The Five-Minute Interview (not terribly VR)
The 5-minute Interview
Cut and paste, and write in your answers. For the "You know me as" question, put your current job in the parentheses.
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
Reading or vegging out with a DVD.
A phrase I use far too often... “It is/was a nightmare!”
I wish people would take more notice of... Those doing a bad job. Particularly sales people and those in customer disservice.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was... Finding myself with the first solid marriage in the last 3 generations of my family.
A common misperception of me is...
That I am brave and have everything taped. Inside, I’m as shaky as a baby’s rattle!
I am not a politician but...
I would slap a huge tax on plastic to make people to use more biodegradable things. I would also like teachers, nurses and other community workers to be paid as much as lawyers.
I'm good at...
Cooking, writing certain types of things, and memorising yards of useless film dialogue.
I'm very bad at...
Anything to do with numbers or paperwork.
The ideal night out is...
A good meal in a quiet restaurant with people I like.
You know me as a (literature tutor)but I'd have been...
A writer. Or a librarian. Anything to do with books.
In moments of weakness...
I go for a long walk, or quilt. Both seem to clear my head.
The best age to be is...
27. It’s when I stopped counting.
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
either playing on the internet or playing with my daughter....but she's asleep....
A phrase I use far too often...
"oh, man...."
I wish people would take more notice of..
what is REALLY going on around them...too many people are content with being sheep.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was...
mmm...i found out i had cancer when i was 15....and that i got married and had a kid at such an early age.
A common misperception of me is...
that i am a bitch. i'm NOT....i am just honest....and i hate tiptoeing around the obvious truth.
I am not a politician but...
sometimes i wish that i were....i'd get some good stuff done!
I'm good at...
Cooking, listening, driving, being a mom...i think!
I'm very bad at...
remembering people's names.
The ideal night out is...
going downtown and drinking coffee and smoking waaaay too many cigarettes with like-minded friends.
You know me as (a stay at home mom) but I'd have been...
an activist, or a traveling hippie!
In moments of weakness...
i usually give in. haha.
The best age to be is...
i think late 30's will be pretty awesome...not getting old yet, but old enough to have your shit together.
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
Cleaning up the house, going to get my deposit back, doing laundry, saving the world in some way
A phrase I use far too often... "Ah ouin? Holé Criste”
I wish people would take more notice of the state of the world right now.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was... getting hit by truck and being left with only a scar on my hand. I was lucky.
A common misperception of me is... that I'm a cranky bitch. I'm not! I swear. Not all of the time. Also, people think I'm quiet and serious. FAIL!
I am not a politician but... I'm not a clown and desesperate for power, so I'm definitely not a politician.
I would slap a huge tax on plastic to make people to use more biodegradable things. I would also like teachers, nurses and other community workers to be paid as much as lawyers. (I used YG's answer cuz it feels my belief, too.)
I'm good at... like YG...I'm good at cooking, writing certain types of things, and memorising yards of useless film dialogue, but I am also good at putting myself in trouble and getting out of it, holding my liquor well and at bullshitting. (I am so proud to share that...!)
I'm very bad at...
Anything to do with having to stay focused for more than 5 minutes.
The ideal night out is...
Good meal, good music, good friends, loudness and riots
You know me as a (french canadian producer assistant) but I'd have been...
a press attaché for a politician, (see the I'm good at ...)
In moments of weakness, I have sex with strangers or I make cupcakes. However, I will mostly use sarcasm as a way of defense mechanism.
The best age to be is ... I'm not sure.. I only have experienced 26 years, and they were pretty awesome.
Mel, I :)>>> you. Srsly. Dream job: me as scriptwriter, you as producer/director, and we single (or rather double)-handedly lift the cinema out of the age of the remake!
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
Grading papers because grades are due today or asleep b/c I feel like shit.
A phrase I use far too often... "Too funny..."
I wish people would take more notice of... That they vote with their money. Perhaps fewer quality things are better than bunches of cheap crap, no?
The most surprising thing that happened to me was... Realizing that I have my own business, a mortgage and a wonderful marriage. When did I grow up and get my shit together?
A common misperception of me is...
That I am bullet-proof. I have some weak spots, but I'd never let you know where they are...
I am not a politician but...
