food goals!
I noticed there are a few weight loss/get-in-shape threads going, but I didn't see anything about other food-related goals, so being the dork I am, I made a thread for them. :)
here are mine:
-start sprouting things! and figure out good ways to eat the sprouts.
-make granola, and fruit & nut bars
-eat more raw foods
-buy more things according to seasonality
-bake more bread!!!
-actually try tempeh
-keep my herb pot from dying like it did last fall when I brought it inside... :/
-add chocolate mint to my potted food plant collection, and dry it to make tea..mmm
EDIT: i forgot a couple:
-learn to make Dim Sum buns!!! MMMM
-actually try to like mushrooms
-emulate the chocolate tofu cheesecake they make at the can't be that hard.
also, longer term: start growing more of my own food. like, potatoes in a potato bag, and other things to that effect. (already have 2 strawberry plants!)
I hope other people contribute to this...I can't be the only one with nerdy food goals. :P
Yup, you're a dork! ;)
You're totally not a dork. I have kind of succeeded with my most recent food goals so I guess my primary goal now is not to slip back into the bad food habits I gave up, like ramen noodles, meat analogs, and boxed, processed foods. I'm still eating raw right now, but when I do add non-raw items back into my diet my goals are:
-cook your own damned beans, don't use canned ones
-make whole grain breads, no white flour
-brown rice, not white rice
-give up the damned feta cheese and honey and finally go totally vegan
i have a few, and some are the same as yours and storm's!
-brown rice, not white (i'm finally getting into this)
-sucanat, not refined sugar (finally baked with it today)
-bake more bread (did this last week too yay!
-make my own lunchmeat out of seitan
-cook beans, not canned beans (i have a bag...yet to be cooked)
-go to the famers market every weekend, and freeze my excess so in the winter i won't have to buy expensive, out of season, nonlocal veggies and fruit (have been working on this)
-experiment more in the kitchen (sometimes a good thing, sometimes not, haha)
-bake more cupcakes, but take most of them to work and to other people
that's all i can think of for now...
Yay, I love this thread! Here are mine so far:
- grow a fabulous veggie garden (this unfortunately will have to wait until next year), unless I get really ambitious and attempt a green house.
- start soaking and cooking raw beans, as opposed to purchasing canned
- making more homemade snacks, like granola, breakfast bars, protein bars, as opposed to buying store bought one’s
- buy tons of seasonal fruits and veggies when they are cheap and either can or freeze them to make them last (AP gave me some fabulous tips on doing this) ;)b
- perfect my veg’n cooking skills!
- Make more baked and home made stuff for gifts as opposed to buying gifts.
That’s all I can think of for now.
Tino- you’ve never tried tempeh??? You are missing out, so should try it! The have a flax tempeh now, so yummy! They are all yummy actually…..
I had many of those goals once...
Count me in on wanting to cook beans rather than use canned!
Other goals--
1. Drink more water. Too much of my liquid intake is coffee and, on some days, beer
2. Comparison shop--make it to my local HFS store to get cheap tofu, fruits/veggies not on sale. (Bonus points for comparison shopping at farmers' markets).
3. Fewer processed foods, especially for lunches
4. Eat more grains, and don't have pasta every night (even cooking some rice regularly would help)
5. Less dairy!!!!!!
1. stop getting groceries at wal mart
2. eat more locally
3. try the stupid artichokes I've been warily eyeing
That's it for now =-)
1. make my own beans from dried ones
2. eat leafy greens at least twice a day in some form
3. perfect homemade tortillas
A lot of mine are very similiar to yours!
-make fruit & nut bars like larabars
-eat more raw foods
-stop letting my produce go bad
-stop using refined flours/sugars
-find ways to cook tofu at home that i actually like
-use less oil
-eat less pasta!
-figure out the muffins from a local sandwich shop i've been dying to make at home. read my thread in the food forum, lol
-actually try to like mushrooms, and maybe tomato (doubtful)
-use the stuff that's been in my cupboard forever
-More water!
