Hair breakage/loss?
I just noticed last week that my scalp is a lot more noticable where I part my hair. Then just today I noticed what looks like new hair growth around my hair line, but I swear it wasn't there a a couple days ago, so I'm thinking what looks like new hair might be hair that has broken off short? I've also been shedding a noticable amount of hair, but I originally thought that was because my hair is much longer now than it used to be.
Money has been really tight over the last month and a half, so I've been eating on the cheap, and that means eating many of the same things over and over again.
Any advice on nutrition I might not be getting would be really helpful. Any vitamins I need to be taking? Food I absolutely need to be eating? I already have thin hair, so this hair loss is really worrying me.
Vitamin B complex is important to hair. If your nails are brittle too, and you notice you're losing pubic hair as well, and the sides of your eyebrows, have your thyroid checked. Particularly if you often feel cold and tired out no matter how much you sleep or rest.
My nails have always been very strong, even now, and I'm not noticing any other hair changes except on my head. I've been taking a b-12 vitamin a couple times since this started, but maybe I should start taking one every day.
Perhaps you wash your hair too often?
Perhaps you wash your hair too often?
Or blow dry it too long, or straighten it too often. Try also a warm olive oil treatment, which is exactly what the name says. Put warm (just barely, don't burn yourself) olive oil on your hair, wrap your head in Saran wrap and leave it for 30 min. Do this once a week.
Hmm...I normally wash my hair ever 1-2 days, sometimes I can even go 3. And I actually never blow dry my hair, or straighten it, because hair I hate to see it get dried out. I'll still try the olive oil treatment and see if that helps.
I still think it might have to do with nutrition, since I've been living on mainly potatos, baked beans, and pasta with marinara for nearly 2 months. Besides B vitamins, are there any other essential nutrients for hair that you might know of?
Try adding some hemp. I don't know exactly what it is about hemp but whenever I eat it everything gets better.
Also, try massaging your scalp and using warm things on it to help stimulate circulation. Maybe massage your scalp with a warm EO and by warm I mean something like cinnamon (although I think cinnamon might burn so maybe something a little less hot).
Iron supplements have helped me out in that regard, as well as upping my protein intake. I eat a lot of nut butters, which aren't exactly cheap, but they have protein and fats which are good for hair growth, especially dealing with brittle hair. Over the years I've had my blood tested a few times and doctors always tell me it looks fine and that my iron level looks fine, but I've heard that sometimes the threshold for sufficient iron is pretty low, so it may be possible to be anaemic and still have "good" iron levels. I think that may have been my problem over the past few years. I've been eating more green veggies and taking Floravit (a liquid supplement), and I no longer get head rushes or lose so much hair. Unfortunately eating better can be quite a bit more expensive. I'd recommend frozen peas and leafy greens, they tend to be cheaper than other green veggies.
I don't know if I'm just overanalyzing or imagining this, but I seem to not lose so much hair in the shower when I eat a big breakfast (with my iron supplement) about half an hour before getting into the shower. It's when I'm hungry and feeling malnourished that I notice more hair coming out, but then maybe I just notice it more because I feel crappy about my health when I haven't yet eaten.