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best non-veg*n friend!

today we did a secret santa at my school, and my totally anti-vegan friend made me the CUTEST bag!! he did all the writing/drawing by hand and on the front it has a chicken with the word "friend" with a box next to it and the word "food" with a box next to it and the friend one was checked. and on the other side, it was a pig and it says "i do NOT wanna be an oscar mayer wiener!" its awesome!!! and he even called the bag company to make sure it didnt have any animal in it. i love him!

do you guys have any cute stories such as this?  ;D

He's 83 years old and I love him to pieces. Not so book-smart educated, but one of the smartest people I know about life.

My perception is that the smartest people in life have a good sense of how things work mechanically.  Forget book smarts.


Meggs = FAIL


He's 83 years old and I love him to pieces. Not so book-smart educated, but one of the smartest people I know about life.

My perception is that the smartest people in life have a good sense of how things work mechanically.  Forget book smarts.


Meggs = FAIL

Mélissa = FAIL

too  :surrender:


Lots of my friends tell me they're vegetarian for a few days XD. "Hey sarah, i'm vegetarian for now, i havent ate meat in 3 days! Are you proud of me? But i admit, i'm having a burger tonight" Hah

Yeah, one of my friends said this to me today at lunch while eating chicken,  after she'd had bacon for breakfast.  Oh yeah, she was vegetarian for 5 days. ok. she's sweet though. she was saying "this soup could totally be vegan if they hadn't put chicken in it! thy didn't even use chicken broth! the chicken is pointless!" awww.


My omni boyfriend was always completely fine about me being vegetarian, just accepted it came with the territory...then when I started going vegan he freaked out a bit! I think it put him outside his comfort zone, so he started making nervous anti-veg jokes at me, and always offering me food with dairy in it, which really wasn't helping and I started to get frustrated.

Then one day he came home and pulled out a carton of soy milk he'd bought just for me so that he could make a smoothie that I could drink too. It may sound small but it made me feel so so great :D

And at the moment we are backpacking around Australia and I've been going crazy about the awesome vegan/vegetarian restaurants I keep stumbling across, but I felt a bit bad that he might not be getting food he wanted. But he said "How often do you get to go out and find good restaurants with great food you can eat when we're at home? Practically never. So of course you should make the most of it" and walked straight into the restaurant.

I love him to bits :)>>>  that's my cute story :)


OhMyGosh. I found out how amazing my friends are in the past 2 days  :)>>> First, on Sunday, me and my friends had our little Christmas as everyone was back in town. My boyfriend had to go get his mom from work and on his way back he called to double check what i like on my sub at subway (he knew i wouldnt be able to eat at my friends house), and he brought me a subbbb <3. And Monday, some people were going to my friends and the movies and she texted me to make sure i wouldnt eat first. They read the ingredients on everythinggg (and understand what i dont eat), and my friend and her mom made me whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce (that she cut up veggies and mushrooms for!). My mom hasnt even done that for me before!!! It was amazingg haha. And they're planning what to buy for new years so i can eat  :)>>> I love themmm. (and i'm eating leftovers from last night now, they knew i didnt have any food at home and made extra :D)


I have a lady friend I see from time to time.
She stopped asking me to come over for a pig roast. Thankfully.

Anyway last time we got together I took her out for supper.
She asked me asked me to order for her.
Afterwords she mentioned when get together we would be vegan together and wants to work towards a healthier lifestyle.
I am really happy to the fact that I have started the conversion on someone with out suggesting it.
Picked her up a few vegetarian cookbooks.

She knew me when I was fat and now sees me as a different person. Probably back then wondered how a vegetarian could be  overweight.


I have a really wonderful friend who invites Josh and I over for dinner and always makes something really good even though I'm a vegetarian and he's a very picky eater. The other night she made enchiladas, and mine were veggie and she put little toothpicks in all the veggie ones so I would know. She also cooked the beans separately because Josh hates beans.

She just graduated from nursing school and I stopped by the day after her big graduation party and she had half a veggie tray left over and she and her husband aren't big veggie eaters... so she says

"Hey, do you want to take this home with you? You could have it for dinner!"