-Drink herbal teas
-make seitan! i've had gluten flour in my cupboard FOREVER
Count me in on the dry vs. canned beans one too! Haha. I have a long way to go
PP has both of my goals in hers. More leafy greens, and more beans from dried rather than the can. :)
I have to say it's kind of comforting to see other people say things like "eat more greens" and "eat fewer processed foods." Sometimes I picture you all as super vegetarians/vegans who can do no wrong ;D Along with those two, my other food goals are:
- Also to try tempeh! I have tried it once, but found it really skunky tasting, but I have seen lots of advice on Vegweb on how to get rid of that, so I really need to try it again
- Start planning my meals better so I eat healthier and waste less food (ideally I would waste NO food)
- Make my own salsa...if I ever get more than 2 ripe tomatoes on my tomato plants!
- Make pie crust. I never have and am kind of terrified...but the pie battle is inspiring me
- Have more dinner parties!
- get back into creating my own recipes
- cook dried beans instead of opening a can
- not fuck up cookies and cupcakes every time i try to make them
- stop eating so much of michaels greasy food
- eat more raw foods
I always want to give up baking so damn much...but maybe I will just switch to purely whole wheat everything...this past week I have only used whole wheat pastry flour. I made a cherry pie crust and peach cobbler and it was really good.
- eliminate white flour = success!
- regularly use hemp or almond milk instead of Silk
- eat less pasta...hard one
- eat a healthier breakfast
- perfect yeast breads, cuz mine always suck
- as everyone else, I want to actually cook the dry beans that have been in my cabinet for 6 months ( I have a pressure cooker on my christmas list so they might have to wait til then...)
- freezing as much as I can (so far I have frozen my basil and some sweet corn....but its not much...)
also, Happy Panda mentioned it. Waste less food. I just got a worm composter to help with this. I plan to feed all scraps to them and use their "gifts" in the garden. I need to plan smaller meals though and eliminate having tons of leftovers that just never get eaten.
also, Happy Panda mentioned it. Waste less food. I just got a worm composter to help with this. I plan to feed all scraps to them and use their "gifts" in the garden. I need to plan smaller meals though and eliminate having tons of leftovers that just never get eaten.
Totally, waste less food for me too! I was about to throw out the last of a veggie/lentil stew I made, but instead I put it in a burrito for lunch today. It was acutally quit tasty and no waste!
My goals are...
1. Don't let veggies go bad in the fridge.
2. Try more new veggies/exotic fruits.
3. Drink more water.
4. Eat more greens.
5. Make more smoothies...especially green ones.
6. Definately fix my dry bean disasters.
7. Get rid of white flour/processed sugars.
8. Plan my meals in advance...see #1
9. Experiment with more ethnic foods
Every week I am determined to try/buy a new food i've never had before, usually fruit or veg. Before I die I my goal is to find and eat a Chocolate Pudding Fruit (Black Sopote)-- Anyone tried this?
I made a couple of food goals at the beginning of the year. Off and on sticking to them. So you're not the only nerd. LOL
Simply my goals are to make one new recipe a week from one of my vegan cookbooks, and the make one new recipe a month from one of my magazines.
I haven't 100% stuck to it, but cooked some good dishes, and then some not-so-good. :)
I have another one. I'd like to be completely vegan in less than a year. I have a good start! I have had meat once in the past two months (and thought it was nasty), Have not purchased milk or eggs in 2 months (although we have bought cheese and items with eggs/milk in them), and today I ate almost enitrely vegan. (my store bought pizza crust had milk). I think I can do it =-) I'm liking cheese a little less everyday!. Earlier my hubby suggested going out for malts... and I remembered the pus... and was thanks.... and he lost his appetite as well, lol.
I have another one. I'd like to be completely vegan in less than a year. I have a good start! I have had meat once in the past two months (and thought it was nasty), Have not purchased milk or eggs in 2 months (although we have bought cheese and items with eggs/milk in them), and today I ate almost enitrely vegan. (my store bought pizza crust had milk). I think I can do it =-) I'm liking cheese a little less everyday!. Earlier my hubby suggested going out for malts... and I remembered the pus... and was thanks.... and he lost his appetite as well, lol.
;)b ;)b ;)b You know we're here for you! Have you watched Earthlings? I have some great book recommendations as well, if you are interested!
Yay fufuberry! You can do it!! ;)b