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Lets make some goals....AGAIN!

I am making my first smoothie tomorrow and starting a healthy week.  That is my goal!  Today, I bought low fat soy milk, silken tofu, organic strawberries, organic bananas and frozen organic Canadian wild blueberries. To that, I will add my spirulina. 
I also bought some healthy food.  What's with that?
If it kills me, I am going to start adding more fruits and veggies to my diet tomorrow.  Trying to start the week off right.
Also, drinking hopefully my last diet coke today.  Once again, I am going to try to quit smoking as well.  I figure if I start eating right, smoking will seem yucky!  I quit for 5 1/2 days when I went camping.  So... I will try for 6 days and continue on one day at a time.  I figure it's now or never.  I want to lose about 15 to 18 pounds.  More fruits and veggies should help.  Cutting out all the sodium in the diet coke and the aspartame should help.  Hooking up my DVD player so I can actually do exercise videos should help and being able to breathe and get rid of this nasty cough from smoking should help.
Now I am going to go and sit in the sun and read.  Yes, I will be wearing a high numbered sunscreen.  I am actually good about that.
Tonight, I am going to empty my fridge, clean it out and get rid off all the crap, the moldy stuff and the stuff that appears alive when it shouldn't be.
Oh, hard to believe because I am such a cheese addict but I bought some Galaxy veggie cheese to try.  The cheddar and the Mozzarella.  I have a lot of cheese in my fridge right now and will still eat it but when it is all gone, will try to cut back on it drastically, more so if I like the slices I just bought.

Is anyone else starting a plan tomorrow or in the near future?  We can cheer each other on.

How is everyone doing that started to quit smoking, lose weight and start exercising a couple of months ago?  As you all know, I failed miserably on the quit smoking thing.

It would be fun to list our goals and once a week, check in with how we are doing.  I know many can't check in every day so picking a particular day probably won't work.

So, what do you think?

Is anyone else starting a plan tomorrow or in the near future?  We can cheer each other on.

How is everyone doing that started to quit smoking, lose weight and start exercising a couple of months ago?  As you all know, I failed miserably on the quit smoking thing.

It would be fun to list our goals and once a week, check in with how we are doing.  I know many can't check in every day so picking a particular day probably won't work.

So, what do you think?

eeekkk....accountability?  Yuk! 

OK, it is a good idea.  Will and I are going to resume our jogging in the morning (all was well until I started making weekly trips out of state to tend to my Papa last month).  I feel soooooo much better when I start the day with a run (and the dogs do to).  I also smoke considerably less.  Go figure.  We still get lots of bike rides and hikes, but something about a daily routine jog is different.  We just started a "let's not drink so much, OK?" stint, that is going fairly well.

So there's my three:
1) Only drink two days a week (without binging).  Binging is bad.
2) Jog at least four mornings a week
3) Cut back on smoking (I'm not ready to climb fully back on the wagon yet, but soon).  I suppose a goal of less than half a pack a day is fine for now.

I'll check in next week.  Good luck to you.


Good luck to you to NutDragon!  Maybe we should start a thread called:  Goals, our progress.
Then whenever someone reports their progress, it is bumped back to the top.  Hopefully it will be one very long thread. 
Yes accountability sucks but I think I need it!
I will start the thread tomorrow. 


I'm perfect.  I don't need any goals.  ;)

So not true. 

At any rate, I'm cheering you on!!


Hit the gym at least twice a week!

Buy a sleigh bed for my calking mattress


Di, I have thought of you so often over the past weeks. Well, I just got some blood etc. drawn for tests to check the cholesterol etc. My weight has climbed a pound a week for the last 3 weeks so its time to do something, I think!

I will if you will. Every time you get the urge to drink that soda or puff on that coffin nail, do thou think of me over here, resisting seconds and snacks for your sake.

I will even drag my gluteus maximus out in the morning for walkies for the love of Cali, and think furry, healthy thoughts of her the whole time.



Di, I have thought of you so often over the past weeks. Well, I just got some blood etc. drawn for tests to check the cholesterol etc. My weight has climbed a pound a week for the last 3 weeks so its time to do something, I think!

I will if you will. Every time you get the urge to drink that soda or puff on that coffin nail, do thou think of me over here, resisting seconds and snacks for your sake.

I will even drag my gluteus maximus out in the morning for walkies for the love of Cali, and think furry, healthy thoughts of her the whole time.


