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OMG! I forgot to tell you all....

My grandparents went VEGAN!!!!!!!

My mom's family used to be vegan in the 60's, they were cattle ranchers! Old school not factory farm stuff... but they were SDA and vegan! They switched churches and I never understood why but ended up going back to SAD diet too... well, healthier than SAD, but you know... They were always light on meat-eating but got more and more into milk.

Anyway, fast-forward.....

My grandma was having health issues and a doctor told her she was pre-diabetes... and she was like "huh...?? okay..." (she doesn't eat white sugar or anything so it was slightly odd) she took some classes at the hospital for diabetics and they told her she HAD to eat meat. She basically said, "this is BS..." and went in for a second opinion and it turned out it was her kidney!! It had shut down! she has a large growth in there...well they are removing the kidney (she's gonna be fine) but she went home and switched to a vegan diet right away when they told her about it!! She said, "I know how to be healthy so,  what am I doing?"

I am so proud of them!!!
And now my mom is getting the "stop drinking milk" lecture from me and her mom! LOL
I know my mom wants to stop she just needs a push.
My mom's sister and her brother are both leaning toward veganizing too I think!!
They are all reading The China Study!
:D I really can't be happier with their choices. I'm so proud of them all. 

that's so great!  i'm sure she'll feel alot better with that change in addition to getting the surgery.  sometimes doctors are morons... "you have to eat meat" ??  whatever.


Good for the granfolks!! I'm glad she didn't just accept what they told her at face value! Sometimes our bodies know more than the doctor's brains about what's going on in here! I once told a doctor not to give me any opiate-based drugs because I have a bad reaction to them. Her response was a very snide, "How do YOU know that?" My response: "Because I have inhabited this body for over 40 years!"

I get used to snap diagnoses by overworked physicians here where health care is free and sooo many people abuse the system by going in to see the dr. for every little cough or ache, but if your grands are paying major bucks for health care, they deserve better than some knee-jerk response.


That's wonderful news!  I think your  grandparents are smarter than my grandparents  ::) or at least healthier.
I have given The China Study to several family members and the only one who has bothered to read it is my mom (who, BTW called me the other day from the grocery store with "I had NO idea how bad casein was for said start with vanilla soy milk, right?"). 

Here's to more victories for all of us!


That's so awesome!!!  :D   

You too, NutDragon! 


Yay!  Awesome news!

But JH, what is SAD?


Yay!  Awesome news!

But JH, what is SAD?

Standard American Diet


the first time she wrote SDA then SAD....
SDA would be seventh day Adventist, they are a branch on the "Christian" religion and are forbidden from consuming meat....What is it you meant Jennifer?


I meant both ;)
There were SDA - Seventh Day Adventists (not forbbiden from but are often veg and some are vegan)
Then they switch back to a SAD - standard american diet


My grandparents went VEGAN!!!!!!!

That is great!

Sounds like you have some very cool grandparents.


That's so awsome! Good luck to them and better health ;)


oh, I see...Jennifer, what sort of diet wee you raised on SDA, SAD? Do you guys serve mostly veg foods at family gatherings? Well, if not before, I guess you can NOW!! how exciting! ;D


That's great Jen!!!  :D


My grandparents were cattle ranchers, also!  :)    But they ate meat.  ???

Good on you g'ma for addressing the source and not the symptoms.


Who says old dogs aren't for new tricks?  SHe proves the point, it is never too late to become a vegan!




my parents gave up red meat and my grandma is eating more and more less meat all together, but they will never go vegan.


Totally awesome!!!!!!!


oh, I see...Jennifer, what sort of diet wee you raised on SDA, SAD? Do you guys serve mostly veg foods at family gatherings? Well, if not before, I guess you can NOW!! how exciting! ;D

I was raised on a SAD diet, but I'd say not a particularly bad one... we never ate pork, meat was usually a side dish, always whole grain breads, and I knew what flax was and we used it. That kind of stuff... Don't get me wrong we ate crap too I'm sure. But to this day I've never had a Twinkie.
Now that I think about it... At family gatherings (before) most dishes were vegetarian. Turkey at thanksgiving and occasional meat in a casserole is the only meat I can recall eating... Mayonnaise and milk are the biggest culprits....


That is really awesome! My grandmother doesn't undertstand the word vegetarian, let alone vegan


What a great story! May your grandma's health continue to improve.  :)


thats amazing!  i wish my grandparents would have done that, my grandfather died after a heart attack while he was on the atkins diet.  the doctor told him to go on a strict vegetarian diet, but it was too late.    i guess when your diet is considered "healthy" in the general public, theres not much alarm for the problems with it until something actually happens.  its also wonderful that your grandmother caught the problem before it became a serious problem.

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