium and mystery ingredients. Green tea also helps with weight loss...I'd have like three cups a day.
As for exercise, suppliment your walking regement with strength training and yoga and/or pilates. It tricks your muscles and you end up burning more calories because your metabolism would be up.
And as for your described weight flux, that is totally normal. Everyone's weight changes day to day. It's not really "gaining". It's water weight. A person's weight can differ like 5 lbs within ONE DAY, so it's nothing to be afraid of.
One more thing...try not to obesess too much over the calories. That's something I'm working on now. It's kinda hellish, isn't it? A horrid obsession. Just make sure you have good food, good serving sizes, good exercise, and a good outlook and you should be golden! Good luck :)
A bit of wisdom I've heard, that seems sensible enough to me: "Eat until you are seven-tenths full. Save the other three-tenths for hunger." It's less important the numbers you log and more important to listen quite closely to the signals your body gives you. If you've got bad joints, focus on making sure you have the correct posture/gait - I know that I can walk really hard on my heels, which is the quick and easy way to screw up your entire leg! Try to give your body what it needs and think about feeling good rather than just hard numbers. Your body will get to the 'right' weight when it's good and ready. :)
The weight change is not that big of a deal--our bodies fluctuate due to hydration/exercise/salt intake, etc. Monday I was curious and I weighed myself before and after a 9 mile run--with sweating and using the bathroom once, I lost 3 pounds, in 80 minutes. Crazy, huh? Don't worry so much about weight at the moment, and focus more on how your clothes fit and how you feel. Do you have energy? That's important. You can only exercise so much if you have energy.
Do you use a pedometer? I have one, and I love it. It makes me move. Sometimes on the weekends I'll get done with a run and go "Hmmm. I just ran 10 miles. I want to sit on the couch." But I don't do it, because I know I need more steps. Make sure you're not exercising (awesome that you're walking on a regular basis!) and then sitting around at home because you're tired or you think you've moved enough for the day. This was something I did until I got my pedometer and I have a quantifiable account of how much I'd moved that day. Pick a number of steps and stick with it, no matter what. Walk your dog if you need more. I am coming off of marathon training, and I've gained a couple of pounds in the lull after my races. So, I'm trying to get 23,000-24,000 steps a day (up from my old maintenance of 21,000--small increases seem easier), and if I don't have the number I'll take the dogs for a walk at 10 PM to get it.
I'm vegan, so if I want to lose weight or cut out some calories I just say no refined sweets and cut back on oils. That's about all I can do, and it works. I still don't count calories and I still eat all the fruits/veggies/whole grains that I want, but it works just to cut those things out.
Take it slow, and you'll be fine. It sounds like you're on the right track!
thanks for all the advice! I appreciate everyones help. I guess I need to quick Wiggin out over ever crumb and step I take and just live life. Move more and eat right and Throw out that Damn scale! I have been letting numbers rule my life... and it's driving me crazzzy!
I think I'm going to go jump on the treadmill for awhile, maybe that will help energize me.
Either your not getting enough protein or something is slowing you down something medically physically.
I say if you feel ok first do an analysis of the protein your getting each day. Write it down even for two weeks.
But if your not feeling ok, you have a pain here and there, like headaches anything out of the ordinary start with that first.
Also the exercise might just be a little to much for you. Do it every other day in my opinion.
I am not a vegan/vegetarian nutritionist but I am a Registered Dietitian. Just by reading your first post -- my guess is that you are not eating enough.
You are 70" tall and weigh 200#, how many kcals are you consuming during the day and how do you distribute them?
What is your macronutrient ratio? (Percentage of your average daily intake for each of protein, fat, and carbs).
Generally, it's recommended that carbs should ideally not be more than 50%, protein should be between 10-35%, and fats should be around 20-30%.
Also a calorie calculator might help so you know how much calories you should have per day based on your activity level and desired weight:
Calorie Calculator
I understand the difficulty of weight loss. I have recently lose 40 lbs and feel great but it was not easy. It was the exercise that was the toughest because I really challenged my body. You can not let youself get comfortable with any exercise, you have to constantly challenge yourself if you want to maintain weight loss. I want to lose more weight and it is very frustrating at times. I think I'm on a low calorie diet as well. Sometimes after intense work outs i want to eat more, but that's when you have to remember your weight loss goal. Stay determined and focused on what you want. I'm sure you can do it!
You say your doctor checked your thyroid "many years ago." Many things can trigger thyroid imbalance, as well as other problems, so that test many years ago may not be valid now. You don't state your age so there may be other components involved as we grow and change over timeStart by getting a physical with full blood and urine workup. For years and years my doctors told me "Well your thyroid is a leetle low, but it's in the "normal" range." Then about time I started premenopause my cholesterol shot through the roof. My GP ran more tests. Guess what? Hashimoto's disorder. They faffed around with low doses of thyroid medication and finally put it up to where it's now doing some good. I too was going through the "what am I doing wrong?" obsessive thing. I wasn't doing anything "wrong." My body was out of balance. Now I get a full workup every year and partial (specifically for thyroid) every six months to keep tabs on it.