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I just pulled a chunk of my eyelashes out with an eyelash curler...

It makes me sad. Now I have to part my hair on the other side to try and camouflage it.


No more unsupervised eyelash curling for me.  :P

It really sucks when things like this happen.  My brother was cutting my hair once, and he buzzed off a section near my ears which was impossible to cover up...

I feel your pain, JC.


Tell me if they grow back super lush they way they're supposed to, according to urban legend.

Wear sunglasses outdoors and fake reading glasses indoors.  That camouflages eye stuff brilliantly.


I thought about going ahead and getting glasses, hh! I do wear contacts, and I need a pair of glasses for reading at night after I take my contacts out.

I wear -1.25, which isn't bad... maybe I can order a cheap but cute pair online.


My sister did that one time when she was tryign to curl her eyelashes in the car & we hit a bump! haha, it was really funny when she did it, but I'm sorry for you jc


I have done his before while trying to curl the lashes and talk on the phone at the same time. I have thick eyelashes to begin with, so I cant really comment on if they grow back thicker, but they did seem to grow back quickly...Also, even though my eyelashes are naturally straight, they seemed to grow back straighter. I dont know if that makes sense but hopefully yours will grow back normally. in high school I did something really dumb and cut my bottom lashes, just for fun or whatever. After that I realized that we are born with lashes for a reason! to keep stuff out of your eyes...duh.


is it wrong that i kinda want to see a picture of this?


RD, I had thought of taking a pic, but my ego is still too bruised to actually do it.


Hey, that smiley matches my avatar!



Hey, that smiley matches my avatar!



is it wrong that i kinda want to see a picture of this?

I only opened this post to say POST A PICTURE OF IT. Nice work, RD.


haha, second base.  it's nice to know i'm not the only one.

and regarding the avatar... *giggles* it does!


I always cut my own hair with some electric clippers.  One day when they were not working right I took the guard off which directs how much they will cut to oil the cutting machanism. When it was working better I went back to work without realising that I had not replaced the guard! I cut a bald strip right down the back of my head before I figured out what I had done. When I saw it I laughed and laughed and then shaved my head bald! What else could I do? It took a long time for the hair to grow back and I am a lot more careful with the clippers. Maybe you will have to do this to even out your eyelashes and then maybe you could stick on some of those fake  long already curly ones. it is not always pleasant learning from our mistakes.


false lashes wouldn't really stick to bald eyelids.  you could probably wear falsies if you've got *some* lashes left, but if you shaved them off then they wouldn't work too well since you stick them at the base of your lashes.


Sorry I never knew how they were stuck on. never tried them myself! ::)


haha.  you're forgiven!

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