Vegweb Confessions
This thread is dedicated to brutal honesty and things you would probably only discuss with a shrink or a close friend/family member. Please note that this is not a pity thread, just a venting thread. The point is to learn more about each other and possibly connect on new levels as a community
- I have a really awful relationship with my father. We just don't talk... I never call him and vice versa. The only conversations we ever have are about music, becuase the love of music is the only things we have in common.
- I have a hard time letting people get close to me. Whenever I get too close to someone, I subconsciously push them away. This has ruined the two relationships I've been in, and countless close friendships. I think this stems from my shoddy relationship with my father.
- I have an addictive personality. I've had some major run-ins with drugs in my lifetime. Thankfully, I don't partake in them anymore but sometimes I fear that my drinking will become a serious issue later in life.
This is a hard thread for me but I will reply. I was never really happy after basically my babyhood. My depression started as early as kindergarden and went on a downhill slide from there. By the time I hit puberty I couldn`t stand life anymore. I was cutting , fighting and just plain never happy. In highschool I spent 6 months in the hospital for my depression, and still had it afterwords. Now days I`m doing ok because I have taken controll if my life. I still clam up in crouds and think people are talking about me but oh well. I have figured out what was making me so depressed and am on my way to fullfillment. It is a very herd life being born with my condition but am almost through. I`m not comfortable with shering my condition because of hatered and bigotry but screw it here you go. Don`t hate me. Angie,,,,,
This is a hard thread for me but I will reply. I was never really happy after basically my babyhood. My depression started as early as kindergarden and went on a downhill slide from there. By the time I hit puberty I couldn`t stand life anymore. I was cutting , fighting and just plain never happy. In highschool I spent 6 months in the hospital for my depression, and still had it afterwords. Now days I`m doing ok because I have taken controll if my life. I still clam up in crouds and think people are talking about me but oh well. I have figured out what was making me so depressed and am on my way to fullfillment. It is a very herd life being born with my condition but am almost through. I`m not comfortable with shering my condition because of hatered and bigotry but screw it here you go. Don`t hate me. Angie,,,,,
We're not going to hate you Angie. I for one applaud you for being so honest with us. I cannot imagine how difficult that must have been for you to share. I'm glad you're doing well, and good luck on your journey.
Angie - thank you so much for trusting us enough to share. We would never hate you :)>>> I'm so glad you are on your way to fulfillment - I can't imagine what a journey you must have been on over the years.
i am so glad you shared angie! i have always been a supporter of the glbt community, but even by attending pride meetings, meeting people who are transgendered and transexual, i still had some questions, your website was so informative and answered so many of my questions! thank you so much for posting it.
Hi, Angie! Welcome. :)
wow , thankyou thankkyou! I wasn`t expecting such nice replies. It really does feel good. Thanks I love veg web
;)b :)
We are all :)>>> !
we're good peeps! :)
Punk mom, we all have our secrets as you can see. It can be very liberating to share them but at the same time very scary. Thank you for sharing yours. I found that link to be very informative. I can't imagine going through life feeling like that. You are a strong and brave person.
So I see there are a lot of binge/purge eaters.... Any tips on making it stop and getting a grip????? I've been doing it 4-5 times a week lately....
This is a hard thread for me but I will reply. I was never really happy after basically my babyhood. My depression started as early as kindergarden and went on a downhill slide from there. By the time I hit puberty I couldn`t stand life anymore. I was cutting , fighting and just plain never happy. In highschool I spent 6 months in the hospital for my depression, and still had it afterwords. Now days I`m doing ok because I have taken controll if my life. I still clam up in crouds and think people are talking about me but oh well. I have figured out what was making me so depressed and am on my way to fullfillment. It is a very herd life being born with my condition but am almost through. I`m not comfortable with shering my condition because of hatered and bigotry but screw it here you go. Don`t hate me. Angie,,,,,
how could anyone possibly hate you? You're welcome to share whatever you want with us vegwebbers. We're some of the most non-judgmental people on the planet! I hope that everything works out well with your condition. Best Wishes :)
I'll second that!
