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question for the girls....

for the last 2months i have been getting really bad PMT, can't figure out why all of a sudden.  I can't think of anything that would have changed, I haven't changed anything I've been eating particularly, or anything else that could be different, I am on holiday from college at the momnent but that can only be a good thing right?  I've been totally irrational, a bit snappy, kinda feeling like I need to protect myself.  Weird huh.  Any thoughts?  Is there anything you eat/do that chills you out when you're PMT-ie?  I go to yoga once a week, I have chamomile tea....

OK, I'll bite.  What is PMT?  Premenstrual??  What does the T stand for?


oh yeah sorry, prementsrual tension.    what do you call it?


oh yeah sorry, prementsrual tension.    what do you call it?

PMS.  Premenstrual syndrome.
OK, I can't help as I am going through a totally different phase.  Peri menopausal.  Not fun!  Mega hot flashes!  Blankets on, blankets off!
I am sure many on the board will offer insight!  I never had PMS.  I guess that is why I am being tortured with hot flashes!  :(


Di, if your theory of "I never had PMS. I guess that is why I am being tortured with hot flashes!" is correct, than i can't wait for menopause because i get the most horrible PMS, my mother believes i have PMDD. But, as i don't know that i act differently around my period, who the heck knows...

i don't think i can help much, i dont see any reason why it would have changed, but then again i don't know you very well. i know my PMS gets worse when i hold stuff in--like not saying things u want to... holding in stress and such..

you say you go to yoga once a week. maybe doing a few yoga poses at the times you're feeling most PMSy might help? i know it always calms me down


Chocolate and extra exercise.


Maybe it is just because you are around your family alot and you are used to being on your own at college.  Sometimes my family gets on my nerves when I visit them no matter what time of the month it is. Just take a deep breath, count to ten, realize that they are not irritating you on purpose & if you need to get away, go for a walk by yourself or just  go veg out in your room & have some alone time listening to music or reading or whatever.


Make Strawberry Jam's Tofu Chocolate Pudding from on here. It is sooo easy: block of tofu, cocoa powder, sweetening of your choice, little soy milk, blend and chill. Let it sit for like 30 min to blend the flavours.
The ULTIMATE "make it all better" pudding.


I get irritable.  Before I would snap at people.  Now, when someone is annoying me, but not acting any different from any other day, I know my period is coming.  I avoid extra contacts and when I'm being annoyed instead of concentrating on the external action, I explore the trigger inside myself.  It doesn't make it easier for me, emotionally, but I commit to not expressing my displeasure at things for a couple of days because I don't know if it's justified or if I'm just irritable.  If it's justified it will likely happen again when I'm more calm and I can deal with it better.


right now while i have my period i've been absolutely miserable lately. really emotional and i tend to flip out easily. my mum is so pissed off at me for absolutley no reason she won't even talk to me right now because she yelled at me last night and i lashed out. do you think some of it is because i haven't had a cigarette since saturday?

Probably.  But good for you!  Stick with the quitting!!  (((Prettyin_Punk)))


They say that's the first step.


Yay Pretty in punk!!!! You are approaching the one week mark!!!  :D


I read a study stating that cornflakes moistened with a non-dairy creamer really helped a bunch of women being tested... I think it was a low-protein-to-carb-and-moderate-fats ratio that was desirable.  Can't remember the actual science of it.


The week before my period I get insanely cranky.  Not just snippy but really short tempered.  I second the idea of soy, chocolate and exercise.  And if I may make one other suggestion, masturbate.  Releases some of the tension and doesn't require you to feel happy/sexy/inclined with a partner.

Good job Prettyin_Punk on quiting!


I don't eat any particular foods when I'm pms'ing because for a day or two before I'm really sick to my stomach.  That and I'm extremely tired.  Usually I just sleep until I feel like getting up and use a heating pad.  That works for me. 

As far a crankiness..sometimes I get that way and sometimes not.  A while ago I started a new summer job while I'm on break from school.  During my most recent period I was helping a woman and she got really angry because she grabbed the wrong product and started swearing at me.  (Like it was my fault and not her own)  She was really lucky I didn't reach across the counter and snap her neck.  >:( ::) 


I get terrible PMT - I'm a nightmare to be around and I tend to hole up in my room just so people don't have to suffer my wrath. Not a lot helps; that said, feeding my strange, irrational desires seems to make me less cranky, which usually means chocolate soya milk and strawberries.

I've never found camomile tea works on me BUT some light yoga or Pilates usually goes down a treat.


This may sound schmaltzy (and I know, schmaltz is not vegan) but do something that makes you laugh!! Laughter releases endorphins and makes you feel better. Today one of my students showed up with terrible period pains (no P, just MS) and a headache. Somehow I found myself telling a story on me, about how I burped THUNDEROUSLY and unexpectedly in front of one of my most gorgeous students (male). It totally blew her away, and we laughed like fools for almost 5 minutes. She got well away, the sort of helpless gasping you're-killing-me giggles as she wiped tears from her eyes. A moment later she said, "Oh! The headache is gone!"
There are particular movies I watch (such as Mediterraneo or the first 2/3 of Steel Magnolias) or books that I read (such as Fried Green Tomatoes) when I desperately need a laugh. It really does help.


I got my period when I was 13 but never had PMS until the middle of college, along with cramps, both of those kind of developed slowly.


i know this is a vegan "no-no" but i am going on birth control to deal with my pre and during period issues. 
my whoel cycle is effed. 
i get light cramps when i am ovulating, sometimes i can tell which side i am ovulating from
and of course super insanely ahhh "up for it" for a few days.  which is fun when you are seeing someone, but torture when you are not
pms generally consists of me losing a friend sometime during the week before my period.
when my period starts i have to call in sick to work.  i vomit a lot.  my cramps are so bad that i can't stand up.  and i can't take a pain killer, because it will make me even more nauseous.  oh, plus, diahrrea from hell.

so my advice is to smoke weed, because that is really the only thing that works for me


i know this is a vegan "no-no" but i am going on birth control to deal with my pre and during period issues. 
my whoel cycle is effed. 
i get light cramps when i am ovulating, sometimes i can tell which side i am ovulating from
and of course super insanely ahhh "up for it" for a few days.  which is fun when you are seeing someone, but torture when you are not
pms generally consists of me losing a friend sometime during the week before my period.
when my period starts i have to call in sick to work.  i vomit a lot.  my cramps are so bad that i can't stand up.  and i can't take a pain killer, because it will make me even more nauseous.  oh, plus, diahrrea from hell.

so my advice is to smoke weed, because that is really the only thing that works for me

I think it's more vegan to take birth control pills than it is to bring into the world a child that you're not prepared for, or to needlessly suffer from extreme discomfort. 

But, it should be noted that in the US, marijuana is illegal. Just saying.  Be cautious.  ;)


And if I may make one other suggestion, masturbate.  Releases some of the tension and doesn't require you to feel happy/sexy/inclined with a partner.

;D A boss I once had told me that.  At the time I didn't think to believe her.


tkitty, it's federally illegal
in CA it's legal by state laws, for medicinal purposes.
and in the city i live in, it's illegal for the police to arrest you for possesion or use.
although they can add it to your charges if they arrest you for something else and then they find it on you. 

so, yes, be advised... if you don't live here, you could go to jail



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