Happy birthday, oncewerewesties! (2009 Happy Birthday)
Posted by Allychristine on Jun 12, 2009 · Member since Dec 2007 · 15438 posts
oww! Happy birthday to you. ;)b
Happy Birthday!!!! :owl: :snail: :flower: :ladybug: :bunny: :horse:
Happy birthday, oww!
Freakin awsome pic find, ac.
Happy Birthday!
Happy happy day OWW! I love the abbreviation by the way, I always say it out loud "OW" hahaha!
Happy birthday, OWW!
:) ;)b 8-)
Happy, happy day of birth!
happy birthday to yooooooooooooou!!! hope you have a lovely superr day!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!!! :owl: :snail: :flower: :ladybug: :bunny: :horse:
she totally stole this from me - i always do the "happy birthday" and all the animals!!
Happy Birthday!!!! :owl: :snail: :flower: :ladybug: :bunny: :horse:
Woohoo! I hope you're enjoying the celebration of you, and eating some awesome vegan cake. 8)
Happy Birthday!
Happy belated birthday! I hope it was awesome :flower:
i know this is late, but happy birthday!
haha, just noticed this, you guys are so sweet, I didn't even know my birthday was displayed anywhere... or maybe it's not, and you're all more psychic than I ever knew...
Anyways, not to seem ungrateful or anything, but I hate having birthday celebrations, I just don't deal well with having attention on me. I've gotten through many in the past without classmates/work colleagues/flatmates being aware it was my birthday, and felt pretty pleased with myself for doing so. So seeing I'm in a reasonably new job, I thought I was safe here this year... till, at around 2pm, my dad turned up with a big chocolate cream cake and attracted the attention of all the staff and made them all sit around and eat cake , all the while, I had deadlines to meet, and after birthday-related bullshit, ended up having to stay an hour late to get stuff done, grrr.
Having said that, seeing nice messages from strangers from around the world actually makes me feel really good, in a friendly, happy, no-pressure kind of way :) Thanks everyone!!
How did I miss this?! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
happy bday to someone with the best shortened name on vw! :) oww