This is a hard thread for me but I will reply. I was never really happy after basically my babyhood. My depression started as early as kindergarden and went on a downhill slide from there. By the time I hit puberty I couldn`t stand life anymore. I was cutting , fighting and just plain never happy. In highschool I spent 6 months in the hospital for my depression, and still had it afterwords. Now days I`m doing ok because I have taken controll if my life. I still clam up in crouds and think people are talking about me but oh well. I have figured out what was making me so depressed and am on my way to fullfillment. It is a very herd life being born with my condition but am almost through. I`m not comfortable with shering my condition because of hatered and bigotry but screw it here you go. Don`t hate me. Angie,,,,,
Angie, I'm sorry you had to go through this. Thank you for talking about it. It got my b/f and me to discussing an ex's of his 10y/o daughter who's ftm, and now goes by the name of "Luke". The b/f didn't understand why it was necessary to be positive/encouraging of non gender normal behaviour at "such an early age". When he read your story, he then was able to better understand why his ex is allowing Luke to be who he really is.
Pooh Bear -
I was bulimic for two years in college/grad school, and have only told one person in my life about that time. I know the pain that comes with such a burden, and I know how easy it is to perpetuate the cycle.
I am actually a little surprised to find so many with an eating disorder on this page. The reason I am surprised - is that I have found that becoming a vegetarian (hopefully vegan soon) has a savior to me and my relationship with food. I can't tell you exactly how to change your habits, but having been in recovery for almost a year now, I can tell you what I do know.
First, talk to a professional. They can help you uncover the roots of the feelings that lead you to the behavior and it is unbelievable to learn why you do the things you do. It alleviates much of the shame associated with the problem. I didn't want to see anyone because I didn't want to admit that I was doing what I was doing, but I got to a point where I hated myself a little and so I shared my secret.
The thing I learned, though therapy and through experience, is that it was incredibly important for me to change my relationship with food to a healthy, positive one. That is what becoming vegetarian has done for me. Now, when I eat, everything I put into my body is meant to nourish me, and I no longer see eat bite as fat and calories that must be expelled. Good, healthy, whole food is a wonderful thing - it helps us fight disease, build cells - it is necessary.
What is needed to overcome an eating disorder is a shift in mindset - from seeing food as the enemy, to seeing it as a wonderful gift that can keep us healthy.
I will not say I am over it, I have twice felt the need to purge - but never given in.
I urge you to talk to someone, because that life is no way to live. If you feel like you would ever like to talk more, I would be happy to email with you. Just let me know.
This is a hard thread for me but I will reply. I was never really happy after basically my babyhood. My depression started as early as kindergarden and went on a downhill slide from there. By the time I hit puberty I couldn`t stand life anymore. I was cutting , fighting and just plain never happy. In highschool I spent 6 months in the hospital for my depression, and still had it afterwords. Now days I`m doing ok because I have taken controll if my life. I still clam up in crouds and think people are talking about me but oh well. I have figured out what was making me so depressed and am on my way to fullfillment. It is a very herd life being born with my condition but am almost through. I`m not comfortable with shering my condition because of hatered and bigotry but screw it here you go. Don`t hate me. Angie,,,,,
Wow Angie, I had no idea about transsexuality. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm really glad to hear that you have figured out what was making you feel this way. You'll always be welcomed here :).
Pooh Bear -
I was bulimic for two years in college/grad school, and have only told one person in my life about that time. I know the pain that comes with such a burden, and I know how easy it is to perpetuate the cycle.
I am actually a little surprised to find so many with an eating disorder on this page. The reason I am surprised - is that I have found that becoming a vegetarian (hopefully vegan soon) has a savior to me and my relationship with food. I can't tell you exactly how to change your habits, but having been in recovery for almost a year now, I can tell you what I do know.
First, talk to a professional. They can help you uncover the roots of the feelings that lead you to the behavior and it is unbelievable to learn why you do the things you do. It alleviates much of the shame associated with the problem. I didn't want to see anyone because I didn't want to admit that I was doing what I was doing, but I got to a point where I hated myself a little and so I shared my secret.
