Going vegan, in need of health advice and advice in general. Noob alert.
Ok. So. I've been vegetarian for a while, and unfortunately my diet strayed from that. My diet is pretty awful. I mean bad. I've tried cutting back on portions and yadda yadda, but that just didn't work. I also feel quite sick a lot from these foods, and I know in my heart that I need to go back vegetarian. So I'm going to go vegan in January.
I've always been heavy. When I was 18, I got up to 200 lbs, and a size 15 pant. I'm only 5'2.5". I lost about 50 lbs. Well, here I am. 22 and 155. I wear about a 7-9. I would still like to lose more weight. I not only want to go Vegan, but I want to go on a weight-loss Vegan diet (going Vegan won't necessarily make me lose weight, I understand that).
I also ate in ways that didn't help me lose weight as a vegetarian, maybe too many potatoes? Too much fat? I do love my starches and bread (which I already know has to go buh-bye lol). What kind of foods should I try to eat to lose weight? Will tofu make me gain it? Should I go raw? lol Too many questions...
I already have an idea of what books to get, Skinny Bitch, Appetite for Reduction, Veganomicon, 1,000 Vegan Recipes. I guess I'm still a bit apprehensive and scared of taking the leap. Scared of failing O.o.
Any tips on my noob questions? All advice is extremely appreciated and thanks for reading. :)
lots of carbs (fruit and potatoes, squashes... i'm personally not a fan of grains, but i don't think they'll make you gain weight), low fat and protein. eat lots of veggies and fruit.. beans, etc. think nutrient dense lower calorie. i find that when people have a problem with weight they usually aren't the greatest at controlling portions so you just have to make sure the stuff you're eating is good stuff.
So lots of carbs is good?
I was taught they were so bad! i just need to lay off on the fat. And yes, I have had portion control problems. I'll still try to stray from grains the best i can. Whole grains are best though right, and no flour?
I recently lost a lot of weight and now I weigh 120lbs and I'm 5'7. I eat carbs, even those so called evil white ones, but I've still lost weight. Portion control is the best way to lose weight.
I think hesp is talking about the good carbs. I like eating something each day in bulk and will make a ginormous salad with dark leafy greens, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, 'n things topped with half a can of beans. That's pretty much all carbs, but good carbs. <- Not a weight loss strategy, as I'm not thin, but an example of a carb-heavy meal.
i would recommend getting Alicia Silverstones books `the kind diet`. it is very eye opening and after reading just the INTRO i knew it would have a huge impact on my life and the food choices i make. it does focus on a lot of grain...but whoe grains. the ones your body likes, and take lnger to digest....giving you more energy, and keep you fuller longer. my personal philosophy is this; if it doesnt come from the ground....dont eat it. ! and believe me...you will NOT go hungry...or get bored! be open to trying new things and exploring the exciting world of whole, natural food. Earths gift to us. ;)b once you find this new balance, you will find you body easily letting go of the last few pounds. best wishes
Thank you, all! You've all been very lovely and helpful to me! I will work out too, so that will help! I'll let you all know how it goes! I'll keep posting things... mostly questions lol. Thank you!
My favorite book for vegan weight loss is Eat to Live. There's no counting calories - you basically eat all of the produce you want, at least a cup of beans, and a bit of grains a day. It fits what I like to eat, though. There's a lot of variation in there. You can eat salads or add a banana to a green smoothie or count rice paper as a grain and make spring rolls.
Thank you, everyone :D :)>>>
Sorry to ask more questions! But for weight loss as a vegan, what foods should I avoid?
i find staying away from bread and other flour proucts always helps in my weightloss. try to limit your fats as well. mind you, fats are essential to any diet, and i LOVE my nuts, avacado and nut butter...but try to keep it to no more than 3 servings of fat daily.
Thank you all <3
Good topic and good questions. I myself is going to try to change my diet to a vegan diet for the new year. I have been vegetarian for 5 year and I have tryed to go vegan once. Good luke to you.