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I feel like crap, someone please help!

I'm posting this on this board because I slightly broke veg & am thinking about doing it more.....I feel like CRAP: headachy, can't focus, tired, weak. I almost passed out yesterday. I did the marathon last weekend, then I had my period last week & I jumped right into working out at the gym & trying to loose some weight. So maybe I've been overdoing it, not eating enough, idk. But I ran 12 miles Sunday & felt super energetic for a few hours after that, then I really crashed. I felt zombie like for the rest of the day. Yesterday, I felt ok when I woke up, a little hungry & headachy. Then as the day went on I felt worse & worse. By the afternoon I was close to passing out. I thought about it & realized I haven't been taking any iron supps, so I picked up some pills that probably aren't veg & took one. I felt better about an hour after that, but I was also eating dinner. I felt great all night, so I thought the iron was the problem. I took another iron pill this morning. Now I feel like crap again I thought maybe I needed food/sugar so I just ate some junk from starbucks but it didn't even help :(

I don't know about running marathons.  Are you supposed to give your body a rest afterwards?  Maybe your innards are done tuckered out.


I don't have any adcice, just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon!!!


Thanks guys. yeah I guess I should have rested a little more.


I don't have any adcice, just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon!!!

man, I really need to proof read before I send something!


i have a few clients who are marathon runners, and what I've noticed it that leading up too and afterwards they basically eat veg*an. You just might need to so some complementary protiens,  like rice and beans.


I'm no expert but I would recommend keeping away from foods/drinks high in sugar/caffeine and making sure you eat a lot of carbs and protein. A healthy variety of vegetables and if available fruits are also very important for vitamins.

Beans are a great food for recooperating as can be pasta so long as the carbs don't tucker you out  when you need energy.

Also I think this is often overlooked but seeing sunlight for a good amount of time each day helps bring up your mood and gives you Vitamin A which even vegetables may not be enough to make up for sunlight.


i've been feeling like crap lately too.  mostly due to my period/anemia.  I ordered floradix;jsessionid=YLUD1GHMZHSHSCQUC4YFAFQKCQL00UNE?id=FL-1011

i didnt notice before i ordered it that it had so much b12 in it, because just a coulpe minutes before i ordered this, i ordered the b12 patch.  the patch has helped me feel better.  i JUST got the floradix, but my mom, whos anemic and vegetarian too, said that this has helped her out a lot!  But just as a warning, it says to use within 4 weeks of opening!  So don't go getting the big bottle like me.  whoops.

i hope you feel better!


I agree with hh...don't feel bad for taking a few days off to let your body relax & unwind.  And never underestimate the rejuvenating power of a good night's sleep!  I hope your training/everyday life busyness isn't interfering with your rest time.  Good rest can be just as important as good nutrition.

Hope you feel better soon!


Thanks again everyone! I SLEPT so much yesterday! Woke up just to eat dinner & take a shower. I think it was a combination of a lot of things (eating kindof crappy, not sleeping enough, not recovering fromt he marathon properly, etc) Turns out the main problem is I'm fighting a head cold. I woke up all congested this morning. So I took a decongestant & that seems to be helping with the fuzzy head feeling. I'm going to continue with the extra iron though. Smooch has been anemic before & he said the way you can tell if you are getting too much iron is that your poo will turn black, so I should worry about taking too much unless that happens.

hiimkelsi, Floradix is what I usually take (hopefully you ordered the kind without honey). I usually just take it the week of my period & if I'm having a high milega week & feel tired alot. I've left it opened in the fridge for months & never had any problems. And I'm not an expert, but I think if you take in more B12 than you can absorb, you'll just pee it out.

Sorry I was freaking out yesterday, I just really hate not feeling well & feeling dizzy like you are going to pass out is scary. I guess because I'm still new at the veg thing, it's an easy target to second guess. Thanks alot for all of your suggestions & well wishes! I'm going to continue to take it easy until I feel 100%


Feeling dizzy is a reason to freak out.  I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better/ it's the head cold.  Well, I'm not happy to hear that it's a head cold, but that you know why you may not feel well versus know knowing.


LAD, let me know if you need any help with anything concerning nutrition anymore bc i am well versed in nutrition and working out LOADS. ha. even though i want to say you should def not break veg (it sounds like you shouldn't, though!), you may be one of those people it just doesn't work out for at some point. so just don't beat yourself up no matter what you do choose.


i want to say you should def not break veg (it sounds like you shouldn't, though!), you may be one of those people it just doesn't work out for at some point. so just don't beat yourself up no matter what you do choose.

I don't really understand that statement. I think I need some clarification before I make any other comment.


LAD, let me know if you need any help with anything concerning nutrition anymore bc i am well versed in nutrition and working out LOADS. ha. even though i want to say you should def not break veg (it sounds like you shouldn't, though!), you may be one of those people it just doesn't work out for at some point. so just don't beat yourself up no matter what you do choose.