I looked at the tray, and I looked at her, and I busted up laughing. Poor girl was embarrassed and kept apologizing, but it was funny! "I didn't mean, I mean, I know you eat other things than raw vegetables! That was horrible of me to say! You're not a rabbit! Why would you eat raw vegetables for dinner? I am so sorry!"

Funniest thing ever. Especially for someone who is so accommodating. Come to think of it, though... she often says things that come out all wrong, so it's not unusual. Just funny.


My freshman year, this kid in my geography class always made fun of me and asked me what i did for fun and said that i played toss the carrot (although, i thought it was really funny).
anyway he was sooooo mean and i could not stand him!
that was 2 years ago. earlier this year, i was waking to class and he stopped me and was like, hey aren't you that girl i used to make fun of? i said yes. then he said well i'm vegetarian now!

it really made my day. he apologized and thanked me for changing his life.
then i asked him if he would play toss the carrot with me.  ;D


I have a coupla veg friends and some omni ones too. Our omni friends are really cool about it all though and love to eat veg food and hang out at veg restaurants. My boyfriend was omni when we started dating (he now only eats fish...I'm working to get him off it though!!) but when he ate meat, he never hesitated to gobble up veg food stuffs or go to veg restaurants with me. He loves tofu as much as I do...maybe even more!!

And my friend's mom, who is a wonderful omni Polish women will make, at every single meal without fail, a veg option for myself and her son (my bestest best). Now if only I could get my own parents a little bit more on board...

It's so good to hear some positive stories about omnis and vegheads getting along at the table.  :)


then i asked him if he would play toss the carrot with me.  ;D

Hmmm...maybe you two should play toss the carrot.  ^-^


haha. no thanks.


My youngest sister (by ten years) got me veganomican for xmas!
She had not idea what it was, she said it look like a good book.
He boyfriend wore camo to Christmas dinner.
I had fun this year.


I have a friend who pretends to be vegan...that really doesn't count though does it??

LOL thats awesome...

"oh ya man I'm totally vegan. This steak is made of seitan. Duh"


i work as a classroom aide (with children with autism) with the public school district.  once a month, we have "etiquette lunches" where we get together with the other autism classroom and eat lunch together.  our kids eat with the other kids, and the teachers and aides get to socialize a bit.  each of the teachers and aides takes turns making lunch for everyone (the kids have their own lunches).  so far this year, two of the aides in my room made sure to make a separate dish for me leaving out the meat.  they're not "up to par" on veganizing things, so I usually just get the "main dish"... but i think that's awesome.  :)


I have a friend who is really into the 'locavore' movement.  He grinds his own flours, takes part in a community garden, and only eats (rarely at that!) locally raised meat.  He promised to come make soy milk and homemade tofu with me when I recover from surgery...And he's single.  ^-^

(makes "mrawr" claws)


He grinds his own flours

Nothing more needs to be said. Does he have nice biceps?

I still have six more months left of my dating moratorium! 

Ohh.  That's right. Do not add me to "bad influence people" list, plz. 


Too many men in MD's life!!!

Need to weed out the bad men, though.  F'reals.  Need the good ones to come to MDV's place, bearing gifts, please.  :)>>>
Currently, blended beverages are welcome.  And possibly massages. 


Too many men in MD's life!!!

Need to weed out the bad men, though.  F'reals.  Need the good ones to come to MDV's place, bearing gifts, please.   :)>>>
Currently, blended beverages are welcome.  And possibly massages. 

yes.. this one sounds a whole lot better than that other asshole artist dude.  you guys could make fresh bread with his flour and then grill up your homemade tofu for some amazing sandwiches...  awesome!


yes.. this one sounds a whole lot better than that other asshole artist dude.  you guys could make fresh bread with his flour and then grill up your homemade tofu for some amazing sandwiches...  awesome!

Awwww that's like, a sweet veg*n love story.  And he'll massage you after your aerobic striptease workout with his bulging biceps.

I like how we're planning out MDV's life for her, btw. ;) hehehe.

Let's hope she likes it, too.


And he lives right across the street...above the bookstore.




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