Cracked mouth corners
Posted by ktkimmle on May 15, 2010 · Member since Nov 2009 · 409 posts
I'm not sure if this is the right area to put this thread, but we'll see.
Anyway, on both sides of my mouth I have red, dry cracks. They really hurt, especially when eating. I've had them for nearly three weeks now. Orginally I though they had to do with just dry lips but now I'm thinking otherwise. I've googled it and appearently it can happen because of a iron/B vitamen deficiency. Has anyone else had this? What did you do to get rid of it? I've just bought some cream from the pharmacy that the tech said "is the best"....
I think they are cold sores... I use Abreva for those but don't know if it's vegan
Do you get plenty of omega oils? Also maybe zinc.
It's not cold sores, it's angular cheilitis. It happens to me sometimes and it just gets better after a while, but I guess it can get worse for people sometimes.
It sounds like you know about it already, but here:
Oh wow! I have that too, but I always thought it was part of my psoriasis. I have an antifungal/anti-everything topical cream for my psoriasis, and that had always healed those--apparently because of the anti-fungal part. It's so much worse in the winter--I was afraid to eat at times! Thanks for the info, guys! VW knows everything.
Cracking only at the corner of the mouth can also be caused by not getting enough iron. If you've got any other symptoms of anemia, it might be worth a blood test. If not... well, can't hurt to remember to eat your greens and beans. ;)
Thanks for the advice everyone.
I've been trying to load up on spinach! I've also been putting tons of the cream I bought at the pharmacy on it, it's some sort of antibacterial cream. I think I am going to wait a week and see how it goes with the cream and if nothing is better I'll make a trip to the doctor.
I used to get that after eating salty foods. Mainly tortilla chips.
It is no fun. I hope it goes away soon!
well idonno about you guys but i used to get that when i was younger from the cold.
like chapping ..
I've heard before that this can be a sign of a vitamin B deficiency, and I checked with a doctor friend who confirmed this.
Would it be possible for you to get some blood-work done to check? A vitamin B deficiency can have some really serious health consequences, so it might be worth finding out...
well idonno about you guys but i used to get that when i was younger from the cold.
like chapping ..
Yup, same. When I was a kid, every time I had a cold or flu, I'd get it.
Hmmm. . .
I looked it up on Wikipedia which stated. . .
"Less commonly, it is associated with primary hypervitaminosis A"
Hypervitaminosis A is often caused by eating the liver of carnivores. So I have to ask. . . Have you tried eliminating carnivore livers from your diet?
I've tried to stop eating livers of carnivores :)!!
The cream is somewhat helping, though I think I should go to the doctor anyway. Just to get a test, to make sure.
I had this problem when I first went vegetarian as a teenager, and a nutritionist diagnosed it as riboflavin deficiency (riboflavin is vitamin B2). Iron deficiency would be another option, but I didn't seem to be low on iron. I'm lacto-ovo, and at the time I wasn't drinking much cow's milk. I drank more milk, and the cracks went away.
The curious thing is that now, after more than 10 years of being vegetarian, I don't drink milk anymore and I don't eat nearly as much dairy and eggs as I used to, and the cracks have not returned. I do add nutritional yeast to my food sometimes (it's a good source of B vitamins), but not on a regular basis. I do probably eat a more varied diet now, and I think the nutritional needs of teenagers are increased, so maybe that is the explanation.
It's always good to check in with a doctor, especially if you have any other symptoms. A vegan multivitamin is probably good "insurance" if your diet might be a little lacking sometimes.
If you rule out dietary insufficiencies, I do remember that toothpaste can be an aggravating factor. Try splashing water on the corners of your mouth after brushing, and maybe try switching to an SLS-free toothpaste.
I am having a problem with this now. For me (I assume it can vary with person) it's a Vitamin B deficiency. I've started taking my B Complex again and keeping the area moisturized.
I called my doctor and he couldn't get me in for 2.5 weeks, so I tried another and the same thing. They both told me to go to the urgent clinic and get some medicine and if it doesn't get better after what I was prescribed to come in 2 weeks.
Anyway, I went to the urgent clinic, got some bloodwork and it is a Vit B deficiency and Iron deficiency. I was prescribed a medicated cream and given iron tables and a multi vitamin with vit B.
My lips are a lot better now!
wow, interesting. i didn't know those deficiencies could manifest that way. i wonder why.
Strange isn't it? A vit B deficiency showing through via cracks in your mouth corners!!
When I was in high school I went through this phase where I hardly ever ate, I wasn't purposely anorexic, but I was never hungry and I dropped a LOT of weight, to the point that I was actually slightly underweight for a while. I used to get cracks in the corners of my mouth then, and I read later that it can be a sign of malnutrition, which is pretty much the same as vitamin deficiency, either way you're not getting the proper nutrition. Thanks for posting this, I always wondered about it.