Yea, i know what you mean secondbase, my boyfriend just joined the army. Basic training, AIT... i miss him.
Posted by Di on Jan 10, 2008 · Member since Nov 2006 · 1343 posts
just because nothing beats it
You are so right. Nothing beats it! I am a couple of weeks cuddle free and I miss it. Although, I have a cuddle date this Saturday. Well more than a cuddle but I can't wait for the cuddle. OK, I can't wait for the cuddle but I can't wait for the pre and after cuddle! ::)
Posted by Anonymous on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Dec 1969 · 11789 posts
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Posted by Meggs on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Jun 2007 · 3572 posts
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Hell yes. Cuddle after the sex though, for a bit, until you have sex again. Cuddling is just really part of the sex cycle, in some cases, in my book.
Posted by dinkfeet on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Aug 2007 · 695 posts
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Hell yes. Cuddle after the sex though, for a bit, until you have sex again. Cuddling is just really part of the sex cycle, in some cases, in my book.
cuddle after?! You're such a girl - we could never work out Meggs.....i'm more for snoring after sex.
Leave cuddling to the dogs....sigh....Cody convinced me to snuzzle instead of running in the rain this morning.
Posted by little2ant on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Aug 2004 · 3055 posts
I'm with you, Dink! I hate cuddling AFTER sex! :P ;) Lately most of my cuddling has been with Noah (6). I think I like the non-sexual kind of cuddling best! He is so damn cute!
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Hell yes. Cuddle after the sex though, for a bit, until you have sex again. Cuddling is just really part of the sex cycle, in some cases, in my book.
cuddle after?! You're such a girl - we could never work out Meggs.....i'm more for snoring after sex.
Leave cuddling to the dogs....sigh....Cody convinced me to snuzzle instead of running in the rain this morning.
Posted by lisaanddini on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since May 2007 · 2179 posts
This morning I wanted to climb back in bed with my husband to cuddle instead of going to work :(
Posted by Anonymous on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Dec 1969 · 11789 posts
Call me Mr. Cuddles! :) I'd live the rest of my life having sex, cuddling and sleeping....except hmmmm...I know every now and then I'd need to get out of bed to let the dogs out... Oh well...
Mr. Wiggles says that he likes to cuddle too! It's his only real "job" in life to do so. :)
Posted by Meggs on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Jun 2007 · 3572 posts
Call me Mr. Cuddles! :)
Hi, Mr. Cuddles.
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Hell yes. Cuddle after the sex though, for a bit, until you have sex again. Cuddling is just really part of the sex cycle, in some cases, in my book.
its like a pre foreplay or post coital activity mostly
Yup yup!
Posted by dinkfeet on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Aug 2007 · 695 posts
nah - little2ant is right - non sexual snuzzling!
otherwise it makes things too "mushy" or "emotional" blech.
Posted by Cali on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Jan 2002 · 2888 posts
I prefer my cuddling to be a kind of like mild foreplay before the sex. After is nice for about 5 min, then, lemme sleep damnit or do it again! hahah
Though on the couch watching TV snuggling is kinda nice. Specially with a soft blanket. hehe
Posted by lotus42 on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Mar 2007 · 3081 posts
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Seriously. The purpose of cuddling is to give your body time to recover before the next round of sex.
It is nice though. ;)
EDIT: Sorry Meggs. I totally didn't read what you wrote before I posted this.
Posted by Fee on Jan 11, 2008 · Member since Aug 2007 · 499 posts
The only problem with post coital cuddling is sweat. I don't like any part of my sweaty body to be touching any part of another's sweaty body for long periods of time. But if no sweat is involved, I'm so in
I just spent 72 hours with my boyfriend....64 of those hours were cuddling.
Hahaha! "beats it"
Hahaha! "beats it"
I think...we have the same mind.
I haven't snuggled in over a week and it's long overdue
Hahaha! "beats it"
I think...we have the same mind.
I'm so proud!
Dammit- ST has struck again.
i wonder if there are any CE ads on craigslist just for cuddling
have you guys heard of those 'snuggle parties'? i think i read an article about it somewhere.. i'm going to google it.
Yea, i know what you mean secondbase, my boyfriend just joined the army. Basic training, AIT... i miss him.
just because nothing beats it
You are so right. Nothing beats it! I am a couple of weeks cuddle free and I miss it. Although, I have a cuddle date this Saturday. Well more than a cuddle but I can't wait for the cuddle. OK, I can't wait for the cuddle but I can't wait for the pre and after cuddle! ::)
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Hell yes. Cuddle after the sex though, for a bit, until you have sex again. Cuddling is just really part of the sex cycle, in some cases, in my book.
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Hell yes. Cuddle after the sex though, for a bit, until you have sex again. Cuddling is just really part of the sex cycle, in some cases, in my book.
cuddle after?! You're such a girl - we could never work out Meggs.....i'm more for snoring after sex.
Leave cuddling to the dogs....sigh....Cody convinced me to snuzzle instead of running in the rain this morning.
I'm with you, Dink! I hate cuddling AFTER sex! :P ;)
Lately most of my cuddling has been with Noah (6). I think I like the non-sexual kind of cuddling best! He is so damn cute!
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Hell yes. Cuddle after the sex though, for a bit, until you have sex again. Cuddling is just really part of the sex cycle, in some cases, in my book.
cuddle after?! You're such a girl - we could never work out Meggs.....i'm more for snoring after sex.
Leave cuddling to the dogs....sigh....Cody convinced me to snuzzle instead of running in the rain this morning.
This morning I wanted to climb back in bed with my husband to cuddle instead of going to work :(
Call me Mr. Cuddles! :)
I'd live the rest of my life having sex, cuddling and sleeping....except hmmmm...I know every now and then I'd need to get out of bed to let the dogs out... Oh well...
Mr. Wiggles says that he likes to cuddle too! It's his only real "job" in life to do so. :)
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Hell yes. Cuddle after the sex though, for a bit, until you have sex again. Cuddling is just really part of the sex cycle, in some cases, in my book.
its like a pre foreplay or post coital activity mostly
Call me Mr. Cuddles! :)
Hi, Mr. Cuddles.
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Hell yes. Cuddle after the sex though, for a bit, until you have sex again. Cuddling is just really part of the sex cycle, in some cases, in my book.
its like a pre foreplay or post coital activity mostly
Yup yup!
nah - little2ant is right - non sexual snuzzling!
otherwise it makes things too "mushy" or "emotional" blech.
I prefer my cuddling to be a kind of like mild foreplay before the sex. After is nice for about 5 min, then, lemme sleep damnit or do it again! hahah
Though on the couch watching TV snuggling is kinda nice. Specially with a soft blanket. hehe
yeah, the cuddling is alright and all....but Id much rather be screwing
Seriously. The purpose of cuddling is to give your body time to recover before the next round of sex.
It is nice though. ;)
EDIT: Sorry Meggs. I totally didn't read what you wrote before I posted this.
The only problem with post coital cuddling is sweat. I don't like any part of my sweaty body to be touching any part of another's sweaty body for long periods of time. But if no sweat is involved, I'm so in
I call pre sex cuddling or snuggling "fuggling"