I would require a permit for any vehicle that exceeds certain size limits or doesn't meet a high MPG rating. You can have one with a license, if you have a demonstrated need, but no more soccer moms with one kid in huge SUVs.
I'm good at...
I'm very bad at...
The ideal night out is...
hosting a shin-dig at my house
You know me as an (interior designer)but I'd have been...
a city planner or socialite
In moments of weakness...
I can drink a twelve pack
The best age to be is...
Every year gets better. I'm loving my 30s
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
studying for finals (i'd like to think that..), or in the shower.
A phrase I use far too often...
i dunno.
I wish people would take more notice of...
their walking speed. raaage at slow walkers.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was...
finding someone i like in kansas. also, my mom agreeing to pay for my birth control. those are recent.
A common misperception of me is...
i'm smart. i used to be. but then i got lazy, so now im stupid.
I am not a politician but...
i would like to wear power suits.
I'm good at...
dunno. making people happy with food. i like that.
I'm very bad at...
making decisions, getting things done before the last minute.
The ideal night out is...
staying in is better.
You know me as (a student) but I'd have been...
hm. i'd like to be in food r&d. that's what i'm in school for. but secretary work would be awesome. for some really rich executive guy.
In moments of weakness...
i do stupid things.
The best age to be is...
16 was pretty ok.
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
crunching numbers
A phrase I use far too often...
total punk
I wish people would take more notice of...
key lime pie martinis
The most surprising thing that happened to me was...
In what time frame? I got to work early on Monday.
A common misperception of me is...
that I'm a politician
I am not a politician but...
I pee like one
I'm good at...
tying my shoes
I'm very bad at...
not voicing my opinion
The ideal night out is...
at a friend's place
You know me as a working stiff but I'd have been...
a sculptor
In moments of weakness...
I drop things
The best age to be is...
as old as possible
The 5-minute Interview
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
doing my crossword.
A phrase I use far too often...
"Fuck me," as in "Fuck me, it's cold in here!"
I wish people would take more notice of...
animal suffering.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was...
becoming a middle school teacher.
A common misperception of me is...
that I'm a goody-goody.
I am not a politician but...
I'm good at...
Knitting, painting, creative things, math.
I'm very bad at...
knowing anything whatsoever about sports.
The ideal night out is...
lots and lots of dancing without having to pay for a single drink.
You know me as a a teacher but I'd have been...
An engineer. A librarian. A dominatrix.
Just kidding with that last one.
In moments of weakness...
Revert to bad habits.
The best age to be is...
22. That's what I am now.
Mel, I :)>>> you. Srsly. Dream job: me as scriptwriter, you as producer/director, and we single (or rather double)-handedly lift the cinema out of the age of the remake!
YabbitGirl, you have vision! I'll take anything you throw me and I'll add in a musical number such as this one ...
Just cuz...
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
making naan
A phrase I use far too often...
"get out of town"
I wish people would take more notice of...
the good things in their life.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was...
A common misperception of me is...
that i hate everyone.
I am not a politician but...
i like to argue, anyway.
I'm good at...
I'm very bad at...
not being awkward.
The ideal night out is...
You know me as a (really really cool person) but I'd have been...
pretty annoying in a past life
In moments of weakness...
i take a nap
The best age to be is...
i've only been 23 ages. they've all been fine.
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
Facebooking, texting, sleeping, hanging out with my friend Jim, orrrrrr... idk.
A phrase I use far too often...
I wish people would take more notice of...
People being assholes for no reason. Can't we just be kinder to one another?
The most surprising thing that happened to me was...
Finding out who I am. For real.
A common misperception of me is...
That I'm a crazy, outspoken bitch.
I am not a politician but...
No comment.
I'm good at...
School, helping others, laughing
I'm very bad at...
There are things I can work on...
The ideal night out is...
CHILLIN'. Or, hanging out with a small group of friends.
You know me as a (grad student)but I'd have been...
A grad student. Who wants to have a doctorate in Clinical Psychology some day.
In moments of weakness...
I cry. Or pray to whatever is out there. Or call a trusted friend.
The best age to be is...
I don't know. I feel like I'm 16. I think I liked 24 though.
