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Lets make some goals....AGAIN!

I am making my first smoothie tomorrow and starting a healthy week.  That is my goal!  Today, I bought low fat soy milk, silken tofu, organic strawberries, organic bananas and frozen organic Canadian wild blueberries. To that, I will add my spirulina. 
I also bought some healthy food.  What's with that?
If it kills me, I am going to start adding more fruits and veggies to my diet tomorrow.  Trying to start the week off right.
Also, drinking hopefully my last diet coke today.  Once again, I am going to try to quit smoking as well.  I figure if I start eating right, smoking will seem yucky!  I quit for 5 1/2 days when I went camping.  So... I will try for 6 days and continue on one day at a time.  I figure it's now or never.  I want to lose about 15 to 18 pounds.  More fruits and veggies should help.  Cutting out all the sodium in the diet coke and the aspartame should help.  Hooking up my DVD player so I can actually do exercise videos should help and being able to breathe and get rid of this nasty cough from smoking should help.
Now I am going to go and sit in the sun and read.  Yes, I will be wearing a high numbered sunscreen.  I am actually good about that.
Tonight, I am going to empty my fridge, clean it out and get rid off all the crap, the moldy stuff and the stuff that appears alive when it shouldn't be.
Oh, hard to believe because I am such a cheese addict but I bought some Galaxy veggie cheese to try.  The cheddar and the Mozzarella.  I have a lot of cheese in my fridge right now and will still eat it but when it is all gone, will try to cut back on it drastically, more so if I like the slices I just bought.

Is anyone else starting a plan tomorrow or in the near future?  We can cheer each other on.

How is everyone doing that started to quit smoking, lose weight and start exercising a couple of months ago?  As you all know, I failed miserably on the quit smoking thing.

It would be fun to list our goals and once a week, check in with how we are doing.  I know many can't check in every day so picking a particular day probably won't work.

So, what do you think?

I agree about the word "setbacks" brick doesn't make a wall and one mistake doesn't mean "blow it off." I don't have class today until 12 so I have time to tidy up and still get some walking in. I am going to weigh myself today too.

Our mistakes do not mean we are "bad" people. And yes, Di, my sister used to poke fun at my mother's coffee addiction until her dentist pointed out that not only had the Coke stripped most of the enamel off her teeth before she was 30, it has more caffiene than coffee and was partly instrumental in her topping out (then anyway) at 250 lbs.

RE: "stuff", I too have a little game I play with myself every 2-3 years. It's called "if it isn't worth 10c a pound, toss it." That means if I haven't used/worn it since the last time I cleared out, I probably won't, so find a home for it. You'd be surprised the number of people who would never buy 2nd hand clothes but will accept a garment in good condition from a friend, and take it as a compliment!

To those dieting, don't forget your water. It fills you up, helps you eliminate toxins and doesn't have the calories of juice or other drinks. Also if you're having trouble concentrating--grab a glass of cold water. We tend not to drink enough water and the brain notices this. Especially those who live in climate-controlled houses (AC and heat)--often the dehumidifiers dry us out through the skin.


goals huh, cant hurt
I cleaned the hell out of my bathroom saturday, of course the motivation was having the ladyfriend over for the night instead of just wanting a clean bathroom

- not be late to work this week
- get my computer set up so i can stop using my laptop
- clean the kitchen
- clean my room thats a nightmare
- do all my laundry
- work on my car


GOOD NEWS!! Weighed in and I am down 2 lbs. I think I didn't realise how rich chickpeas are...I've been eating a lot of hummus and tofu.

I went for "Cali's walk" too...the reason I put Cali in the mix is, I can break a promise to myself easily, to another human with difficulty--but I could NEVER break a promise to a dog! 8)


GOOD NEWS!! Weighed in and I am down 2 lbs. I think I didn't realise how rich chickpeas are...I've been eating a lot of hummus and tofu.

Congrats yabbitgirl, it sounds like you're on your way.  I, too, am guilty of consuming mass quantities of hummus!  Once I open a container, I just sit at my desk with a bag of pita chips and eat until it is gone.

My goal is to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and rely less on pre-packaged vegetarian food.  I eat too many veggie burgers and unchicken sandwiches.  It's nothing but sheer laziness on my part


I'm pleased to say I am still quit!! (Since Feb!).  I only gained about 5lbs when I quit, I have lost them. My biggest hurdle with quitting was I was constantly sick for about 2 months afterwards. If there was a germ, I caught it. I truly thought I would never get thru it. I was so SICK of being SICK.

My goal right now is to get back into eating healthy. I've been eating CRAP and JUNK the past few weeks and I need to stop.  I need to remember portions and unhand the cake.


Great idea with this thread!

I have a few goals myself:

1) Eat more vegan stuff (I only just became a full-on vegetarian very recently so now I'm working on eliminating dairy as well)

2) Eat more fresh produce and cut down on junk food (a bit of a challenge as my BF eats horrible amounts of junk food and sweets and is constanly tempting me - must learn to resist!  :P)

3) Exercise more

I've already planned a delicius lentil bolognese for dinner tonight and went shopping for lots of fresh fruit and veggies today so fingers crossed!  :D


Good Job, Di and Yabbit!!!

