Sharing the best news I've had since.... a while!
Okay okay okay, I am so excited so just don't mind me if you don't want to.
Josh got a job! A REAL one! A salary we can LIVE on! And he's so happy for the first time in MONTHS!
We won't be rich (which was what he always pictured because he's an idealist) but we'll be able to pay our bills without worrying, and he will be working with a company whose ideals mesh well with his!
And maybe he'll be ready to propose to me before I get gray hair...
He's so excited, and so am I! He has been working two jobs to make ends meet because he is just the greatest guy in the world. Now he's going to GameStop tonight to give his notice, and he was SMILING on his way out! I feel so excited, I had to share with you guys. Things have been a little rough lately, but it's finally looking up! The worst part was that Josh felt like a failure for not having a job IMMEDIATELY when he graduated and there wasn't much I could do to change his mindset. Now he's the perky, happy guy I love again!
Yay! Congratulations JC and Josh! ;)b
Excellent news! How wonderful for the two of you! :)
Congrats!!!!! :w00t!:
thats awesome!! and what a feat in these poor economic times. go him!!
That is awesome news! Congrats!!
Congratulations! Talk about beating the effects of recession, lol. ;)
Total congrats!!! :D
i am so happy for you guys! i totally understand what you went through, b/c my husband and i are going through it right now...but it is nice to know that people are still being hired somewhere! haha!! congrats!
Excellent news! Takes some time, but good things do happen!
Woooooooo Hoooooooo! That is AWESOME!!! Yeah!!! I'm so happy for you both!! :)>>>
Enhorabuena, mi niña! :-*
Yay!!! Congrats to you and Josh!
My husband got his first real grown up job in August after graduating a 7 years college stint and its been awesome! We have money for the first time in our lives (not a lot, but more than the grocery store would pay him) and he's actually home on the weekends. We finally get to have a life!!!!! Good luck!
Thank you so much, everyone!
He will be able to work flexible hours, and that means he can work while I'm at school and at work... so I get to spend time with him in the evenings and weekends now!
I kept telling him it just had to be the RIGHT job. He had so many interviews and they all ended up with nothing. He's so thrilled, he was researching "the competition" last night, and he hasn't even started work yet!
aw yay that is so exciting! flexible hours, too! wow. congrats to him!
Hey Josh read the fine print :)>>>
Congratulations - that is great news!!
Side story - one of my aides at school has a boyfriend named Josh and they are in the same boat as ya'll. This morning I had to think hard to remember it wasn't "her" Josh that got a job, but yours.