Mel, I :)>>> you. Srsly. Dream job: me as scriptwriter, you as producer/director, and we single (or rather double)-handedly lift the cinema out of the age of the remake!
YabbitGirl, you have vision! I'll take anything you throw me and I'll add in a musical number such as this one ...
Just cuz...
I wish I lived in Canada...except it's rather too close to the States (and therefore my biological family) for comfort...other than that, Mel, I think we would be great together. That is one of my favourite films, even if Fran can't actually pronounce Italian when she's not singing.
Was that from the first Pink Panther? I thought it might be a few seconds in and then there was Peter Sellers and the set looks like it, but I haven't seen the movie in a.g.e.s.
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
working at school, running, or making some type of cookie
A phrase I use far too often...
that's bad news bears, awesome, gross
I wish people would take more notice of...
how their actions affect other people.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was...
my car hasn't died yet.
A common misperception of me is...
that I have no sense of humor. I do, its just weird!
I am not a politician but...
you could never pay me enough to be one in a million years.
I'm good at...
being patient, speed-reading, running slowly for long distances, remembering birthdays, making cookies
I'm very bad at...
making friends, being at parties, running fast, telling left from right.
The ideal night out is...
camping with a few good friends
You know me as a (teacher) but I'd have been...
a lifeguard, swimming lessons instructor, corn detassler, camp counselor, English tutor, and retail paean.
In moments of weakness...
I cry, then go running.
The best age to be is...27. Its the oldest I've ever been and the older I get, the smarter I get. At least, I like to think so.
Was that from the first Pink Panther? I thought it might be a few seconds in and then there was Peter Sellers and the set looks like it, but I haven't seen the movie in a.g.e.s.
It is. From the first Pink Panther movie, I believe.
And Yabbitgirl, one day, I'll move to Spain and go visit you! :)
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
Reading forums pointlessly, making bread, lazing outside in the sun perhaps?
A phrase I use far too often... “That's what she said!”
I wish people would take more notice of...the world and people outside themselves. The environment instead of money.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was... taking a detour from my life's passion to become an interpreter...and loving it.
A common misperception of me is...
(from men) That I want to have sex with them.
I am not a politician but... oh my GOD wake up about global warming. Tax cuts are not going to help your country if it's underwater.
I'm good at...
Sticking up for other people
I'm very bad at...
Sticking up for myself
The ideal night out is...
It would involve: Food, alcohol, the people I love (with no language barriers between them), amazing music, discussion of art, music, literature and life. And costumes. The sillier the better. So maybe going out for dinner, then a show, then a lounge bar with red lights and leopard print couches arranged in a discussion circle with drinks magically appearing. While dressed as Disney characters.
You know me as an (interpreter) but I'd have been...
A surf bum living in a caravan and following waves. A bohemian art student in Europe. An actor/writer/director/composer/dramaturg travelling the world with my theatre. A circus performer. A pirate.
In moments of weakness...
I read crime novels.
The best age to be is...
Age has never meant much to me. The best time to be is right now, with the world laid out before me.
If I weren’t writing this right now I'd be...
Showering, or reading a different thread.
A phrase I use far too often...
Not so much a phrase, but I use the words "dude" and "goo" anytime I don't want to use the actual noun. I also swear a lot.
I wish people would take more notice of...
The environmental impact of the things they do/use/eat/throw away.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was...
I would say moving to Australia, but I've been plotting that since I was 17. So, um...I don't know.
A common misperception of me is...
That I'm really shy (I just don't feel like talking a lot in certain situations)
I am not a politician but...
I think politicians need to do a lot more for the environment. Or at least provide more funding to the people who give a crap.
I'm good at...
Cooking, procrastinating, being creative
I'm very bad at...
Making decisions, getting motivated, gardening (sometimes)
The ideal night out is...
Good food and good friends, doesn't really matter where it is or what we're doing
You know me as a (housewife and mother to a puppy and 2 rats) but I'd have been...
A chef, a restaurant owner, a nutritionist, or something in the music industry
In moments of weakness...
I cry a lot, then get over it
The best age to be is...
I had a lot of fun being 20-21...I was homeless and traveling around Australia for part of it, then went back to the university and met my now-DH and got up to all kinds of shenanigans. :) We've grown up a little since then, but we still have fun.