Thanks so much hespedal! I've been resting & taking iron & making sure I eat enough, I think that's helping. I just get really frusterated whenever I don't feel well. And it seems to happen kindof frequently so I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Can you give me a sample of what you eat in a day & any supps you take?


Thanks so much hespedal! I've been resting & taking iron & making sure I eat enough, I think that's helping. I just get really frusterated whenever I don't feel well. And it seems to happen kindof frequently so I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Can you give me a sample of what you eat in a day & any supps you take?

I know you weren't speaking to me, but this thread: is like a daily food log for a lot of us. Hesp has a couple entries there. You can look there if you want, and she can reply in more detail here, I'm sure.

My advice to you has always been along these lines:

Make sure you're eating enough of the right kinds of stuff. 

You are just SO very active, I think you just have to be that much more aware of what (and how much) you are eating.


Thanks AC! looking at that thread did help a bit.... Everyone on there eats as much or more than me! & I thought I ate a lot, turns out I'm wrong. I think you may be right, part of the problem was probably because I went on a diet last week. I feel like I need to loose a couple pounds. I guess I dont, or else I should try to loose them slower!


Thanks AC! looking at that thread did help a bit.... Everyone on there eats as much or more than me! & I thought I ate a lot, turns out I'm wrong. I think you may be right, part of the problem was probably because I went on a diet last week. I feel like I need to loose a couple pounds. I guess I dont, or else I should try to loose them slower!

You are very welcome. Yeah, if you want to lose some weight..I would say to just cut out extraneous sweets and processed fats (and any such less healthy things), but don't just cut down on how much you are eating.  :)


Don't sacrifice your health for the sake of a few pounds.  The numbers on the scale really don't matter.  What good would it do to be skinny but sickly?  ;)

No good!


i want to say you should def not break veg (it sounds like you shouldn't, though!), you may be one of those people it just doesn't work out for at some point. so just don't beat yourself up no matter what you do choose.

I don't really understand that statement. I think I need some clarification before I make any other comment.

i know hh first tried to go vegan and it didn't work due to health reasons.. an old board member had a partner that tried to go vegan and got sick (he was eating super healthy, as well, he had had cancer though and the chemo fucked his body up in some way that it was just impossible for him to be vegan, unfortunately)...

Thanks so much hespedal! I've been resting & taking iron & making sure I eat enough, I think that's helping. I just get really frusterated whenever I don't feel well. And it seems to happen kindof frequently so I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Can you give me a sample of what you eat in a day & any supps you take?

eating enough is HUGE. i know i told a ton of the girls on bike and build that "now isn't the time to go on a diet". if you are hungry EAT. that is one of the most important thing. your body isn't trying to fool you into eating too much. working out a moderate amount and dieting works for some people, but if i am working out a lot (training and running marathons would DEFINITELY be in that category), i wouldn't try to diet. it's just not worth it. if you are physically capable of being in as great of physical shape as you are i am sure you don't have much (if any) weight to lose.
right now i am a total sloth (except at work, work for me IS a work-out), but when i am working out a lot i seriously eat tons and tons of fresh fruits, veggies, and nuts along with tons of other crap like cookies, ice cream, cake. haha.. sweet-tooth! anyway, i just eat what would be a healthy diet, up the protein a bit and then eat all kinds of crap and don't limit myself. i always try to get in a huge salad and a smoothie (generally green) every day... the greens really help with protein and the fruit is awesome for calories! for a while i even put hemp protein or chia powder into my smoothies. generally they have at least one banana, nuts of seeds (blended with water to make a nut milk), dates, and either lots of greens and frozen fruit, or lots of cacao and ice.

i don't supplement at all. i don't really think it is necessary as long as you are eating healthily. i do eat nutritional yeast sometimes, though, and very rarely eat fortified soymilk.

have you tried anything like fit-day? they have a terrible database of food, but it is nice to use sometimes (especially when you are working out) because sometimes you don't realize how little you have eaten. i think the number one rule of food is if you don't eat enough you are going to feel crappy.


Thanks again everyone! I'm actually feeling like myself again today. And if I really think about it, I haven't been sick since the middle of summer, so I really shouldn't complain... I think I overreacted a bit. But starting next week I'm going to restart my blog & use it as a food & exercise journal, so hopefully everyone can take a look once in a while & let me know if they think I'm on the right track.

You guys are the best!  :)>>>


Yeah, I suspect you will turn around.  I think you're still recovering from stuff, like you said.

Is this your vegweb blog you're talking about?  I'll do one with you, if you want.  I haven't been exercising AT ALL because of work, but I need to.  I also eat terribly.  We could be blog bff's.



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