The thing I learned, though therapy and through experience, is that it was incredibly important for me to change my relationship with food to a healthy, positive one. That is what becoming vegetarian has done for me. Now, when I eat, everything I put into my body is meant to nourish me, and I no longer see eat bite as fat and calories that must be expelled. Good, healthy, whole food is a wonderful thing - it helps us fight disease, build cells - it is necessary.
What is needed to overcome an eating disorder is a shift in mindset - from seeing food as the enemy, to seeing it as a wonderful gift that can keep us healthy.
I will not say I am over it, I have twice felt the need to purge - but never given in.
I urge you to talk to someone, because that life is no way to live. If you feel like you would ever like to talk more, I would be happy to email with you. Just let me know.
Ahhhhhhhh, thank you for reaching out to me! I have some ideas of why I do it, I think its definatley a control issue for me. When I feel I don't have control over certain things in my life I get anxious, almost panicky. That's when I do it.... Or when I'm frustrated for the same reasons, loss of control over something. I think you are right about changing the way I view the world... maybe the situations I have no control over I could learn to enbrace or something. Emailing would be nice. I'm not a subscriber though so I'll have to just give you my email address: eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%73%68%61%75%6e%61%5f%72%61%6d%61%40%79%61%68%6f%6f%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%73%68%61%75%6e%61%5f%72%61%6d%61%40%79%61%68%6f%6f%2e%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))
hmmm. i don't know if anyone still posts on this but i haven't yet.
1) i grew up with my dad and step mother. my step mother is a drug addict and has always been one (since she was a preteen). she finally went to rehab three years ago for the heroin addiction that we didn't even know about. i know it's terrible to say, but of all of the drugs she was on, my family all agrees that we liked her the best on heroin. it caused her to just hide out in her "cave" of a bedroom in the dark watching LMN (lifetime movie network) and eat ice cream. all of the other ones made her bipolar way worse and she was absolutely impossible to live with. with heroin we never even saw her. she was more like a house plant. I DO LOVE HER. but because of my childhood, i have never touched drugs, never will, and will never allow them anywhere in my life (meaning my wife knows that's a hard boundary and if she does drugs she will be divorced).
2) my dad is an alcoholic in denial. he and my stepmom divorced after she came back from rehab. he is currently married to his FOURTH WIFE. no wonder i have no faith in relationships. there are six marriages between my three parents (mom, dad, stepmom). dad/mom, dad/patty, stepmom/joey, dad/stepmom, mom/victor (lasted nine months), dad/susan.
3) my mother is super morbidly obese. she won't tell me how much she weighs (although she says she knows) but my wife (brittney) and i are guessing around 500 pounds. i've always had an eating disorder. when i lived with my mom i was an overeater. then i moved to my dad's when i was twelve and realized i was fat and went from a women's size 28 (usa size) to women's size 9 in one summer by not eating and over exercising. one of my biggest fears is gaining weight. i don't want to be like my mother. her whole family is big, but she is by far the biggest.
4) growing up in an addict-house was very hard. i self-mutilated my way through it.
5) food issues: my parents first supported my transition from vegetarianism to veganism. they even pointed out how it was hypocritical to be vegetarian for ethical reasons but not vegan. then when the holidays came around and the food issues came up around their friends and family, they were then convinced (by friends and family) that i was only vegan to control them and get attention and i should be starved out of the phase. they stopped buying me food. i was FIFTEEN. i spent the first three years of my vegan life eating crap that i could scrounge up. microwaved slices of bread with condiments spread on them became a staple. i used different condiments to add variety. when i was eightteen i got a job and spent all of my money on food. my parents would allow my younger siblings and themselves to eat ALL of the food that i bought, which left me with nothing to eat. or they would throw it out. i'm definitely a food hoarder. i store food "just in case" so that i will never be hungry again. i have canned food that is probably five years old. i never eat it "just in case" there is a time that i need it more. one day brittney cleaned out our kitchen and threw a bunch of food away and i went crazy screaming at her about how she cannot waste food like that and i don't care if she thought it had gotten freezer burnt and i don't care if it isn't something she thought we would ever eat... it was my food and she can't throw it away! she didn't understand until later when i explained why i freak out when i don't have control over my food.