I weighed myself after three days of not weighing and I'm up about 2.5 pounds, which is odd and sad because I've been eating really healthfully (at least 1 1/2 days completely raw, healthy kale, veggies, and fruit) and exercising frequently.
Oh well!  I feel pretty good about the choices I've been making and that is what matters!

I'm glad that others think donating stuff you're not going to use/wear is such a good idea and motivator!  We have a Goodwill about 3 minutes away, so I tend to take stuff there pretty frequently.  However, I do understand it IS so hard to rid yourself of stuff... even certain clothes have sentimental value (or you'd really like to fit into them again sometime;) ).

I ate a kale/fruit smoothie for breakfast, I only walked the dogs for 20 mins... so I'm doing ok but not so well on my goals... however, mine are not as difficult as kicking smoking or caffeine.  Although, I did cut out caffeine about a month and a half ago and am sleeping better finally!  GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!


it's great that people are already finding success! any weight gain - even 2-3 lbs - could be water weight, so remember that.

for me, the difficulty isn't in losing weight, it's gaining - and I HAVE to wrap my head around having full, healthy meals. I made whole wheat couscous last night, so I'm having that for lunch today (instead of just a measly, but yummy, salad) - although I only packed 1/2 a cup (eek, what's wrong with me?).

I also did yoga this morning, which is one of my goals. it wasn't intense yoga, but enough to get the kinks out.

and I did some writing last night too!

everybody, keep it up! success breeds success (I hope)!


for me, the difficulty isn't in losing weight, it's gaining - and I HAVE to wrap my head around having full, healthy meals. I made whole wheat couscous last night, so I'm having that for lunch today (instead of just a measly, but yummy, salad) - although I only packed 1/2 a cup (eek, what's wrong with me?).

I can totally relate. To eat full, healthy, balanced meals - including those which are heavier, more calorie laden....without fear!


my goal is to actually gain some weight.
but it's soooo hard. i do need some cheerleaders though. some cheer me on!!!


di - if you feel the urge to get back on the diet coke just read this:

i just saw it today and i thought of you and the girl who only eats a subway sandwich and pop all day.
(i think i'll go post that link on that thread for her, too)


i have a question for those that jog.  i tried jogging a couple weeks ago and after about 2 minutes felt like crap, i felt nautious, i had side stickers, my legs hurt and i was incredibly out of breath already.  it was horrible.  for the next two days, my legs were incredibly sore, so i've only jogged twice, two days apart.  about 5 years ago i did run on an elliptical for 45 minutes.  and throughout college i would ride my bike for 10 minutes to class, but i just cant figure out why i cant jog for 5 minutes.    this is really my only goal for now, get physical!! haha.

anyone have any suggestions?  i really just want to find an exercise that gives me energy, thats the only thing i really enjoyed about jogging.  after coming home, i had so much energy, my legs though were too sore to do anything about it.  ha


My new goals (most of them) are job related. But I'm trying to cut down on drinking and smoking, like most of you here. The weight thing isn't an issue since I started my job. I lift heavy objects all day, and run around like a mad maniac, so I lost 10 pounds since I started. Need to loose another 10, so I decided on cutting out the "quick" vegan food, and the junk. I actually started to to cook healthy vegan foods on the weekends, and portion them out for my lunches. I hope I can keep that up.


i have a question for those that jog.  i tried jogging a couple weeks ago and after about 2 minutes felt like crap, i felt nautious, i had side stickers, my legs hurt and i was incredibly out of breath already.  it was horrible.  for the next two days, my legs were incredibly sore, so i've only jogged twice, two days apart.  about 5 years ago i did run on an elliptical for 45 minutes.  and throughout college i would ride my bike for 10 minutes to class, but i just cant figure out why i cant jog for 5 minutes.    this is really my only goal for now, get physical!! haha.

anyone have any suggestions?  i really just want to find an exercise that gives me energy, thats the only thing i really enjoyed about jogging.  after coming home, i had so much energy, my legs though were too sore to do anything about it.  ha

i have a similar if not same problem. i can do bike rides, i can do elipticals (which is my exercise of choice and is the only thing i go to the gym for) but i can not for the life of me spend more than 3 minutes on  a treadmill. i get like you--pains in my sides, nauseous, and my knees hurt badly--worse than when im on the bike.

i don't have an answer for it but i would just say its maybe not the cardio for you. before my trainer left for a different location (gym promotion) he said it had to do with my hiatal hernia that made me feel sick when i got on the treadmill, and also my acid reflux. not saying thats your problem, but just some thoughts. maybe you just need some practice if u really want to run? but i have no problems on the eliptical and get an awesome workout when i'm feeling up to it.


