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Lets make some goals....AGAIN!

I am making my first smoothie tomorrow and starting a healthy week.  That is my goal!  Today, I bought low fat soy milk, silken tofu, organic strawberries, organic bananas and frozen organic Canadian wild blueberries. To that, I will add my spirulina. 
I also bought some healthy food.  What's with that?
If it kills me, I am going to start adding more fruits and veggies to my diet tomorrow.  Trying to start the week off right.
Also, drinking hopefully my last diet coke today.  Once again, I am going to try to quit smoking as well.  I figure if I start eating right, smoking will seem yucky!  I quit for 5 1/2 days when I went camping.  So... I will try for 6 days and continue on one day at a time.  I figure it's now or never.  I want to lose about 15 to 18 pounds.  More fruits and veggies should help.  Cutting out all the sodium in the diet coke and the aspartame should help.  Hooking up my DVD player so I can actually do exercise videos should help and being able to breathe and get rid of this nasty cough from smoking should help.
Now I am going to go and sit in the sun and read.  Yes, I will be wearing a high numbered sunscreen.  I am actually good about that.
Tonight, I am going to empty my fridge, clean it out and get rid off all the crap, the moldy stuff and the stuff that appears alive when it shouldn't be.
Oh, hard to believe because I am such a cheese addict but I bought some Galaxy veggie cheese to try.  The cheddar and the Mozzarella.  I have a lot of cheese in my fridge right now and will still eat it but when it is all gone, will try to cut back on it drastically, more so if I like the slices I just bought.

Is anyone else starting a plan tomorrow or in the near future?  We can cheer each other on.

How is everyone doing that started to quit smoking, lose weight and start exercising a couple of months ago?  As you all know, I failed miserably on the quit smoking thing.

It would be fun to list our goals and once a week, check in with how we are doing.  I know many can't check in every day so picking a particular day probably won't work.

So, what do you think?

my goal is to actually gain some weight.
but it's soooo hard. i do need some cheerleaders though. some cheer me on!!!

give me a c, give me an h! give me an i, give me a c and a k! give me a p! give me an 2 and a 7! what does that spell?

chick p 27!

there's a nice little cheer for you. I have to gain weight too - it's SO HARD!

as for goals, mine have been going pretty well. I've been busy lately though...
1) food - made soup last night! wasn't that good, but whatever...
2) yoga - did a few sun salutations this morning (all I had time for)
3) writing - haven't done much in the past few days... I need to get back to work on that

keep it up everyone!


Yay Goals!!!  Glad I read this thread, I'm late in this as well, but its better late then Never!  Here are my goals, I've been kinda slacking on some of them for the past month so ok here goes everyone.

1) Get back into going to my gym, although I kinda agree with yabbitgirl on the gaining weight at the gym...maybe its muscle? at least i hope heheheh, so maybe just getting back into some routine exercise
2) Cooking more often and saving money by not eating out, so I can go to mali and spain!! (I'm really glad I joined this message board, its really motivating me to cook more and use cool new ingredients.
3) Continuing to cut out dairy and egg products, although I'm not quite considering being vegan
4) Incorporating more veggies and fruits for sure!!

and last but not least on a not to health related goal: continuing to practice my bass, so I can kick off my band!!  What do you all think of the name "Sweet Teeth" for a band??? :)


i have a question for those that jog.  i tried jogging a couple weeks ago and after about 2 minutes felt like crap, i felt nautious, i had side stickers, my legs hurt and i was incredibly out of breath already.  it was horrible.  for the next two days, my legs were incredibly sore, so i've only jogged twice, two days apart.  about 5 years ago i did run on an elliptical for 45 minutes.  and throughout college i would ride my bike for 10 minutes to class, but i just cant figure out why i cant jog for 5 minutes.    this is really my only goal for now, get physical!! haha.

anyone have any suggestions?  i really just want to find an exercise that gives me energy, thats the only thing i really enjoyed about jogging.  after coming home, i had so much energy, my legs though were too sore to do anything about it.  ha

i have a similar if not same problem. i can do bike rides, i can do elipticals (which is my exercise of choice and is the only thing i go to the gym for) but i can not for the life of me spend more than 3 minutes on  a treadmill. i get like you--pains in my sides, nauseous, and my knees hurt badly--worse than when im on the bike.

i don't have an answer for it but i would just say its maybe not the cardio for you. before my trainer left for a different location (gym promotion) he said it had to do with my hiatal hernia that made me feel sick when i got on the treadmill, and also my acid reflux. not saying thats your problem, but just some thoughts. maybe you just need some practice if u really want to run? but i have no problems on the eliptical and get an awesome workout when i'm feeling up to it.

that makes me feel a lot better : )   the running thing makes me feel so out of shape, but i know that i can do other things, it just didnt make sense.   thanks!