6) i've been in very abusive relationships. i've got tons of scars. most were self inflicted... but some of the biggest ones were inflicted by others. abuse included: verbal, physical, mental, emotional, sexual. i got raped 124 times by one of the abusers. that abuser also slashed my arm open and now i have a huge keloid scar about three inches long and a quarter of an inch raised from five years ago. people ALWAYS ask me what happened and i can never really tell them. that idiot tried to reconnect with me and add me on facebook saying, "it's been a while, how have you been?". oh, that made me mad.
7) my best friend in the whole world was my cat, stripe. she was my goddess. i've never been as connected to someone as i was to her. she was born into our family before i was. for the last ten years of her life, she chose me as her companion. we were inseparable. she died in september, 2006, right in the middle of my parents' divorce and everything else happening at that time.
8 ) in 2007 i moved to washington (from oklahoma) to be with my wife. a month and a half later i got into a car wreck doing pizza delivery. i haven't been the same since. i now have ptsd, anxiety disorder, and depression. i have anxiety attacks and a severe phobia of driving, car wrecks, and other related things. i have horrible night terrors at night that resemble the saw movies. terrible. it caused a lot of sexual dysfunctions which affects my relationship. i'm overly sensitive and i cry too easily. i'm always afraid something bad is about to happen. i cannot handle stress. i have a brain injury which has affected my memory and my ability to multi-task (which i cannot do AT ALL now). i also have trouble concentrating. i'm still just as smart, but my brain doesn't work the same. all of it is depressing. i'm currently on celexa which has helped my mood dramatically.
9) somehow i broke my karma and it is breaking everything! since january i have crashed THREE computers (my laptop went back and forth). my cell broke, i got a new one, and last week that charger decided to melt instead of charge. a month ago i broke a big piece off of my car doing a pizza delivery.
i don't know how i broke my karma, but i wouldn't recommend it!
wow, this is one intense (but interesting) thread. It's heavy, but I really like seeing things draw us together like this.
That said, my confession? (It's not much of a confession because I don't feel guilty for it, but it's something that makes life hard sometimes.) In day to day life, much of the time, I feel like I am asleep. Or dreaming, or like I'm watching myself from outside of my body, (or really really far inside it.) I watch myself do things, but it doesn't feel real sometimes. I can be in a big or small group of people, engaged in the conversation, and still feel very alone. I have felt this since...well, at least high school, so...ten years or so? It's gotten to the point where it's just something I live with. I don't even notice when it happens alot of the time, because some days I feel like this almost all the time. Apart from the obvious negativity of feeling isolated, the other major thing I've noticed because of it is that I don't always take responsibility for the things that I should. If things around me don't feel real or tangible, then it feels like I can avoid responsibilities without consequences, even though I know that isn't true. Knowing it's untrue helps me keep doing the things I need to.
I also am suspicious of people in general. I have been fortunate enough to never have experienced abuse or anything very traumatic at any point in life, but sometimes I think I act like I have. When I was a kid I felt that I had no privacy in my home, even if nobody else was in the house. It felt like someone was constantly watching or monitoring me. It didn't really change my behaviour, except that when I had journals I wouldn't really let loose while writing in them, because I was almost certain that someone already knew where I hid them, and would read them regularly. Even now, I live in my own apartment, and still have issues feeling like I have 100% privacy. I'm by no means a recluse, nor do I want this all the time - but at certain times (in the shower, in bed with somene, etc) it crosses my mind and I can't relax.