Oh, goals goals goals.  My sister and I made a pact that this week we'd eat only one dessert.  Ouch!
Since I started working in the deli at my NFS I've had a very serious problem with eating too much.  Especially sweets.  They're just so beautiful!  And organic!!  So my goals are to eat a lot less during work and to eat small dinners when I get home.  I tend to stuff myself in the evenings and then feel miserable when I go to bed.  Yuck. 
Today, the first day of dessert-free week, went well.  But oh, was I tempted!  At work we sampled out two different kinds of cookies- they were warm, smelled so yummy... and not one piece went past my lips.  Yesss!  Little triumphs, right?
So I'm gladly joining all of you in sticking with my goals and being honest with my slip ups.  Here goes!


i have a question for those that jog.  i tried jogging a couple weeks ago and after about 2 minutes felt like crap, i felt nautious, i had side stickers, my legs hurt and i was incredibly out of breath already.  it was horrible.  for the next two days, my legs were incredibly sore, so i've only jogged twice, two days apart.  about 5 years ago i did run on an elliptical for 45 minutes.  and throughout college i would ride my bike for 10 minutes to class, but i just cant figure out why i cant jog for 5 minutes.    this is really my only goal for now, get physical!! haha.

anyone have any suggestions?  i really just want to find an exercise that gives me energy, thats the only thing i really enjoyed about jogging.  after coming home, i had so much energy, my legs though were too sore to do anything about it.  ha

i have a similar if not same problem. i can do bike rides, i can do elipticals (which is my exercise of choice and is the only thing i go to the gym for) but i can not for the life of me spend more than 3 minutes on  a treadmill. i get like you--pains in my sides, nauseous, and my knees hurt badly--worse than when im on the bike.

i don't have an answer for it but i would just say its maybe not the cardio for you. before my trainer left for a different location (gym promotion) he said it had to do with my hiatal hernia that made me feel sick when i got on the treadmill, and also my acid reflux. not saying thats your problem, but just some thoughts. maybe you just need some practice if u really want to run? but i have no problems on the eliptical and get an awesome workout when i'm feeling up to it.

that makes me feel a lot better : )  the running thing makes me feel so out of shape, but i know that i can do other things, it just didnt make sense.  thanks!


Kelsi, I am not a jogger. I walk, fast, and far! On the street...I can't afford a gym and while I was working out in them I put on the 12 lbs that now plague me. Maybe you're wearing the wrong shoes, putting too much load on your knees? Or maybe jogging just isn't for you. Do what you can do: bike, sport-walk, swim, whatever. The idea is to get the exercise anyway that fits for you. We are all different.

I'm old enough to remember the jogging craze in the 70's and the backlash when they discovered that the classic jogging step was often harmful to the knee joints, particularly for women (maybe we're built different? I don't know). If you're going to jog, you need a particular type of shoe, not the same as for regular distance running or aerobics, etc.

Just a thought...but if it's making you feel sick, don't do it. Find something you can enjoy and stick with!


Ok, I'm a little late on this, but I just decided that I am setting a quit time for smoking.  Fortunately, I do not smoke that much (~2packs per week).  I'm hoping that will make for fewer physical withdrawals.  Anyway, I have 11/2 packs left from a carton I bought a while ago.  When I finish those, I will not buy anymore.  I have been thinking about this for a while, and it's time.  I quit for 6 months about 2 years ago.  I was stupid to start again.  I remember how great it felt not to smoke. 

So, this ties into another goal.  In a few weeks school will start back.  Due to our early start time and my commute, I have to get up at 5:30.  I never eat breakfast during the school year b/c I don't want to get up early enough to make it.  Every now and then, I 'll grab a granola, but usually nothing.  Then I am starving by lunch.  So, I've always claimed that I didn't have time for breakfast, yet, I smoke a cigarette each morning before I shower.  So, if I cut out the cigarette, I will have time to make a smoothie for the road! (this may lead to a future tackling of my coffee addiction... ???)


Ok, I'm a little late on this, but I just decided that I am setting a quit time for smoking.  Fortunately, I do not smoke that much (~2packs per week).  I'm hoping that will make for fewer physical withdrawals.  Anyway, I have 11/2 packs left from a carton I bought a while ago.  When I finish those, I will not buy anymore.  I have been thinking about this for a while, and it's time.  I quit for 6 months about 2 years ago.  I was stupid to start again.  I remember how great it felt not to smoke. 

So, this ties into another goal.  In a few weeks school will start back.  Due to our early start time and my commute, I have to get up at 5:30.  I never eat breakfast during the school year b/c I don't want to get up early enough to make it.  Every now and then, I 'll grab a granola, but usually nothing.  Then I am starving by lunch.  So, I've always claimed that I didn't have time for breakfast, yet, I smoke a cigarette each morning before I shower.  So, if I cut out the cigarette, I will have time to make a smoothie for the road! (this may lead to a future tackling of my coffee addiction... ???)

Great goals!!!!!  Welcome to the goals thread!  We will all cheer you on!!!!!!!


Thanks for starting this Di!  You have been a big push for me as far as the smoking thing.  It's something I've wanted to do for a while, but in reading your posts each day, it stays fresh in my mind.  Good luck to you on the smoking and congrats on the diet coke!!!   



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