Oh crap!  How can I say no to that?!  If I fail, that means you fail because I fail.  Does that make sense?  And, you had to involve Cali!!!  ;D



Di- it's a great start to go buy all those fruits & veggies.  I know that when I buy them on a regular basis i get excited to eat them and definitely don't want them to go bad and waste my money.  I used to do the exercise video thing and after doing it for awhile you start to memorize it (with pilates anyway) and then i'd just do them as i'd watch my regular tv shows.  it made the time go by alot faster, plus i'd find that instead of doing it for 20 minutes or so like the video showed, i may end up doing it for close to a full hour while i was watching tv.  it's sorta like when you eat and watch tv you mindlessly keep eating, but i was mindlessly excercising.

my goals are to keep on track with eating healthy, and not to drink too much since it's so many empty caolries.  also, to keep moving -dancing -biking.  

i have the internet in my apartment for the first time ever, which has led me to being on my butt waaay more than before i moved, so thats another one - less time online!


I quit smoking April 2nd & I have gained 25 lbs. Now, to those who want to quit smoking, please don't let my weight gain be your deterrent to quitting. In the beginning, I was more concerned with quitting than watching what I ate but now  :o OMG, I'm a chubby vegan  ;D
I've been exercising faithfully every day....30 minutes on the treadmill going at a good clip. I am building up some stamina but I'm still chubby ;)
I tried eating just raw fruits & veggies & was losing a pound a day but as soon as I started putting back a little protein & grains...poof, gained it all back. ???
So, I will still continue to exercise & eat good food & if this is where my natural body weight is, then so be it  :) But my goal is to lose at least 15 pounds


what a great idea - a goals thread! I have a few myself:
1) eat healthy, full meals - follow the meal plan that I have
2) do yoga every morning
3) write, write, and write some more! - aspiring journalist here :)

everybody needs accountability, and this is perfect!


my goal is to lose 15 pounds but it has been my goal for so long.
i might lose a pound here or there but i always gain it back within a day or two.
its frustrating.

my goal is to try harder to curve mindless eating and bingeing because that is
the only thing that is hurting my weight loss efforts.

but im terrified it will backfire in the next 5 days as i am going to be away from my BF
and we've never been apart that long. i will miss him and it'll make not bingeing even harder

/end pointless rant


I like the idea of setting a few goals for yourself :) so here are mine!

-walk/hike at least an hour 3 days a week
-limit sweets to ONCE per day (this is only hard when I work at a VEGAN bakery, at home i'm good)
-make 2 new recipes a week so as to not be relying on the same foods prepared in the same ways all the time :)

yaya I'm excited


This is so excellent!  Hopefully many more people will join the goal plan and we will help each other reach our goals.

Mine in a nutshell are:
Quit smoking
Quit aspartame
Eat more fruits and veggies
Start exercising ( I won't be seeing my BF this week so my only form of exercise will be nonexistent!  ;D ;D ;D)
Lose weight but hopefully the above will help take care of that.

I really just want to get healthy and feel healthy.

Extra on my place so that the renovations can continue (clear floor, throw away more junk and organize)

I will start a thread tomorrow night about how our first day went and then we can continually bump it up every time someone wants to share their progress.  Just find the original thread. 
This will not only be fun but hopefully incredibly motivating as well.

Nothing like cyber friends with a common lifestyle helping each other out.

Good luck fellow veggies in obtaining your goals.  Doesn't matter if you have setbacks.  Share them and we can all help each other.



*Eat as much of my food raw as possible.
*Go to the gym at least three times this week.
*Walk the dogs at least 40 mins every morning.
*Go through my stuff and donate as much as possible of stuff I know deep down inside I won't use or wear again (getting rid of stuff is just so hard!)

I made my first "green smoothie" today: kelp, apple, lemon juice, water... fantastic. Kept me full for five hours, and even then I just ate more kelp in the form of a salad!

Good luck all!


*Eat as much of my food raw as possible.
*Go to the gym at least three times this week.
*Walk the dogs at least 40 mins every morning.
*Go through my stuff and donate as much as possible of stuff I know deep down inside I won't use or wear again (getting rid of stuff is just so hard!)

I made my first "green smoothie" today: kelp, apple, lemon juice, water... fantastic. Kept me full for five hours, and even then I just ate more kelp in the form of a salad!

Good luck all!

Meggs, I just did much de-cluttering in the last year as my place is getting fixed and I had too much stuff.  I still have too much stuff!  Thank you for your goal about donating or getting rid of stuff 'that deep down you know you won't use or wear again'.  I am having a really hard time getting rid of stuff such as that.  I thought I did well getting rid of hundreds of bags (no joke) of stuff.  Now, it gets down to exactly what you said.  I am hoping I can also do that in the next couple of weeks. 