That said, I crave feeling connected to people. Probably from a combination of both these issues. I can find it very hard to relate to people or get to know them, so when I do feel a strong connection with someone, they become very important to me and it's extremely hard to "lose" them (in whatever way). When this happens I get almost grief-stricken, and in some cases have almost "mourned" the relationship (platonic or otherwise) without meaning to. I feel like I am more needy than I let on, but I don't want to mention this to many people because I feel like it puts a strain on friendships when there is more dependence than most people would have. I feel like I have to be strong for everyone around me and I always want to take care of them if necessary, maybe due to guilt or something. It's very hard for me to know that people I care about have negative self-images because I know it's not something I can necessarily do anything about.
I am extremely grateful that my life's circumstances have been relatively good, but all this stuff makes it hard alot of the time. Sometimes I even think I've just psyched myself into thinking these things, or into making them worse than they are. Mostly I don't let myself think that, though. I feel like it's counterproductive. In spite of feeling alone much of the time, I find it really hard to reach out to people because I feel like I need to remain a strong figure in their lives, and because I don't always know what it is I'm asking for, or how to ask for it.
Apart from all that, I've suspected myself of binge-eating at times. I eat alot when I'm bored. It isn't really a problem for me aside from the fact that I have to keep buying so much food all the time! I have always been small and eating large amounts of anything doesn't really affect me physically, but I do worry sometimes that things are going on inside me that I don't realize, because of it. I have no idea if this really counts as bingeing though. I don't eat to the point of being ill or anything, but I could probably do fine by eating less (or less often) than I do.
wow, this became so much longer than I expected!
In day to day life, much of the time, I feel like I am asleep. Or dreaming, or like I'm watching myself from outside of my body, (or really really far inside it.) I watch myself do things, but it doesn't feel real sometimes. I can be in a big or small group of people, engaged in the conversation, and still feel very alone. I have felt this since...well, at least high school, so...ten years or so? It's gotten to the point where it's just something I live with.
there is actually an illness... like a disorder, i think... that causes this. have you gone to the doctor? it's very rare and isn't usually diagnosed correctly at first. i saw it on mystery diagnosis or something similar. this girl had symptoms just like that.
That said, I crave feeling connected to people.
i have that problem, too. i feel quite connected to every animal i meet, even if i don't know them. my best friend and the most important person in the entire world to me was my kittie, stripe. when she died, my world practically ended and i went on a drinking binge and gained about forty pounds in three months. i spent at least $300 a week on alcohol although at the time i made less than $250 every two weeks! i was going to drink until my life got better, but it just continued to suck until i quit drinking. i haven't drank at all since march 2007 because drinking just made me poor and fat. i don't want to be poor and fat!
but as far as feeling connected to people, i have trouble feeling connected even to people i love dearly. when heidi was pregnant with our daughter, layla, i couldn't feel connected to her. even though i found it to be the most precious time of my life and i loved talking to her through heidi's belly and sleeping at night with my ear against her belly so i could feel the kicks and hear layla's movements, something was missing. i found it when layla was born. the minute i held layla, that connection came full strength. but i felt horribly guilty and like a terrible "maddy" (layla's term... i guess it means "mama-daddy"?) the whole time heidi was pregnant. once layla was born, i made every lj journal entry about my struggles private because i no longer felt that way and i was embarrassed that i ever did. i felt ashamed.
wow, this became so much longer than I expected!
that always happens to me, too.
Ah....the one good thing about being 50 is that I'm a survivor. I've been through a lot of the addictions, compulsions, food issues, fears, anxieties, depression, obessions etc. to the point of being hospitalized twice in the 80's.
Now I'm happy joyous and free. I still have some issues pop up now and again, but who doesn't?
baypuppy, are you going to be okay?
life can be stressful. my last three years have been ultra hard. i've been living in washington for less than two years and since i've moved here i've lost SO many loved ones. several relatives, pets back at my parents' houses, recently a sibling, many friends. right before moving, my best friend in the entire world (my 24 year old cat) died and that devastated me. it was so weird. i came here for love and didn't think that i'd never even get a chance to see these loved ones again. and that's just on top of everything else. so i definitely understand feeling stressed and losing those i love.
i'm on meds now and they help a lot.
just take it five minutes at a time?
a birth? who gave birth?