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Compliments: In Which We Flatter Shamelessly.

To play, you have to compliment three other vegwebbers.  That's the only rule.  There is no penalty for taking extra turns.

hanashi - your posts make me laugh out loud on a regular basis lately!  ;D

little2ant - your relentless struggle to become a successful black woman one day is inspiring.  SHHHHHHHH!   8-)

secondbase - umm, you came back.  And you brought all your awesome with you.   :-*

We had a thread like this a while back and I thought it was time for a reincarnation.

Compliment!  Go go go!

lubi is my long lost highschool bff...I would never betray her.

but we could all be friends and sing kumbiah! ::)


i guess that would be ok...


;)b :)>>>


nice try but too late.. i already  unfriended you on facebook.

Way to be! All the  8) people unfriend people!

I'm not talking about you, L2A. <3

Wait, didn't somewhere in this very thread you told ME to not be so mean to YOU?!!!
That's are totally off my fb list, AC!

ANd I don't get how to use smileys in this quick reply. Much more conveniently my ass! 


nice try but too late.. i already  unfriended you on facebook.

Way to be! All the  8) people unfriend people!

I'm not talking about you, L2A. <3

Wait, didn't somewhere in this very thread you told ME to not be so mean to YOU?!!!
That's are totally off my fb list, AC!

ANd I don't get how to use smileys in this quick reply. Much more conveniently my ass! 

I said I'm not talking about you, and I gave you a freaking heart! You are so difficult to please!

Veggydog informed me earlier that if you hit "preview" in the quick reply, it will take you to the reply area. It works.


nice try but too late.. i already  unfriended you on facebook.

Way to be! All the  8) people unfriend people!

I'm not talking about you, L2A. <3

Wait, didn't somewhere in this very thread you told ME to not be so mean to YOU?!!!
That's are totally off my fb list, AC!

ANd I don't get how to use smileys in this quick reply. Much more conveniently my ass! 

I said I'm not talking about you, and I gave you a freaking heart! You are so difficult to please!

Veggydog informed me earlier that if you hit "preview" in the quick reply, it will take you to the reply area. It works.

i was joking. but i am cool for unfriending people. that shit got about 30 replies! lol


im so on the verge of doing a clean sweep on facebook - im sick of these highschool people that i barely talked to/barely talked to me asking to be my friend when they have no interest in probably ever hanging out in the future.  let alone have anything in common with me now.  so tempted...


hh - my favorite vegwebber
jewel & hanashi - for adding me on facebook and making me feel more included.  :)  (as did hh!)
cheezees, blackrabbit, naturale23, cynders, & skwaggles- for sending me some "wave hellos"
sarah - i like talking to you on the boards and suggesting recipe ideas that you like... and i still want a rainbow cupcake tutorial.
ac, kmk, bp -  for spending your entire lives on vegweb and giving me stuff to read (that's a compliment, really!)
l2a - for having a name that i like... i think i remember a long time ago that you were in a rain forest... or maybe that was someone else... but i always remember your name.
secondbase - i like that you're fearless and you seemingly don't censor much.

i don't want to leave people out.  there are so many.
if i didn't mention you, fit yourself in this following diagram:

x - y
where x is the your name followed by a dash and y is the compliment!
everyone wins because you can fit any awesome dripping compliment in there that you see fitting!


On my drive up the state I thought of more people I missed, but rd beat me to it.

jc - for having that really cool round cat toy thing and having picnics in your apartment
rainbowdust - for having a really cute avatar
Di - for never giving up
VC - for being solidly nice
bd - for catching the kitty


rainbowdust - for having a really cute avatar

oh, but yours is by far cuter.  Cat wins always.


OMG, this thread is so grand... and so intimidating!! :o This is the first time I've read it. :wow:

I'm....... I'm not gonna make a list. At least, not just now. I'm merely gonna say...

I love you guys!!1

You know who you are. :-*



I'm slowly making my way through the list.  I see someone has posted, and I'm all, "Oooohhh!" and I'm off to this thread.  It's because everyone here is eighteen layers of awesome.


This sort of thing isn't my cup of tea (YMMV), but I do have a few shout-outs:

FB friends: thank you for opening up the window into your lives just a little more :)

underSARAH--I really can't put my finger on why, but you remind me a lot of myself when I was your age. (And that's a compliment.) And your hair is absolutely gorgeous.

Cali and Hanashi--I learn so much reading your posts--Cali regarding menu planning and Hanashi just with how to use food, herbs, etc. for optimal health. The kind of information and expertise that you two possess is the reason I'm here.

And especially: Printerguy--you are the most genuinely positive light on these boards. I wish you would post more often.

Please don't take it personally if I don't mention you by name. I shy  :-[


I can't wait till you adopt me!! hehe.

Caroleena - The smiley face in the foam of your avatar, makes me smile!!

KMK - I love your stories about school, and you're such a rad person!

Rainbowdust - Those recipe suggestions are always great! And i will teach you about the cupcakes!!