Good luck!


*Eat as much of my food raw as possible.
*Go to the gym at least three times this week.
*Walk the dogs at least 40 mins every morning.
*Go through my stuff and donate as much as possible of stuff I know deep down inside I won't use or wear again (getting rid of stuff is just so hard!)

I made my first "green smoothie" today: kelp, apple, lemon juice, water... fantastic. Kept me full for five hours, and even then I just ate more kelp in the form of a salad!

Good luck all!

This is my goal for the week also!  I have been slowly bagging things for about a week.  Why is it SO hard to let go of some things?!


Good luck Diver-Di. A goals thread is a great idea!


Good luck Diver-Di. A goals thread is a great idea!

Thanks!  Right now I am smoking my brains out and drinking all my Diet Coke!

A suggestion for those of you doing this, start a little note book tomorrow and do a day by day of your successes.  I think for me, a note book is better because I can take it out of my purse at work and note how many fruits and veggies I eat etc.  If I do in on my computer, I have to wait until I get home from work.
I was firstly going to say to jot down our successes and failures but the word failure means we are going to fail.  Setbacks or boo boos would be a better choice (hopefully the successes will far outway the boo boos).
I am actually excited about this!  I am not going to see my BF this week and he has no idea I am trying this week to better myself.
Quitting smoking will make him the happiest as he is a non smoker.  Has never gone out with a smoker.  I never smoke in front of him or near him or in the house.  I brush my teeth so much that he won't smell my breath that I think my teeth will fall out.  He worries about my health from smoking as do I.  I will be so proud to say, guess what, I quit smoking.
I know eating more healthfully, fruits and veggies will make me feel better and have more energy.
Ridding myself of Aspartame can only help.  All those chemicals in my body are probably one of the reasons I am always so tired.  Ridding myself of Diet Coke in general will help my weight loss as the sodium levels are so high.
My form of exercise this week will probably just be walking Cali more as I want her to start healing, and exercise can only help her mend and her depressed mood of being ill again.  Oh and Denise Austin's arm and bust video to start getting rid of my flabby arms.
Imagine, if...OK when the week is done and I have given all of the above a great effort, I can surprise my sweetie with the beginning of a new me.  Hopefully, I will also be over the cranky bitchiness that I am sure to go through with the cigarette and aspartame withdrawal.  Not just aspartame, I have always said, I hardly ever drink coffee.  That I don't have an addiction to caffeine but Diet Coke is full of it so I may be going through a bit of that as well.  If need be, I will have a cup of coffee at work every day this week.  I do, however feel sorry for the people at work who will have to put up with me this week! hee hee hee.
My BF is 5 1/2 years younger than me and my bad habits are going to make me old before my time.

So everyone, I am so happy I am going to be accountable and who better to do that with than you guys.  You are the best and I KNOW together, we can all reach our goals.

Good luck to you all and remember, do not be afraid or ashamed if you mess up.  Let us know and we will all encourage each other.

Hugs to all!


P.S. had to bring Cali into this!  ;D ;D ;D  Don't forget our deal!


Well, I just have 5 more cigarettes to go and then I can go to bed!  Looks like I will be pouring a bunch of Diet Coke down the sink.

Just part of a 2 litre bottle.

I started my little notebook as well.
First page says:  My Goals

Accountable to Myself, VegWeb, My Critters, J, my BF.* and Yabbitgirl

I also added a goal and thank goodness I am starting in the morning as it is very late now.

More sleep!


Well, I just have 5 more cigarettes to go and then I can go to bed!  Looks like I will be pouring a bunch of Diet Coke down the sink.

Just part of a 2 litre bottle.

I started my little notebook as well.
First page says:  My Goals

Accountable to Myself, VegWeb, My Critters, J, my BF.* and Yabbitgirl

I also added a goal and thank goodness I am starting in the morning as it is very late now.

More sleep!

Just had my last cigarette.  Didn't smoke the 5.  Smoked 4 and broke the last one in half and threw it out.  Poured my remaining Diet Coke down the sink.  Now I am going to brush my teeth and cover my bed with extra blankets and sheets so that Cali can sleep with me tonight and not seep icky stuff on my duvet.

Good luck everyone!


good luck!!  you can totally do it!!

cigarettes & coke are total garbage.  just keep reminding yourself that you and your body deserve better than garbage.



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