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I kinda like the occultism. Now we always meet up with someone with the same birthdays as us but I think it's very rare to meet up with someone as the same birthday and the same year.

Do you think it means anything? I don't know what  lol  maybe like the person is lucky for you. I don't know or is it that I'm making it out to be something lol.

i don't know if it means anything...

my twin sister and i have the same birthday and birth year as a girl we went to school with--who also happens to live 6 houses down the street from us and was born in the same hospital as us. she also works at the same place as me. lots of coincidences.

there did seem to be a lot of people at my work that had the same birthdays as me though... kinda weird. most of them are gone now though.


That's interesting.


Well if you think about the fact that there are only 365 days in a year, the chances of meeting someone with the same birthday is not so surprising. 

If, like most people, your circle of friends, schoolmates and colleagues are similar in age to you, your chances of finding someone who shares your exact birthdate is much more likely.  If you're talking about meeting such a person in a school, especially a public school or community college, where students are all living in that area, they are more likely to live near you, go to the same restaurants/doctors/etc, have been born in the same hospital perhaps, and be very close in age to you.  Out of those, at least one...probably MANY more...will share your exact birthdate. 

We think it's rare, but that is probably because we don't know the birthdays of EVERYONE we meet.  If you did, you would see how common it actually is.

Nothing magical...just a statistical probability.    8)


I once heard that in any given group of 20 random people, at least 2 people will have the same birthday. 

I think it's so cool when someone has the same birthday as me though!!


I've always shared a birthday with someone - my twin, of course. makes birthdays not as special, at least for me. it's not all about me then... now, I'm not used to things being all about me.

I've met a few people with the same birthdate at me. gemini solidarity, is all I can say :)


Oddly I only met one other person with the same b-day as me and we were nothing a like--I also rarely come across other virgos which is really odd considering they are the most abundant sign (9th month of the year...lots of new year eve conceptions...)


my brother and i share a birthday.  he is four years younger than me to the day.
and also, when i turned 21 it was on a sunday, so the only other people out on bar crawls were also out for a birthday.  i met a few people then


i know some people with the same birthday but it was always kind of a 'wow we have the same birthday' but then nothing ever came of it. lame.


i know some people with the same birthday but it was always kind of a 'wow we have the same birthday' but then nothing ever came of it. lame.

I've never meet anyone with my b-day...sure ive heard of famous people with my birthday, but I've never had that "wow we have the same birthday!" convo... :-\makes me wonder, hmmmm...on a side not also have this obsession with finding the beanie baby with my bday, just another quirk I guess  :D


I actually heard that in a room of just 36 people the odds are actually in FAVOR of two people int eh room sharing a huh? I have met two ppl with my B-day...
we have a lot of twins on this board- I never realized!


In first grade, there were 2 other girls in my classroom with my birthday, and one of the girl's mom shared a birthday with my dad.  That was kinda cool. 

My aunt had a baby on her birthday.  :)


Oddly I only met one other person with the same b-day as me and we were nothing a like--I also rarely come across other virgos which is really odd considering they are the most abundant sign (9th month of the year...lots of new year eve conceptions...)

Another Virgo chiming in...Capture, perhaps since your birthday is so close to the cusp, you have Libra tendencies and the person who shares your birthday does not. CeltKat is a Leo but also on the cusp of Virgo and has a lot of Virgo tendencies. I know not of what I speak but it sounds reasonable to me.  :D


Oddly I only met one other person with the same b-day as me and we were nothing a like--I also rarely come across other virgos which is really odd considering they are the most abundant sign (9th month of the year...lots of new year eve conceptions...)

Another Virgo chiming in...Capture, perhaps since your birthday is so close to the cusp, you have Libra tendencies and the person who shares your birthday does not. CeltKat is a Leo but also on the cusp of Virgo and has a lot of Virgo tendencies. I know not of what I speak but it sounds reasonable to me.  :D

Oh No! I am Virgo through and through!! It is scary how virgo I am--I'm not really a superstitous person or spirtual or anything I don't really believe in much and I tend to be beyond super rational--but when it comes to ideas about the signs I am dead on virgo--just like with my chinese sign--I was born in the year of the ram and that is dead on too! I never question that stuff--OK maybe a little--but thats just the virgo in me  :D


i don't know if it means anything...

my twin sister and i have the same birthday and birth year as a girl we went to school with--who also happens to live 6 houses down the street from us and was born in the same hospital as us. she also works at the same place as me. lots of coincidences.

there did seem to be a lot of people at my work that had the same birthdays as me though... kinda weird. most of them are gone now though.

i once took a class in which the teacher was telling us all about the idea of astronomy and fate. i never though i believed TRULY in this, but she blew my mind.
basically, you are born ata certain day and time, year, etc...but place also you are under certain constellations. and this, supposedly maps your life.
that gives way to the idea of "time twins"...random, unrelated ppl, born at the same,place, etc.
but if you look at twins who may have been separated and never knew the other existed, their lives take on the same themes, down to the same job, spouse names, living arrangments, etc.
its interesting.

i have  a good friend who was born one day  before me, in the same hospital.she moved away... we got diabetes within a few months of each other, when we were both in the 5th grade, we met at camp when we were 12 ish. and then found out the next year, when our parents met, about all this.! weird.

im another virgo Capture... sept 9th for me...VERRRRY VIRGOAN!!!
there is a cool site where you can track your astral
but then you have to figure out what it all means  :-\
ii have a book that has helped me decipher it a bit...and it is sooo spot on! aha



im another virgo Capture... sept 9th for me...VERRRRY VIRGOAN!!!
there is a cool site where you can track your astral
but then you have to figure out what it all means  :-\
ii have a book that has helped me decipher it a bit...and it is sooo spot on! aha

my hubby's bday is sep 9


Well, since we're on the topic of b-days.... anybody's birthday on Oct. 13, by chance?  :)


Might as well. Who's a Taurus here?


feb 5th for me



im another virgo Capture... sept 9th for me...VERRRRY VIRGOAN!!!
there is a cool site where you can track your astral
but then you have to figure out what it all means  :-\
ii have a book that has helped me decipher it a bit...and it is sooo spot on! aha

my hubby's bday is sep 9

haha... if hes anything like me, hes a pain in the arse! ;D ;D


startaurus....I'm a taurus, too.  ;D  I'm May 12th.



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