Sorry I'm so late with this: It sounds like you didn't try to jog, you tried to sprint. Try jogging slower. There's nothing wrong with starting out by jogging 1 minute, walking one minute either. Maybe try finding a running store to ask about beginner friendly clubs in your area, or just ask someone working there to watch you jog & correct your form if needed.  You definetly need to get shoes fitted specifically to you also. If you want to give jogging another try, youll see most people in the running community are very friendly and helpful.


hey everyone! I just finished another article (about the local market) and sent it off to the editor of a community paper! woo hoo! the article isn't great, but that's what editing is for... :)


Hi everyone,
I think the support everyone is giving in this thread (and all over these boards) is so inspiring and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling  ;D.  I have two goals I'd like to work on:

1. Get more/regular sleep
2. Lose the last 5-10 pounds and be more cardiovascularly active

Also, I found this link that might help motivate those of you on here who are struggling with soda addiction:

Good luck to all and keep up the good work!  :) :)


I put this on Di's "physical thread" and decided to share this here too. I just got back my blood work results. AT LAST they have recognized I have low thyroid. I had it in my teens and for years I thought I had it here but they could never "see" it. I think it must be hereditary as my mother got very low-thyroid as she went thru the menopause.

Anyway, the DR told me that low thyroid is an aggravating factor in high cholesterol--they often go together. This is an interesting point and something Di and others might look into.

At least now I can *do* something about it, and I didn't just hear, "Lose weight you lazy slob." I'm lazy because I'm exhausted all the time--because I'm hypothyroid. It may be a factor in the poor sleep, too. She also told me to eat a banana every day for the minerals. AND that veg*nism is a good diet choice!






One herb I know is good for quitting smoking is lobelia. As in lobelia inflata (not the flower called lobelia). It contains alkaloids that are similar to tobacco, but not harmful, and helps you ease off nicotine. And it builds the lungs. It's what the eclectic herbalists used in the 19th-century to help smokers quit. The Native Americans used this plant extensively.

I make my own lobelia tinctures at home using fresh herbs. It works internally and externally. I've helped people quit smoking. It works.

Lobelia can be hard to obtain commercially, but I know one place (the American Botanical Pharmacy) that sells a 'Nerve Formula' tincture that contains lobelia as the main ingredient. This outfit also sells a quit smoking package deal (includes herb to build the lungs and cleanse the liver). Go to:

The American Botanical Pharmacy uses fresh, mostly organic herbs. They also sell liver-flush and kidney-flush kits, which are so effective and easy to use that I tell anyone I know with any health problems to try these formulas. Dr. Schulze (who founded ABP) is known as the man who cures the incurables. So I know his programs can help you (and anyone else), if you're seriously intent on quitting as you seem to be.


Bump... so you can remember what goals you first made!



One herb I know is good for quitting smoking is lobelia. As in lobelia inflata (not the flower called lobelia). It contains alkaloids that are similar to tobacco, but not harmful, and helps you ease off nicotine. And it builds the lungs. It's what the eclectic herbalists used in the 19th-century to help smokers quit. The Native Americans used this plant extensively.

I make my own lobelia tinctures at home using fresh herbs. It works internally and externally. I've helped people quit smoking. It works.

Lobelia can be hard to obtain commercially, but I know one place (the American Botanical Pharmacy) that sells a 'Nerve Formula' tincture that contains lobelia as the main ingredient. This outfit also sells a quit smoking package deal (includes herb to build the lungs and cleanse the liver). Go to:

The American Botanical Pharmacy uses fresh, mostly organic herbs. They also sell liver-flush and kidney-flush kits, which are so effective and easy to use that I tell anyone I know with any health problems to try these formulas. Dr. Schulze (who founded ABP) is known as the man who cures the incurables. So I know his programs can help you (and anyone else), if you're seriously intent on quitting as you seem to be.

Thank you so much for this post.  I totally missed it.  I will actually check it out with my HFS and see if they carry it and then will check out the website you provided.

Thank you.  I totally appreciate it!




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