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Do you ever find yourself laughing weeks later?

I'll just be doing something, thinking something and suddenly remember something really funny and just start laughing...its a little embarrassing when I'm like sitting at  bus stop and start to laugh for no apparent reason, but its not so bad when I'm home alone.

This morning I couldn't get enough of MDVEGANS tofu kitten that she was making in her dream to satisfy a snake's kitten cravings..."so we could all live harmoniously" or something like that... :D ;D :D ;D :D

rofl..... ;D

What makes you laugh when you are all alone?

i do this all the time, but i remember the most embarrassing time was in 3rd grade.  The teacher was reading charlottes web to us and i was not paying attention at all.  I started thinking about random stuff and remembered a really funny joke just around the time of the book where charlotte dies, a lot of my friends were crying, but i started laughing because of this joke.  i got in trouble and also the nick name giggle box.

that must of happened in 1992/93, i cant believe i still remember it.




Oh man. I do this every day of my life. Even when I'm despaired! While typing this, I started laughing about the time I dropped a whole pie yesterday!


*blarg* I do this all the time! It's usually rememebering someting stupid me or one of my friends did--nothing like your friends to give you years of laughter material!

Tofu Kitten huh?!? That one I've got to remember!


This happens to me a lot.  I love it!  It's like a little reminder of the happiness in my life  :D




All the time. People must think I cough a lot cuz I'm always trying to cover it up.  :)


I thought I was the only person who did this....soo cool, a "public giggler's support group!"
Back in the days when you could buy cassette tapes here (they disappeared about 2 yrs ago), I used to tape letters to my aged auntie back home...her eyes aren't up to reading and it was more fun. Well she used to tape back and I'd be walking down the street listening to the tape on the Walkman and get the most awful giggles...I guess I created the same problem for her!
But yes, I often giggle over a memory, most often when walking down the street thinking random thoughts...then I have to pull myself up short and remind me that I'm surrounded by strangers--who think me even "stranger" than them.

Random gigglers of the world, unite!! ;D ;D ;D


I do this a lot too. Sometimes it strikes me when I'm driving and I'll think of something funny that happened and just burst out laughing. I'm sure other drivers steer clear of me when I do that.


It usually happens to me when I see something that reminds me of something funny.  And of course it ALWAYS happens in a time when I'm supposed to be serious.  I start shaking trying to hold in my laughter.

I also listen to podcasts like This American Life while I'm at the gym.  There is usually something REALLY funny and I start laughing while I'm on the treadmill or something surrounded by lots of people.  Embarrassing, but at least it shows that I love life!


i think its genetic  my mother dose the  same thing.  i call it a delayed laughing reaction  i tend to  laugh about things years after it happens im glad im not alone

ps oh i lost


I agree, I also do that often.

For some reason this thread made me think of when I watch movies that aren't really quite funny to me at the time I'm watching it (Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the first time I watched it) but a few hours into days into weeks into years I think of something from it and act it out or say it (Nee!  ...a shrubbery!) and I go into hysterics.


This just happened to me today only it wasn't weeks later.  Last night while sleeping my boyfriend turned his pillow over and accidently hit me in the face with it.  I sat up (half in and out of sleep) all alarmed asking "what happened, what's wrong?!  He said, "nothing, I'm sorry, I hit you with my pillow."  I was all freaked out saying "why? I don't understand why!!"  Then I just dropped back down on the pillow and fell back to sleep.  I didn't remember it until later in the day when it hit me like a flashback and I just started laughing out loud.  I'm still laughing while writing this  ;D


The other day my boy leaned over to kiss me and accidentally stuck his nose in my eye... that one results in explosions of laughter at random points, ha.

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