Don't You Hate it When.... (rants)
Posted by _Dalida_ on Jan 18, 2009 · Member since Jan 2009 · 966 posts
...someone in the house left the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, but when you go to open it up and have some there's nothing in it, just the sides have some pb have a fight with someone you love and they just refuse to take accountability and own up to mistakes and you're so sick of being the 'bigger person''re out of something and too lazy to replenish it...'re broke and may need to sell something on craigslist or ebay to tide you over..... :'(
haha that's all i have at the moment...
... you pick up something labeled Vegetable and take a bite only to realize that its ingredients are murky? But that it is after you swallow that first mouthful that you look down in disbelief?
I feel like barfing now. gah!
... those ooey-gooey, PDA-okay!, uber-affectionate couples coordinate outfits... like say, both are wearing ugly-ass oatmeal-colored sweaters and jeans with peacoats. YUCK!
I feel this. It's worse when it's your parents and they get off a plane in Europe dressed in matching magenta pants suits with pink tops and tennies. And he's a hugely obese man in his 60's and she's a skinny woman with a Fro-perm in her late 50's.
That was years ago and it still embarasses the hell out of me.
I want to empathize with you and yet at the same time I want to beg you for a photograph.... I'm so conflicted.
--people who don't keep their word, for no particular reason
--people who dump on you, for no particular reason but you happen to be there, and they can
--having to remind adults to do things that are actually in their best interest; and they blow off the reminders, get into a mess and then blame YOU.
--Taxi drivers. Privatim et seriatim.
when everyone seems to always ask how long you and your ex have been together, or call you his girlfriend, or something along those lines when hes right there and still moping about it so then its compeltley akward and he doesnt even talk to you and you learn he has plans to go out with your guys group and dont invite you because apparently.. its me that makes it akward, not the one whossitting there not talking or anything... get excited because there's a possibility of a vegwebber visiting your home city and then realise that they probably won't
That's not me.. :) I've already bought my plane ticket and booked the apartment I'm renting. I'll be arriving about 11:15am on Sept. 12th.
...when you're in a horrible mood and being a complete bitch to the person you love and you don't have any idea why.. :( don't get to talk about your lesbian dream in psychology class after a week of your teacher promising you "tomorrow, for sure!" >:( i almost started crying. i have to wait until monday.
...when your cash card gets declined when you try to pay for some groceries, and you're not sure where the money's gone. :(
...the fact that it's your own fault that this happened, since you STILL haven't got into the habit of keeping to a budget. >:(
...people who sneeze loudly, exagerratedly and REPEATEDLY on the bus without covering their mouth!
Dude, the hand-tailored suit won't cover for your disgusting habits.
...parents who have never taught their children to cover their face when they cough or sneeze in public. Ick.
(also in open letters, but...)
...when you try something different at a restaurant, and after asking which items on a particular section of a menu "don't have meat" in them, you get their recommendation... only to find a big piece of SHRIMP sticking out in your first bite.
Then he comes back and says, "oh, you wanted vegetarian?" YES. That's what NO MEAT means.
...big malls (excuse, me, outdoor "lifestyle centers") for people who can't be bothered with cities. My little Yaris gets scared in that sea of SUVs.
...Macy's kitchen section. Seriously, you used to rock, back when I had my wedding registry. Then Martha took over.
when you help buy someone an armband for the fair and then they want to leave right away, and get mad when you say no because i didnt just waste my money.
when the kid that hardly tries always winds up winning and kicking your ass on things you worked crazy hard on.
when you go back to classes after Christmas break and someone asks you if you are still Vegan...
you say yes, why?...
just thought you'd make a new years resolution ((to start eating meat???)
...big malls (excuse, me, outdoor "lifestyle centers") for people who can't be bothered with cities. My little Yaris gets scared in that sea of SUVs.
Also. When the snowplow comes through in the night and dumps a pile of snow rocks in the end of your driveway and then it freezing rains over the top of them into a giant ice mountain.
when you go back to classes after Christmas break and someone asks you if you are still Vegan...
you say yes, why?...
just thought you'd make a new years resolution ((to start eating meat???)
Ummmmmmmm......huh? Seriously? THAT is messed up.
when you go back to classes after Christmas break and someone asks you if you are still Vegan...
you say yes, why?...
just thought you'd make a new years resolution ((to start eating meat???)
And you say, "Yes, I did-- to mind my own business. Didn't you?"
--when your best student comes back from Christmas break with the one book on earth you would sell most of your belongings to get...and you discover it's out of print. :'( :'( :'(
I checked all over the Internet. Can't even find a used copy.
But she did promise to lend it to me. Talk of trusting! To trust me with that book...
:)>>> :)>>>
--when your best student comes back from Christmas break with the one book on earth you would sell most of your belongings to get...and you discover it's out of print. :'( :'( :'(
I checked all over the Internet. Can't even find a used copy.
But she did promise to lend it to me. Talk of trusting! To trust me with that book...
:)>>> :)>>>
It must be one amazing book! Thank goodness Cali doesn't live with you. That would be the one book she would choose to 'read' in her own way! ;D
What book is it? Curious minds want to know.
--when your best student comes back from Christmas break with the one book on earth you would sell most of your belongings to get...and you discover it's out of print. :'( :'( :'(
I checked all over the Internet. Can't even find a used copy.
But she did promise to lend it to me. Talk of trusting! To trust me with that book...
:)>>> :)>>>
Can I ask what book? I'm really curious now. ???
... you're riding in a car full of people and you're the only person that seems to notice that the heat is cranked ALL THE WAY UP to the point where you feel like you can't breathe. You don't say anything and no one else says anything and you take off as much clothing as you can and lean against the window for sweet relief until the sun is blaring on your head then you FINALLY decide to say something because it's just THAT unbearable and then the other people think you're rude and get a bit pissy.