CK - Your posts make me smile

Eric - Your tattoos and ideas are amazing!

PonyCakes - You're an insanely cool person!

Heli - That chicken costume, hehe, is AMAZING! I always love all your posts.


MDV for the awesome cat avatar. Every time I see it I think it's a croissant. But a cat is even better than a croissant, even though they both start with C.


I've been meaning to get in here since there are a lot of people that are awesome, and also because VW made me feel a lot less lonely when I first moved out to school and had no friends or anything. Hm..I don't wanna leave anyone out, so..

All of VegWeb: for general awesome-ness, and making everyone feel welcome and like no question is a stupid question. Only vegans would sign up to receive packages of cookies from internet people and not feel worried about it. I love how people can talk about anything, from relationships to gardening to piercings to pets to food, and how people who have never met IRL have become good friends.  :)>>> times a billion to everyone.

hespedal: even though you're not around that much anymore, you still rock. Your care package was so thoughtful and helped me not die when I moved to school. It made me feel all happy inside to know that someone would do that for me. Stick around forever please!

Cali: seriously, I wish you could be my mom or really awesome aunt or should adopt all of VW (:  Your menus and foods and advice are amazing, and you have a way of saying things that makes me think of like..some wise lady who lives in the mountains and stuff. I dunno. But if you ever need another daughter, I'll send you my resume  :P Also, I'm pretty sure you were the one who started the what's-it-called board when the forums on here went down a while back. It was around then that I became more active in posting and I'm really happy that that happened. And you have an awesome style.

AC and KMK: You guys get grouped together in my head because you're like the inseparable bffs on the playground. You guys have great advice and stuff. AC, I loooove the review threads, your organization skills are awesome. KMK, you have a tall person attitude and definitely don't back down (:

L2A: all around awesome-ness, including having not only veg pregnancies, but veg kids too! A lot of people say it can't be done, but I always say "Well, I know this one lady who has TWO veg kids and they are more than fine." Your whole family is adorable.

underSARAH: I want you to come to my school!! You'd probably get a zillion scholarships for ag stuff, even if you major in fashion. We could hang out all the time and be bestest friends and dye our hair and make rainbow cupcakes. Srsly. I could see us being tight irl.

CK: your posts often make me lol. Stop running away!

bp: iron chef!! camillus too.

rainbowdust: dunno why, but I like you. It is adorable that you met your wife on myspace and that you guys have a great relationship and pets galore. I would like to have pets galore one day (:

Heli: your blossoming relationship stories make me so happy every time I read your posts. Also, I am jealous that you live in New Zealand.

yabbit: you are a mushroom forever. And also super smart about lots of random stuff. I like that. Also, you got me into miso on toast.

hanashi: even going through rough stuff, you still come off positive and not complain-y. Your knowledge of herbal things amazes me, and I always make a little note about herbs and stuff that help with stuff, like raw garlic helping with the ills.

HH: the fact that you made about a jillion signs for the proposition 8 thing even though your neighborhood had exactly opposite views of you makes you awesome in my book.

secondbase: Sass. You have it. I'm glad you're posting again.

ppc: eee! First vegwebber I met in real life! Well, you and Meggs. I had sooo much fun at the potluck and then at the giant Whole Foods. Your apartment and neighborhood are so amazing. Living where you live would be like my dream. Same with your job.

It is time for me to go feed some dogs and babysit, but I will return and finish this as I think of things. This thread is  :)>>>


rainbowdust: dunno why, but I like you. It is adorable that you met your wife on myspace and that you guys have a great relationship and pets galore. I would like to have pets galore one day (:

i've got no complaints there.  :)

i like you because you want to have pets galore!  that's my kind of person!


Thanks, Cakes!  :)>>>

willwolf-You are the best gift exchanger, ever, and I'll always remember it. I know you don't post a lot, but I love reading your reviews, and everything else!


Thanks Caroleena and Sarah!  *hugs*

Cakes, I think the adoption opportunities are open to so many vegwebbers but you and Sarah are my first kids!  You ever wanna see Connecticut or just get away for a while let me know.  Free room and vegan food!  Though Angel did say she wasnt going to share her room.  But its ok, I have a guest room or three!  *hugs*


Thanks Caroleena and Sarah!  *hugs*

Cakes, I think the adoption opportunities are open to so many vegwebbers but you and Sarah are my first kids!  You ever wanna see Connecticut or just get away for a while let me know.  Free room and vegan food!  Though Angel did say she wasnt going to share her room.  But its ok, I have a guest room or three!  *hugs*

Thanks Caroleena and Sarah!  *hugs*

Cakes, I think the adoption opportunities are open to so many vegwebbers but you and Sarah are my first kids!  You ever wanna see Connecticut or just get away for a while let me know.  Free room and vegan food!  Though Angel did say she wasnt going to share her room.  But its ok, I have a guest room or three!  *hugs*

Yes, please do come to Connecticut!



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