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A theory..........

Being a new member here, I may be wrong but I have noticed there seems to be more females than males posting. Is it that more females than males are vegan or are females more likely to join fora?

Dunno.... in my house I'm out-numbered... 2 vegan males to 1 vegan female.

And quite a few board "regulars" seem to be absent (or not posting as often) lately maybe because of summer holidays?


I think women online seem to be more approachable. I definitely think it has more to do with the forum more than the actual number of females far exceeding male vegans.


aw, gender, such a subjective category ...

hehe...knew you would say something like that

I think that vegetarianism in general is more common among women, but we have a quite a few guy posters here.


I think that more genders should be added.  We are a complex community.


aw, gender, such a subjective category ...

hehe...knew you would say something like that

I think that vegetarianism in general is more common among women, but we have a quite a few guy posters here.

That's because real men eat meat!  ::)


Interesting question, and one that may be hard to quantify.

I actually know more male vegans and vegetarians than females.  

And I don't think one gender significantly outweighs the other when I see those lists of famous vegan/vegetarian celebrities, athletes.


Lotus, you made me the small S. ILL town where my aged aunt lives, apparently there are some pretty strict gender-delineations in terms of division of labour. For some reason, in her town, men don't cut grass. That's "women's work." Nor do men pump gas. They do put up storm windows, but WASH them? Perish the thought.

Humans are weird.


That's because real men eat meat!  ::)

LMAO! Great (sarcastic) response.


The numbers are about equal, but the forum posts are skewed because the men are out hunting the wild vegetables.


I have recently been reading "The American History of Vegetarianism" and males used to out number woman strongly during the Grahm days--in the past couple of decades though woman have really taken the lead. I kinda of wish there were more men--I could stand to meet a few more!  :D


aw, gender, such a subjective category ...

hehe...knew you would say something like that

haha, ditto

i love how we all really know people like that on here!


aw, gender, such a subjective category ...

I didn't mean for it to sound 'gender-ist' I am happy for people to be themselves. I am male, my partner is male, his brother is trans - it's no big deal. Hope I didn't cause any offence. It's just most people seem to have those little blue 'male' or pink 'female' symbols on their posts.  :-[


wow! so far you seem to be right, plus after thinking about it, I don't think I've ever met a veggie guy in person, only women.  ???


That's because real men eat meat!   ::)

I'm vegan....only "half" a man I guess..... :-\


That's because real men eat meat!   ::)

I'm vegan....only "half" a man I guess..... :-\

You're  a 100% cruelty free man--Very manly!!


but that is an article about vegetarians not vegans baypuppy...

i'm gonna go out on a traditional-gender-terms-biased limb and say, men are more likely to be vegan... women, vegetarian.

of the regular posters those who are male-indentifed (by vegweb's icon or by themselves) most are vegan... i can't think of one male poster who is vegetarian... right now...
yet, the female indentifed ones are about half vegetarian... half vegan (a guess, from 10 posters i can think of)
sure, it could be because we have a large sample of females

But on the same biased limb i'm gonna say being vegan has a logic path to it that being vegetarian doesn't (and that's my vegan-bias now! I appologize..)

Anyhow... males (in society's eyes) are the ones who are traditionally considered to have the more logic based thought process (sure it's ridiculous! but people tend to act how they are expected to... and most people think that way...)

sooooooo i'm not sure what my point is, or if i buy it myself... but if we are going to try to rationalize the whole thing then...

I guess, in the end this is the idea:
Perhaps, logical rational + emotional rational (=vegan) for entering veg-life is seen more often in 100% of males and 50% of females
And emotional rational (=vegetarian) as the article suggested, in females (50% of the time) and in a small # of males.



I'm vegan....only "half" a man I guess

Which half? :D


Lotus, you made me the small S. ILL town where my aged aunt lives, apparently there are some pretty strict gender-delineations in terms of division of labour. For some reason, in her town, men don't cut grass. That's "women's work." Nor do men pump gas. They do put up storm windows, but WASH them? Perish the thought.

Humans are weird.

S. IL?  Where?
Humans ARE weird!

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