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Starbucks Oracle... Huh?

Got this as a myspace bulletin... thought, "Whatever, I'll do it..."
Lo and behold....

Personality type: Hippie

In addition to being a hippie, you are a hypochondriac health nut. You secretly think that your insistence on only consuming all-natural products is because you're so intelligent and well-informed; it's actually because you're a sucker. You've dabbled in Wicca or other pseudo-religions that attract morons and have changed your sexual orientation a few times this year. You probably live in California. Everyone who drinks tall decaf soy latte extra hot should be forced to eat a McDonald's bacon cheeseburger.

Also drinks: Beverages with lots of marketing that says they're herbal and organic
Can also be found at: Whole Foods, indoor rock climbing facilities

I thought it was funny also because I am from CA  ;D ... but then I figured out that if you put 'soy' in at all it spits out that you're a hippie and the whole McD's thing  ::) .... that's sad and ridiculous... is that what SADers think of us?
Yeah, I know though, it's just a silly thing. Have fun putting in your own drinks, but if you'll have to take out the "soy" part or you'll always get the same thing!

It's funny because it's true. I took the test and got hippie as well. I guess I'm a sucker, but at least I've got my health


well if i take out the "soy" part it says I'm a loser for drinking "decaf" and if i take out the "decaf" it comes back with "i'm boring"  ::)


LOL! I love the little grouchy dude on the cup! Doesn't he look vicious? LOL!


yeah, i got hippie too.  i guess if we wrote in "large coffee with a shot of crack" we'd be cool and caffinated enough for the grouchy cup guy  ;)


i guess if we wrote in "large coffee with a shot of crack" we'd be cool and caffinated enough for the grouchy cup guy  ;)

This is what "large coffee with a shot of crack" came back with:  ;D
Personality type: High Maintenance

You pride yourself on being assertive and direct; everyone else thinks you're bossy and arrogant. You're constantly running your mouth about topics that only you would find interesting. Your capacity for wasting other people's time is limitless. Your friends find you intolerable, that's why they're plotting to kill you.

Also drinks: Water. Bottled, chilled, with four ice cubes, a twist of lemon, in a crystal glass.
Can also be found at: Trendy martini bars


I'm a hippie I guess!  :D


I pride myself on finally being a "regular" somewhere.  (I've moved around so much that I always aspired to this but never achieved it) Now when I walk into my local starbucks they say something like "Zealia's in; get her CRACKachino going!" and "here's you Frankenstein drink, Zealia"

My drink? " Venti Iced Americano with an extra shot of espresso, one inch of soy, three pumps sugar-free Hazel nut...blended- no added water, with caramel sauce on top....please?"

What would they say about that?! ???


Mine was uber rude! I put in venti frapachino and it told me I was an ass-clown that is or will be addicted to crack  :'(


Yea! Another crack user--hey is crack vegan?


Mine was uber rude! I put in venti frapachino and it told me I was an ass-clown that is or will be addicted to crack  :'(

It said the same thing for my venti black coffee. 

I don't like Starbucks coffee ANYWAY!  HMMPPHH! >:(


;D  I got a good laugh out of this.  Thanks!  I ranged anywhere from a dirty hippie to high maintenance.  What can I drink choice changes as often as my mood.


I don't go to starbucks or drink coffee so I put in tea......I'm LAME and a couch potato as well.


i know mine is  :D

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



I also got the crack one, but then I remembered to put in "decaf" and got this, which Jennifer referenced a bit back:

Personality type: Freak

No person of sound mind would go to an EXPENSIVE COFFEE SHOP to get a drink WITHOUT CAFFEINE. Your hobbies include going to ski resorts in the summer and flushing $5 bills down the toilet. You are a menace to society.

Also drinks: Non-alcoholic beer
Can also be found at: Pools with no water

Ironically, I don't drink alcohol... but I do swim... ;)  And I like being called a menace to society as well...

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