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strange coincidence?

I was talking with a teacher-friend tonight about handedness and I realized that every single vegetarian I've personally known (not a huge, overly scientific number or anything; after all, I live in the midwest!) has been left-handed. Weird. I wonder if lefties are predisposed to veg lifestyles?  ;) I'll have to do a study on it someday.

A true lefty here.  Mom forcibly switched me to a righty when I was little.  It didn't have that much of an effect.  THe older I get, the more lefty I am.  I eat left, throw left, and I can write left.  In fact, whatever hand is closer to the pen does the writing.

Then again, I am bizarre!  I am also a trained artist with a BFA, if that makes any difference.


I a righty but can play sports ambidextrously.

OMG, me too!!  I just knew I couldn't be the only one. 

I'm a leftie but can play sports ambidextrously.  I think a lot of that in my case was watching other people growing up playing with their right hand.  I actually prefer bowling with my right hand but if I am playing badly, switch to my left.  Tennis, right hand.  I don't think I could hold a racket in my left.
Hockey, either or.  Lefties sort of just had to go with the flow with many things.  Today, I don't think it is like that.


I write with my right, but eat with my left and do other things things with both.


I am predominantly right-handed, but shoot pool Lefty, and I also snowboard goofy, left foot in front.


I'm a righty.

If you're really interested in the stats of this, you should post a poll, with left-handed, right-handed, and ambidextrous as option.  It would be interesting to compare the numbers here with the rest of the population.


Well, it's cool to finally meet some veg people that are righties...I knew they had to be out there somewhere.

Also cool that so many people are ambidextrous. I don't think I've ever met an ambidextrous person before? Maybe that's a trait that occurs more often than normal in vegetarians. Did that occur naturally or did you work at that?

I tried to be ambidextrous once in college when I read an article about engaging both halves of your brain. I took all the notes in my economics class with me right hand, partly to keep me awake and partly to try to train myself to be ambidextrous. It didn't work though. I couldn't read anything later, got tired of it, and gave up. And I got a C in economics.  ;D


Another ambidextrous here... :)  My mom used to have my sisters and I practice writing with both hands...also backwards with both hands, cursive and print.  lol  I guess just to stimulate and challenge our developing minds. 



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