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Reasons to make the slanty face

:\ You know, in between the smile and frown. I'm more often :\ ing.

P is gone to class, but will be back in a little over an hour. Also, he's going to a Street Fighter club thing tonight, that I would like to go with him, but I don't know that I'll be feeling up to it. The fact that he's going is a reason to smile, though.

I barely work. I got up to about 20 hours a week because we were short framers, but next week I work 13.5 hours. And usually everyone gets something cut. SO THATS COOL. Who needs to eat anyways


Classes are starting to pick up.  :)  But weirdly, everyone wants Friday this term!
There's a church service on Friday, but I think after tomorrow I'm gonna have to give it a miss. Because it's from 8-10 PM (Spanish timetable, here) and by that hour I'm just too freaking tired after 5 hrs of class. And then I'd be too awake to sleep.  :(
Also, my brain doesn't seem to want to retain proper names, or much of anything else. I did 2 whole hours of class today and by the second hour I was barely coherent. I mean I was, but in side my head I was like "What was I going to say? What are we doing?"
Crap, I'm not yet 50. At this rate in another 10 years I'll be totally gaga.


I really don't 100% want to go back to Ohio. :(

But if I stay focused, I can finish school (?) and save money super fast so that I can leave that state once again. :)


I found a DVD online of a children's series that I have wanted for a long time.  :)  But it's only one disc, and kind of expensive, and there's no listing of how many episodes that one disc contains. Probably not many.   :(
But DH says he wants me to have it. (The fact that he actually loves the series too, we don't mention.)  :)
However the adrenalin surge (yup, no-lifer anna here) is gong to make it hard for me to go to sleep.  :(

Therefore,  :-\  ???


whats the series yabbit?


my roommates are all fighting. and they're best friends. :/ i feel bad.


whats the series yabbit?

Old Bear Stories. There's only like one DVD available and I want it, bad.


get it, yabbit!!


do it! especially if your hubby secretly likes it too :)


I was really stoked for the present I decided on for my friends wedding. I bought her a ton of spices that I knew she didn't have and I'm going to handwrite out recipes that I like and make a little book and put it in a casserole dish instead of a basket. I got the spices and I was debating on what recipes to use and I told my friend and she just straigh up says "Some one else gave her an entire spice rack full so you shouldn't even do that because she has everything" LA;JESDFLJ Still doing it because I already bought them all and it adds up, but holy geeze. My friend was jerky about it too, like I should've known some one got her that when they always do things without me. Oh well. At least my idea is cooler than just a filled spice rack.


I was really stoked for the present I decided on for my friends wedding. I bought her a ton of spices that I knew she didn't have and I'm going to handwrite out recipes that I like and make a little book and put it in a casserole dish instead of a basket. I got the spices and I was debating on what recipes to use and I told my friend and she just straigh up says "Some one else gave her an entire spice rack full so you shouldn't even do that because she has everything" LA;JESDFLJ Still doing it because I already bought them all and it adds up, but holy geeze. My friend was jerky about it too, like I should've known some one got her that when they always do things without me. Oh well. At least my idea is cooler than just a filled spice rack.

Go for it anyway, you have a lot of thought in it and I am sure you caought a few things that are not in the standard racks.  Something simmilar happened to me.  I bought a set of good knives as a wedding gift for the lady I took my black belt test with.  We had spent a lot of time practicing knife fighting together so I knew how she liked her knives to feel.  Some one MADE her a set of knives!  Talk about feeling crappy about it.


If I got your spices, Sarah, and the spice rack, I'd hope the spice rack came with a receipt because I'd want to return it and keep your's with the recipes.


If I got your spices, Sarah, and the spice rack, I'd hope the spice rack came with a receipt because I'd want to return it and keep your's with the recipes.

+1    Those spices that come in a rack like that always taste old!


If I got your spices, Sarah, and the spice rack, I'd hope the spice rack came with a receipt because I'd want to return it and keep your's with the recipes.

+1    Those spices that come in a rack like that always taste old!



I love that idea Sarah.  So much better than just going out and buying a spice rack -

to me: homemade, thoughtful gifts > shop bought spice rack


If I got your spices, Sarah, and the spice rack, I'd hope the spice rack came with a receipt because I'd want to return it and keep your's with the recipes.

+1    Those spices that come in a rack like that always taste old!

Because they are. The cute bottles and the rack are what they're selling; they usually use crap spices. And then young brides say "they don't like spices in their food" because they think that's what all spices taste like.
Sarah, you are doing a great thing. Don't worry about anyone else, Go For It.


Because they are. The cute bottles and the rack are what they're selling; they usually use crap spices. And then young brides say "they don't like spices in their food" because they think that's what all spices taste like.

see is this why some brands of spices cost lots more than others? i don't understand how the quality can be that different... unless they mix the spices with some dirt or something lol


Herbs and spices lose their flavor as they age, so I guess it mostly has to do with how long the spice rack spices have been sitting around.  I'd imagine it's longer than for bulk spices or the like because the product is more the rack and less the bottled spices.  I wouldn't be surprised if generic spice rack manufacturers buy older herbs and spices to keep costs down.


I've been having terrible dreams the past few nights. The good news is that they aren't real.. The bad news is that I wake up even more exhausted since it already takes forever to fall asleep with my terrible back. I hate how some dreams can just seem so real.


I've been having terrible dreams the past few nights. The good news is that they aren't real.. The bad news is that I wake up even more exhausted since it already takes forever to fall asleep with my terrible back. I hate how some dreams can just seem so real.

yikes baby girl... i'm sorry :(



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